ICYMI: Snoop Dogg And Diddy Tease Death Row/Bad Boy Collaboration

snoop and diddy

Snoop Dogg and Diddy are teasing a possible collaboration. 

After acquiring Death Row Records, Snoop posted a short film that included a call from Diddy, giving praise to the rapper who he says taught him how to play “chess, not checkers.” 

“Congratulations king, great move, great move,” Diddy told the “Lodi Dodi” rapper, who responded, “You taught me how to play chess, not checkers.”

Snoop said they can do what they want now with Death Row and Bad Boy. 

READ MORE: Snoop Dogg to make Death Row Records the first NFT record label.

This epic moment would have seemed impossible at one time, as the east coast and west coast labels had beef with each other that went public on an airing of The Source Awards in 1995.

At the time Death Row’s owner Marion “Suge” Knight, took a blatant jab at Bad Boy Records founder Sean “Puffy” Combs aka Diddy after accepting the Best Movie Soundtrack of the Year award for the Above The Rim soundtrack.

With the awards taken place in NYC, the venue erupted with boos as Suge walked off the stage with Source’s coveted Mic and the momentum of the coastal beef only increased ten fold following this moment.

We’re glad to see things have come full circle in Hip Hop and this Death Row/Bad Boy collaboration will go down in Hip Hop history.

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The post ICYMI: Snoop Dogg And Diddy Tease Death Row/Bad Boy Collaboration appeared first on The Source.

Snoop Dogg And Diddy Tease Death Row/Bad Boy Collaboration

snoop and diddy

Snoop Dogg and Diddy are teasing a possible collaboration. 

After acquiring Death Row Records, Snoop posted a short film that included a call from Diddy, giving praise to the rapper who he says taught him how to play “chess, not checkers.” 

“Congratulations king, great move, great move,” Diddy told the “Lodi Dodi” rapper, who responded, “You taught me how to play chess, not checkers.”

Snoop said they can do what they want now with Death Row and Bad Boy. 

READ MORE: Snoop Dogg to make Death Row Records the first NFT record label.

This epic moment would have seemed impossible at one time, as the east coast and west coast labels had beef with each other that went public on an airing of The Source Awards in 1995.

At the time Death Row’s owner Marion “Suge” Knight, took a blatant jab at Bad Boy Records founder Sean “Puffy” Combs aka Diddy after accepting the Best Movie Soundtrack of the Year award for the Above The Rim soundtrack.

With the awards taken place in NYC, the venue erupted with boos as Suge walked off the stage with Source’s coveted Mic and the momentum of the coastal beef only increased ten fold following this moment.

We’re glad to see things have come full circle in Hip Hop and this Death Row/Bad Boy collaboration will go down in Hip Hop history.

Share your thoughts with us on social media.

The post Snoop Dogg And Diddy Tease Death Row/Bad Boy Collaboration appeared first on The Source.

A Thirsty Rapper Got Arrested After Hopping Diddy’s Fence To Give Him A Demo

Look anywhere on the internet and thirsty aspiring rappers are everywhere. They thrive in the margins of comment sections, anxiously trying to get someone, anyone, to check out their album, song, or freestyle. You get the idea. So how does a rapper cut through the white noise of the internet? Trespass onto Diddy’s property and hand him a demo in person, of course!

That’s exactly what rapper Isaiah Smalls (no relation) did over the weekend. TMZ (who else?) posted a video of Smalls shouting rather haphazardly at the security gate of Diddy’s Los Angeles mansion in hopes that the Bad Boy Records boss would hear his cries. Unbeknownst to Smalls, Diddy wasn’t even home, and his security guards refused to let him in, obviously. But this didn’t stop the 23-year-old from hopping the gate and getting onto the property in hopes that he could personally hand-deliver a copy of his demo to Diddy. According to TMZ, security immediately apprehended the hungry lyricist and held him until the police arrived. He was charged with trespassing and was released within the hour.

And yes, I do realize that his stunt led to outlets like us shouting this dude out for what he did, but ya gotta love his determination. Hip-hop is a hustle and sometimes, you just gotta hop a fence and see what happens. Isaiah Smalls, remember that name.