Young Thug YSL RICO Trial Delayed Indefinitely Amid Judge Controversy

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Several reports have confirmed that the Young Thug YSL Trial has been indefinitely delayed due to drama involving Judge Ural Glanville, who is now trying to excuse himself from the case.

Due to the secret meeting between the judge, a witness and prosecutors, the trial has stopped and it will be determined if Judge Glanville acted inappropriately.

Glanville agreed that the trial will not proceed until another judge decides whether he should recuse himself from the trial over alleged misconduct.

The Fulton County judge got into a publicized argument with Thug’s attorney Brian Steel over the meeting with witness Kenneth Copeland, which Steel said was unconstitutional.

See the courtroom footage of the court delay announcement HERE

Glanville has now agreed to make the transcripts from his meeting with the witness and prosecutors public.

Steel recently filed a motion to dismiss Glanville from the trial, alleging he had an “unlawful, improper ex parte meeting” with Copeland who had previously been granted immunity by the prosecution in exchange for his testimony.

Steel claims that he and Thug received no notice of the meeting and that it violated the rapper’s “constitutional and statutory rights, including the right to due process, a fair trial, a fair tribunal, ethical prosecutors and the right to be present at every critical stage of the proceedings under the Georgia Constitution.”

The post Young Thug YSL RICO Trial Delayed Indefinitely Amid Judge Controversy first appeared on The Source.

The post Young Thug YSL RICO Trial Delayed Indefinitely Amid Judge Controversy appeared first on The Source.