SOURCE SPORTS: [WATCH] Dana White and His Wife In Drunken Fight At Nightclub On New Year’s Eve

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On the eve of 2023, UFC chairman Dana White and his wife Anne White were spotted in a drunken fight in Cabo San Lucas, and the entire altercation was caught on video.

Rumor has it that White and his wife’s scuffle began over accusations that he slept with his wife’s sister.

White spoke to TMZ about the fight, saying, “You’ve heard me say for years, ‘There’s never ever an excuse for a guy to put his hands on a woman,’ and now here I am on TMZ talking about it.”

Anne White also gave her statement to TMZ, saying, “Dana and I have been married for almost 30 years. To say this is out of character for him is an understatement — nothing like this has ever happened before. Unfortunately, we were both drinking too much on New Year’s Eve and things got out of control, on both sides. We’ve talked this through as a family and apologized to each other. I just hope people will respect our privacy for the sake of our kids.”

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