Missy Elliott Thinks People Should Be More Open About Mental Health

Missy Elliott is a Grammy Award-winning artist. However, that doesn’t mean she hasn’t struggled with mental health. The icon recently discussed her journey in overcoming mental health struggles throughout her career. In an interview with Essence, she openly talked about her battle with depression and anxiety. Missy emphasized that these mental disorders can affect anyone, celebrity or not. She also expressed her newfound comfort in discussing her experiences. She says that it is crucial for individuals to acknowledge and share their struggles. The MC believes that being open about mental health can foster a supportive community. That way, people can uplift and understand each other better.

During the conversation, Missy shared a touching anecdote about a peer who empathized with her situation. He promised to remind her of her worth and accomplishments when she was struggling. Missy spoke about how she appreciated this gesture. It reinforced the importance of recognizing one’s value. Furthermore, it reminded her of the support available in her circle. Missy has opened up about her anxiety before. In a 2019 interview with Billboard, she revealed that her anxiety traces back to her childhood. Despite her innate feistiness and early displays of musical talent, she became more self-conscious with age, fearing judgment and ridicule from others. These experiences shaped her anxiety and influenced her journey towards self-acceptance and healing.

Missy’s Recent Career Milestone

Personal struggles aside, Missy has recently achieved a significant milestone in her career. She became the first female rapper to ever be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Missy expressed her gratitude and excitement about this honor on social media. She acknowledged the impact not only on herself but also on her fellow women in hip hop. The MC recognized the achievement as a breakthrough moment. Additionally, she said it highlights the contributions and hard work of women in the music industry. Missy Elliott’s induction into the Hall of Fame symbolizes progress. It also paves the way for further recognition and appreciation of women in hip hop.

Missy extended her appreciation to other inductees after receiving the honor. Those include such names as DJ Kool Herc, Chaka Khan, and Don Cornelius. The rap icon recognized each of the artist’s significant contributions and influence on music. She credited their efforts and expressed gratitude towards the committee and her supporters, whom she affectionately referred to as her “Supafriends.” The induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame marks a proud and celebratory moment for Missy Elliott. Her openness about mental health struggles after such a momentous honor is also important. It shows those who are struggling that there is always hope for more. What do you think about Missy’s comments? Let us know in the comments below!

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