“Bodies Bodies Bodies” Star Amandla Stenberg Addresses Cleavage Argument With NYT Writer

Amandla Stenberg, who stars in A24’s new comedy/slasher film, Bodies Bodies Bodies, has apologized to New York Times critic Lena Wilson, after going to her DMs where Stenberg called her out for focusing on her cleavage. Wilson had written a piece for the Times arguing that the film is an example of A24 sexualizing young girls’ bodies and referring to it as a “95-minute advertisement for cleavage.”

“Your review was great,” Stenberg wrote in the DM that Wilson later shared on Twitter. “Maybe if you had gotten your eyes off my tits you would’ve watched the movie!”

Wilson wrote back: “Hey, Amandla! Generally a big fan of your work, but this sure is something. Really wishing you well in your career and life. Have a nice night.”

Bodies, Bodies, Bodies
Cindy Ord / Getty Images

Stenberg addressed the incident and explained why she messaged Wilson in a series of videos posted to her Instagram Story, Thursday. She said that she felt frustrated by the attention being put on her body and that she helped pick out her character’s costume.

“The amount of commentary that I’ve received on my boobs is so extreme, and this has happened since I was a teenager,” she said. “There seems to be a lot of unwarranted conversation around my chest that kind of baffles me.”

Stenberg added: “I could literally be wearing a t-shirt, and just because of the size of my boobs, there will be some sort of sexualization or commentary on my chest. In this movie, I’m wearing a tank top, and I know that when I’m wearing a tank top, the result is there’s going to be some cleavage, because I have boobs. So I knew this comment was mostly directed towards me and I think Lena was trying to make a commentary about A24 sexualizing me, sexualizing my body, exploiting young women in order to sensationalize them in order to make their media more popular. I understand the angle.”

“I can tell you that I wore this tank top in this movie because me and the costume designer thought that it fit the character well,” she continued.

Bodies Bodies Bodies is in theaters now.

Wilson has since made her Twitter account private.


Common Breaks Down Exactly How He Stepped Up His Health Game

There are very few multi-hyphenates as legitimate as Chicago-born artist Common. Depending on where a person is coming from you may know him best from Grammy-winning albums, Oscar-winning songs, best-selling books, or performances in hit feature films like Wanted and John Wick: Chapter 2. Not surprisingly, running several successful careers all at the same time takes a toll on the body and Common’s become a boss at maintaining his health amidst the madness.

“The changes I’ve made over the years give me the power to follow my creativity and have energy still left for my loved ones or passions,” says Common from his temporary residence in Brooklyn.

The actor just wrapped his latest movie Breathe with Jennifer Hudson in Philadelphia and is preparing to recharge his batteries before heading into his next project.

“I’m grateful to have learned these practices and feel like it’s my responsibility to share them with others,” he adds. “Not everyone is the same, but perhaps people will find out what works for them after trying out the routines I’ve developed.”

That concept is being furthered with some special episodes of his wellness series Com + Well. To dive deeper, Uproxx asked the mega-star — who started his solo career three decades ago with Can I Borrow a Dollar? about how to stay in the health game for your own good.

How did your eating habits look at the beginning of your career?

In the early days of my career, I would eat anything that was available to me. That was a lot of junk food and beer. I’m not saying that wasn’t fun, but it didn’t lend itself to me operating at my best or having the best energy. The first step in my journey was becoming vegetarian, and even when I started doing that it wasn’t in the healthiest way. I was just eating lots of bread, french fries, and pizza.

It was even worse late at night because the vegetarian options were always crazy limited. I didn’t even know what vegetarianism was when I was growing up. But now it’s a way of life for me — I have learned how to do it the right way.

What did you do to better those habits as you grew more focused on being healthier?

Instead of buying a flashy car when I started to make some money, one of the first big things that I spent money on was a chef. I felt like that was the better investment to have good food around when I needed it. My career started to take off and the schedule got insane, so it came so clutch.

I know that not everyone can hire a chef to cook for them, but having that experience brought me to focus on having more fresh-made meals. That is something that anyone and everyone can do as well.

How do you make sure that you are eating cleaner on the road when you are touring or away filming a movie?

Let’s be real, at the beginning of the journey that airplane food is never good for you. And the late-night menus at the hotels don’t have the healthiest options on there either. I really prescribe to bringing and buying my own food as much as possible when I travel. I like to go to the grocery store or the health food store when I arrive in a new city. I always bring my supplements though, so I will take my vitamin C, vitamin B12, chlorella, and spirulina. I also get a turmeric or ginger shot wherever I go. For the most part, you can travel with these little turmeric or ginger shots, so they are great pick-ups to keep around.

One of the best ways I make sure I am cleaner throughout the day is by carrying juices and protein shakes. I also like to have plenty of them around when I’m filming a movie or television show because the food situation on set is always a little challenging.

I believe one of your best action performances was John Wick: Chapter 2, what was it like training for that?

I’ve been having so many people reach out about John Wick saying they want my character Cassian back. The training that we did for that was unlike anything that I had ever done before. We trained hard for like six months. They took me through the basics of the movements that I was going to have to do. I was working with the ladder, doing different movements and motions.

I was training in boxing and jiu-jitsu. I started to really feel like a warrior. Those fighting scenes take a lot of work, which is why I have so much respect for Keanu Reeves.

Common John Wick

Do you have any other activities that help keep you fit?

I love playing basketball. I love hooping so that’s my favorite way to burn some calories. I grew up playing basketball and never stopped. I don’t want to spend my entire day staring at a screen. When I feel like I’ve been too still for too long I’ll grab a basketball and go dribble out around the house. Being outside shooting some hoops just makes me feel normal.

I played a basketball player in Just Wright and really invested myself into training for that because I had to look like a pro player. I may have been in the best shape of my life there.

Besides becoming vegetarian, is there anything else you have dramatically changed in your diet that has helped you?

I cut back on my drinking a whole lot. I enjoy still my red wine from time to time, but nothing close to what I used to do. I am on record covers with 40 ounces in my hand. That is a whole different universe to be in and I have been more conscious about taking care of my temple.

How have your sleep habits evolved over your career?

I’ve just started to get better about getting good rest. During the pandemic, I was getting more rest than I ever had because I was finally forced to slow down. During that time I was able to see the benefits that came with that. I don’t need any rituals when it comes to falling asleep man, that’s easy, because I be tired at the end of the day.

I have discovered that turning off all the lights earlier in the day, to get ready for sleep is more conducive to better rest. It’s also important to go to sleep with good thoughts — like it is to wake up with good thoughts.

How do you train when you are on the road?

I don’t compromise on my workouts, especially when it comes to when I’m traveling. For me, a workout is a great way to kick off a day on the road. It allows you to start your day focused, because for that period you aren’t able to be focused on emails or texts, and at the same time taking care of yourself. That is great and pure energy to begin the day with. I think too many people ignore the mental aspect to wellness, and for me time in the gym is also time that I will use to make sure my mind is in the right place.

What do your workouts look like these days?

I have worked a lot of great trainers over the years like Yancy Berry and others. I took bits from the training that they gave me and kept what worked for me. Even if I don’t have all of my equipment around me, there is plenty that I have learned to do with my own body weight. My focus is on strengthening my core. I like to pack resistance bands in my bags and use them when I am traveling in a hotel room. I’ve gotten a great workout this way. I would do burpees or a high-intensity movement like that to finish my cardio.

I always have more energy after a workout than a did before it. I feel the difference.

Common Outdoors

What do you have back at home to elevate your training sessions?

Back at home, I’ll do workouts with the Bosu Ball. I spent a lot of hours on the Peloton bike when I was quarantined and still do today. That bike took my cardio to another level because those sessions could be absolutely brutal. I would spend some extra time on that Peloton whenever I knew I had to take pictures or had to be shirtless for a movie.

Do you have any bits of advice that you have picked up over the years that have stuck with you?

Dr. Tracey Rico is someone that I leaned on for guidance when it comes to wellness, and she really imparted to me the importance of drinking the right amount of water. She also said how important it was to get a good amount of greens in the diet. Before you start deciding on all fo the things that you are going to take out of your life, first make sure you are putting in the right things. Because it’s important to start building those routines as quickly as possible. We are all creatures of habit, you see it over and over again. If you start drinking more water by having a bottle always with you and eating more greens with every meal it becomes a way of life.

Do you have any rituals that contribute to a positive mindset at the beginning of the day?

One of the things I got to do every day is communicate with God the creator to give thanks for everything that I have. It’s hard to feel like you’re failing when you are properly practicing gratitude. Starting out the day by saying thank you for that morning is a great way to keep the right perspective. I don’t think that a lot of people understand the power of their own thoughts and their own words. Wherever I go and I keep my spiritual text with me, which in my case in the Bible. Everyone has their own path, but for me personally, my path to God is the Bible and the scriptures inside there.

What do you do to keep your mental state healthy as well?

I have developed my own form of meditation that I do regularly. I have had some sessions with Jesse Israel from The Big Quiet, I have taken the lessons I have learned and developed my own process. I like it because it silences my mind and gives me time to set my intentions for the day.

I don’t have a specific amount of time that I try to meditate for. I just try to make sure that I take some sort of time. Some of my meditations can be really quick.

Do you have any things you keep around that help you build a positive space no matter where you go?

I always have Palo Santo sticks on me. I love the smell of them. I found them a few years back and now don’t go anywhere without them. I don’t have any problem getting through TSA with them in my pockets. I will say that I am always careful to tell people when I have my Palo Santo sticks smoking and I am doing a Zoom meeting because of the smoke I think people something a little more recreational, but that is not the case. But they do bring me a lot of peace. It’s important to find things that resonate with you personally, that’s what this journey is all about, and that is what these sticks do for me.

Young Thug’s Bond Was Denied For A Third Time In YSL’s Racketeering Case

It doesn’t look like Young Thug will be leaving Fulton County Jail until his trial date next January — or at least, not anytime soon. Nancy Dillion, senior court reporter for Rolling Stone, reports that Thugger’s latest bond request was again denied, courtesy of Fulton County Judge Ural Glanville. This follows two previous attempts; the first in May, just after he turned himself in, and the second in June. The reasoning for the latest denial likely remains the same; Georgia authorities are concerned he could flee or otherwise attempt to obstruct justice if freed.

Thug is one of 28 individuals charged in the case against Young Slime Life (aka “YSL”), which authorities have called a “hybrid criminal street gang” using his Young Stoner Life label (also nicknamed “YSL”) as cover. In a 56-count indictment, Thug and some of his artists including Gunna and Yak Gotti are charged with attempted murder, drug possession, armed robbery, and more, with Thug and Gunna’s lyrics listed as evidence of their participation in gang activity. Thug was also charged with a bevy of new offenses after police searched his home; seven additional felonies were added to his tally, including possession of marijuana with intent to distribute and possession of a dangerous weapon or silencer.

The case has drawn significant attention for its use of lyrics as evidence, becoming a lightning rod in an ongoing movement to limit the use of lyrics in criminal cases.

Some artists covered here are Warner Music artists. Uproxx is an independent subsidiary of Warner Music Group.

Bronny James Jr’s Latest Chase-Down Block Will Remind You Of LeBron

Bronny James Jr. has been leading the headlines over this last week thanks to his play out on the court in Europe. Fans have been mesmerized with what he has been able to accomplish as of late, and as he heads into his senior year with Sierra Canyon, there is no doubt that all eyes are going to be on him, moving forward.

Recently, Bronny came through with a spectacular poster dunk that had everyone in the arena jumping out of their seats. This is the play that led to all of the recent Bronny love, and as his European tour continues, Bronny continues to show us just how incredible his athleticism truly is.

Bronny James Jr.

Joe Robbins/Getty Images

For instance, in today’s game, Bronny was able to come through with a chase-down block that is reminiscent of what LeBron pulled off in the 2016 NBA Finals. By now, everyone knows that infamous LeBron play, and today, Bronny got to recreate it. In the clip down below, Bronny is completely off-screen but bursts into the frame and gets up for the block on what should have been a guaranteed lay-up. It was yet another demonstration of how Bronny is gearing up to be a defensive beast.

With the European tour continuing, we are certainly going to see even more great plays from Bronny. Let us know what you think of this particular gem, in the comments down below.

R. Kelly’s Alleged Victim Testifies That They Had Sex When She Was 15

R. Kelly is back in court for his federal trial in Chicago. The case surrounds his 2008 trial where he was accused of witness tampering. After yesterday’s opening statements, one of R. Kelly’s alleged victims took the stand. 

The alleged victim, who is now 37 years old, testified against the singer today in court, claiming that he began having sex with her when she was only 15 years old. Though she’s only known as Jane in the court documents, she is the former goddaughter of the singer. She explained that they had sex “innumerable times” before she turned 18-years-old, and explained that she was too intimidated as a minor to say no, especially since she looked at him as an authority figure in her life at the time. She said that the encounters began feeling normal to her over time.

Scott Olson/Getty Images

The alleged victim told the jury that he began touching her when she was 14 years old at his Chicago recording studio. She said things escalated to intercourse when she was 15 years old and Kelly was near twice her age, and they engaged in intercourse at various places from the singer’s home to his hotel rooms and tour bus.

The alleged victim also claimed that she would help Kelly recruit other teenage girls for sex. She added that Kelly actually taped their encounters, as well. 

It’s a turn of events in Kelly’s case since this is the same victim who prosecutors claimed was in the underage sex tape at the center of the singer’s 2008 trial. However, she didn’t take the stand back then. She and her parents denied that there was ever anything inappropriate between the two, while Kelly frequently faced allegations of witness tampering. 


Tristan Thompson Is Paying Child Support To Maralee Nichols: Report

Tristan Thompson has been paying child support to Maralee Nichols amid their ongoing family court dispute, according to a new report from Page Six. The outlet claims that a legal letter sent on Wednesday reveals that the NBA star “is paying, and has paid, child support to Ms. Nichols retroactive to the date she delivered the child.”

Nichols gave birth to their son, Theo, on Dec. 1, 2021. Earlier this year, she stated that Thompson had “done nothing” and provided zero “financial assistance.”

Tristan Thompson, Maralee Nichols
Maddie Meyer / Getty Images

A source for Page Six confirmed: “Tristan has still made no attempt to meet his 8-month-old son, Theo. It was not until recently that Tristan started paying child support.”

Nichols originally filed for child support from Thompson in June 2021, claiming that the two had gotten together over his 30th birthday weekend while he was still with Khloé Kardashian. He denied the story until a DNA test proved otherwise.

In January, he confirmed that he is the father of Theo in a post on social media: “Today, paternity test results reveal that I fathered a child with Maralee Nichols. I take full responsibility for my actions. Now that paternity has been established I look forward to amicably raising our son.”

Thompson is also the father of Kardashian’s 4-year-old daughter, True.
