Tiny’s Ex-Friend Shekinah Jo Goes Off ‘All Men Cheat…I’m A Bitter Black B****’

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Reality TV personality and hair stylist Shekinah Jo Anderson is speaking out about men and how they ‘all have something with them’. Bright and early on Valentine’s Day, Tiny Harris’ ex-friend decided to share that she didn’t have a Valentine’s and revealed she’s been single for a while. She called herself a ‘bitter black b****, said that all men cheat and berated anyone who disagreed with her.

Most people became familiar with Shekinah through Tiny’s VH1 reality show T.I. & Tiny: The Family Hustle. The duo received a spin-off titled Tiny & Shekinah’s Weave Trip. After the show, Shekinah claimed that rapper T.I. was disrespectful to her off-camera. She described one incident where T.I. allegedly mocked her and called her “the help.” Going off on a series of IG lives, Shekinah verbally attacked the rapper and said she hates men because of him. She went back and forth with Khia who gave her a run for her money but not everyone will back down to insults.

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This morning, Shekinah announced on her Instagram live that she was a ‘bitter black b****’ and all men cheat. When she was advised by one follower to look elsewhere and stop choosing the same type of man. Shekinah went off calling the social media user fake and called her all sorts of names trying to force the user to go live and argue. Let’s pray for Shekinah, she seems to go through a lot. She started out telling her followers to lead with love and ended it cussing out another black woman.

We have gots to do better.
Watch Shekinah below.

Watch her back and forth with the legendary roast queen herself— rapper Khia.

The post Tiny’s Ex-Friend Shekinah Jo Goes Off ‘All Men Cheat…I’m A Bitter Black B****’ appeared first on The Source.