[WATCH] Questlove Gives a Jab to Smith-Rock Slap While Presenting a Grammy

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Questlove was the recipient of the Oscar award that was presented just after the infamous Chris Rock and Will Smith incident. Exactly one week later, Questlove was back on the stage, presenting at the Grammys and the legend took a jab at the headline-grabbing moment of the week before.

“I’m gonna present this award and I trust you people will stay 500 feet away from me,” Questlove said.

You can see the moment below.

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Will Smith Resigns from Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Says He is “Heartbroken” in Official Statement

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In wake of his on-stage Oscar slap to Chris Rock, Will Smith has resigned from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

According to Deadline, Smith was facing the possibility of being expelled for a decade or more. Smith, a member of the AMPAS since 2001, resigned ahead of their decision in hopes to defuse the situation.

Smith released a statement to Deadline:

I have directly responded to the Academy’s disciplinary hearing notice, and I will fully accept any and all consequences for my conduct. My actions at the 94th Academy Awards presentation were shocking, painful, and inexcusable. The list of those I have hurt is long and includes Chris, his family, many of my dear friends and loved ones, all those in attendance, and global audiences at home. I betrayed the trust of the Academy. I deprived other nominees and winners of their opportunity to celebrate and be celebrated for their extraordinary work. I am heartbroken. I want to put the focus back on those who deserve attention for their achievements and allow the Academy to get back to the incredible work it does to support creativity and artistry in film. So, I am resigning from membership in the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, and will accept any further consequences the Board deems appropriate.

Change takes time and I am committed to doing the work to ensure that I never again allow violence to overtake reason.

Sources state that while Smith’s expulsion was an option, the Academy never considered taking his Oscar away.

“We have received and accepted Mr. Will Smith’s immediate resignation from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences,” AMPAS president David Rubin said in a statement Friday. “We will continue to move forward with our disciplinary proceedings against Mr. Smith for violations of the Academy’s Standards of Conduct, in advance of our next scheduled board meeting on April 18.”

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ASAP Rocky Doesn’t Think Will Smith’s Slap Was ‘Targeted At Chris Rock’

While most of the rappers who have weighed in on the Will Smith Oscars slap either empathized or found it funny (seriously, there are so many jokes), there’s at least one who did not. New father-to-be ASAP Rocky, dropping by controversial quote factory Drink Champs, was asked for his take on the slap, which found Smith leaving some fresh prints (heyo) on the face of Chris Rock over a joke about Jada Pinkett Smith’s hair.

“I’m a fan of Will, Jada, Chris, all of them,” Rocky replied. “They OGs. I think it’s unfortunate that, like, he emasculated another Black man in front of all them people like that. But I do think that, like, it’s some built-up shit that probably wasn’t really targeted at Chris Rock. I don’t know. … Like what you said, it seems like it’s more than just a G.I. Jane joke.”

Well, he’s certainly right about things being built up. For one thing, Jada has suffered alopecia, an immune disorder that causes hair to fall out in patches. This is why she keeps her head shaved, a look that drew the comparison to the titular character from Demi Moore’s 1997 woman-in-the-military film (it probably doesn’t help that the movie was pretty bad and roundly rebuked on its release). In the preceding years, the Smiths have been a lightning rod for criticism and ridicule as a result of their rumored open marriage and the press run for Will’s memoir. A lot of quotes were taken out of context and used to demean and mock the man, who we know has social media and uses it often. In addition to the way people have talked about his kids, it probably is safe to say he’s had just about enough of the jokes.

Smith later apologized for the slap and faces possible disciplinary measures up to and including expulsion from The Academy Of Motion Picture Arts And Sciences.

[WATCH] Video Shows Jada Pinkett-Smith Laughing After Will Smith Smacked Chris Rock

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After the smack that was heard around the world went viral, there is new footage that has surfaced showing Jada Pinkett-Smith laughing after her husband slapped comedian Chris Rock.

Actor Michael Rapaport shared the footage on his Twitter. Just when Chris says, “Will Smith just slapped the sh*t outta me,” the veteran actress appears to lean over and laugh as Will casually walked back to his seat. The slap silences the audience as its realized that the slap was not a part of the show’s program.

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Will Packer Says That LAPD Was Ready to Arrest Will Smith After He Slapped Chris Rock

Will Packer

As the Will Smith and Chris Rock incident continues to unfold, more details about the aftermath continue to be revealed. Some reports were later denied claiming that The Academy had asked Will Smith to leave after slapping Rock on stage. The LAPD also asked Rock if he would like to have pressed charges on Smith, to which he declined.

In a preview of an upcoming interview with Good Morning America, Will Packer says that the LAPD was “fully prepared” to arrest Will Smith after he slapped Chris Rock on stage.

“They were saying, you know, this is battery, was a word they used in that moment. They said we will go get him. We are prepared. We’re prepared to get him right now. You can press charges, we can arrest him,” Packer said of the situation. “They were laying out the options. And as they were talking, Chris was — he was being very dismissive of those options. He was like, ‘No, no, no, I’m fine.’ And even to the point where I said, ‘Rock, let them finish.’ The LAPD officers finished laying out what his options were, and they said, ‘Would you like us to take any action?’ And he said ‘no.’ He said ‘no.’” 

You can watch the preview for the interview below. The interview airs on GMA today.

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The Game Unsurprisingly Doesn’t Think The Oscars Should Investigate Will Smith Over That Slap

Will Smith smacking Chris Rock at this Sunday’s Oscars ceremony remains the hot topic of conversation on social media as more celebrities and guests share their thoughts on the surprising (but not that surprising) incident. While some, like co-host Amy Schumer, continue to pretend that it was the most traumatizing event of their lives, others, such as Daniel Radcliffe, are “dramatically bored” by the overblown kerfuffle, which distracted from other meaningful conversations like celebrating Questlove and his collaborators’ Summer Of Soul win.

And while the actors are all seemingly aghast that a man from West Philadelphia would physically confront another man from Brooklyn (two places where such things are a fairly regular occurrence, to be honest), Will’s fellow rappers seem less distraught on the whole. While 50 Cent, Drake, Nicki Minaj, and others either expressed sympathy for Smith or made jokes about the slap, others like Lil Nas X trolled the hilarious overreactions by fans on Twitter who brought up weird and frankly unlikely hypotheticals to score woke points. Now, another member of that fraternity has weighed in.

Compton rapper The Game posted a long caption pointing out the hypocrisy of the Academy for launching a disciplinary investigation. “They didn’t even want to give it to him in the first place,” he posited. “He acted off impulse & imposed a slap down out of frustration & embarrassment on behalf of his wife. Most people with opinions on the situation don’t have a committed relationship let alone a marriage of over 20 years to weigh against his feelings in the matter. He’s human & comedy is not always an excuse to publicly humiliate people especially while sitting front & center. Although violence anywhere is & should always be depicted in a negative light, this was a lul ass slap in defense of a woman battling a very delicate health issue. I’ll close by saying, they don’t want us to be equal, never have & never will.”

Of course, it’s unsurprising that The Game would side with Will in this situation, considering he got in hot water for a similar situation at the Drew League a few years ago. But he also makes some strong points, especially in calling out how several prior winners, including Harvey Weinstein and Roman Polanski, were allowed to keep awards even after being investigated by police — and in Weinstein’s case, convicted — of way worse things than delivering a love tap to a fellow member during a live broadcast.

In any case, I’m probably with Harry Potter on all of this. There are way more important things going on in the world; maybe we should focus on those.

Chris Rock Emotional in Return to the Stage in Boston: “At Some Point, I’ll Talk About That S*** and It’ll Be Serious, It’ll Be Funny.”

LAPD Says Chris Rock Won't Press Charges on Will Smith

Chris Rock started his Ego Death comedy tour that will run through a majority of 2022. Rock was in Boston to take the stage for his first show and fans both in the building and around the world were eager to hear what the comedy legend had to say. According to Variety, he decided to stray away from talking about the slap from Will Smith.

“How was your weekend?” Rock opened the set. “I don’t have a bunch of shit about what happened, so if you came to hear that, I have a whole show I wrote before this weekend. I’m still kind of processing what happened. So, at some point I’ll talk about that shit. And it will be serious and funny.”

During Rock’s opening moments on stage, a fan yelled “Fuck Will Smith.” Rock would not acknowledge the statement and proceeded to say “I’m going to tell some jokes. It’s nice to just be out.”

The Boston show is one of six at The Wilbur theater. According to WCVB – Boston, Wednesday had two shows. A lengthy ovation led to an emotional moment as Chris Rock began to wipe away tears on stage.

“I’m still kind of processing what happened,” Rock said. “At some point, I’ll talk about that shit and it’ll be serious, it’ll be funny.”

You can see reactions from Rock’s crowd below.

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