Opening Statements of Jonathan Majors Trial Delivered, Details of Incident Revealed

Jonathan Majors Dropped From Three Projects, Including Otis Redding Biopic

The opening statements of Jonathan Majors‘ assault case were delivered on Monday (Dec. 4). The prosecutor would reveal details of the alleged incidents that led to law enforcement being called.

The prosecutor, Michael Perez, revealed the March 25 incident was not between two strangers. Instead, he detailed that Majors and his girlfriend Grace Jabbari were in a “serious relationship” of two years and once discussed marriage and kids.

The night was stated to have gone left inside a private car when a woman named Cleopatra texted Majors, “Wish I was kissing you right now.” Jabbari grabbed the phone, leading to a struggle between the two. Majors is stated to have tried to pry her finger off the phone, causing bruising, swelling, and pain. Opposing the story is Majors’s defense lawyer, Priya Chaudhry, who stated Jabbari did the assault, resulting in rips to the actor’s coat.

According to Variety, Chaudhry stated Jabbari would go to a club with strangers after the event, while Majors checked into a hotel and sent a text ending the relationship. Jabbari returned to the apartment and called Majors 32 times, then took two sleeping pills. Majors went to the apartment the following morning, found Jabbari on the closet floor, and then called the police out of concern. Jabbari reportedly threatened suicide in the texts.

The trial is expected to last two weeks and have testimony from Jabbari and potentially the private car driver.

The post Opening Statements of Jonathan Majors Trial Delivered, Details of Incident Revealed first appeared on The Source.

The post Opening Statements of Jonathan Majors Trial Delivered, Details of Incident Revealed appeared first on The Source.