People Thought Jimmy Fallon Looked Hot At The 2022 VMAs And He’s Amused By The ‘Thirst And Confusion’

Consumers of American pop culture are used to see Jimmy Fallon in a particular way: Behind the Tonight Show desk, wearing a suit, and overall well put together. He sports some facial hair here and there, but for the most part, he’s consistently clean-shaven. On Sunday (August 28), though, Fallon was at the 2022 MTV Video Music Awards looking decidedly different than he usually does and onlookers felt some sort of way about it.

The Tonight Show host was on hand at the VMAs to present Harry Styles the Album Of The Year award for Harry’s House, looking not as buttoned-up as always. Rather, he sported a loose white shirt and a scruffy beard. That aroused some feelings and Fallon took notice. On Instagram yesterday (August 29), Fallon shared a photo of himself from the show and screenshot of a Cosmopolitan article titled “Jimmy Fallon’s Presence At The 2022 VMAs Is Causing Thirst And Confusion On Twitter,” with the subhed, “Maybe it’s the beard?.” Fallon captioned the post, “Out here causing ‘thirst’ and ‘confusion’. That was fun, @mtv!! #vmas #maybeitsthebeard.”

Cosmopolitan had it right with their framing, as a look at Twitter reveals VMAs viewers who were surprised at the effect Fallon’s look was having on them. Check out some reactions, including comparisons to Styles, below.

Madonna & Jimmy Fallon: A Brief, Wild Run-down Of Her Recent Appearance On ‘The Tonight Show’

By now, you’ve probably heard about Madonna‘s bizarre recent appearance on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. It was strange for many reasons. “This interview is going to be all about flirtation and seduction,” she awkwardly said early on, with a noticeable lisp because of her grills, which were the topic of most of the conversations. At one point, she said out of nowhere, “People have a problem with my grills. I don’t know why.” She seemed much more interested in talking about them rather than her new album.

At another point, Madonna was discussing her Madame X tour documentary. “I’m really inspired by James Baldwin. The writer. Have you heard of him?” When he said, “Of course,” she replied, “Don’t lie.” That led up to her talking about how she wants to use her art to disturb the peace, and Fallon commented, “Oh yeah, you get in good trouble.” This phrasing somehow inspired her to then slide onto his desk, pushing his mugs aside, sprawling her body out while Fallon yelled at her to stop while trying to cover her butt with his suit jacket because her skirt was very short. It didn’t work. As soon as she got up to sit back down, she flashed the camera.

But of course that was not the weirdest part. At the end, Fallon got up and laid his body down on the floor. Madonna found this as a perfect opportunity to then straddle him. Check it out below at your own risk.

Megan Thee Stallion Was A Delight Co-Hosting ‘The Tonight Show’ Alongside Jimmy Fallon

It is currently Megan Thee Stallion season: She’s just hours removed from releasing her new album Traumazine and shortly before that, she took over The Tonight Show by co-hosting alongside Jimmy Fallon.

She first popped up mid-way through the monologue and had a bunch of fun from the get-go, breaking even more than the famously break-heavy Fallon during some monologue jokes. Later on, she joined Fallon in writing some thank you notes, closing with, “Thank you Earth, for taking ‘hot girl summer’ way too literally.”

They also did some-hip-hop mad libs, starting by coming up with some words based on random prompts, then inserting them into hip-hop songs. Naturally, they had Meg do “Savage,” which ended up being about beans and farting.

Elsewhere in the show, she got interviewed by Fallon and spoke some about Traumazine, saying she’s looking to take control of her own narrative with the personal album. Her dog 4oe also had a few show-stealing moments. Megan and Fallon also teamed up to interview Stranger Things star Natalia Dyer, during which Meg declared her character Nancy is a “hot girl” and had fun interrogating her about Nancy’s romantic history.

Watch clips from the episode above and below.

Megan Thee Stallion is a Warner Music artist. Uproxx is an independent subsidiary of Warner Music Group.

Leikeli47 Gives A Fiery Performance Of Her ‘Shape Up’ Single ‘Chitty Bang’ On ‘Fallon’

Leikeli47’s upcoming album Shape Up is one of Uproxx’s most anticipated hip-hop albums of spring 2022, and the masked MC dropped by The Tonight Show studio to show why. Wearing a pink Celine sweatshirt with her customary Nike Air Maxes and bandana balaclava, she performed a fiery rendition of the album’s lead single “Chitty Bang” in a stripped-down set backed by her DJ/hype man, who you may know as former annual “Rap Up” rapper Skillz(!).

The Virginia rapper — Leikeli, not Skillz — took a long and well-deserved break after her last album, 2018’s Acrylic. She reappeared in the summer of 2020 with “Zoom,” ostensibly the first single from her comeback album. However, it seemed she wanted to perfect the album in question, heading back to the studio for another year and a half before returning with “Chitty Bang” in January this year. Shortly afterward, she announced the release date for Shape Up (May 13) with the single “BITM.” The most recently released single, “LL Cool J,” continued Leikeli’s tradition of mystery. Now, with the album right around the corner, it’s time to see whether Shape Up is worth the wait — and judging from the output so far, it should be.

Watch Leikeli47 perform “Chitty Bang” on The Tonight Show above.