‘HillTop Ave’ Unveils Comprehensive Array of Services Aimed to Empower Musicians

HillTop Ave Logo

In an innovative stride that promises to redefine the norms of the entertainment industry, HillTop Ave, a creative services pioneer, has unveiled a comprehensive array of offerings aimed at empowering musicians, entertainers, and content creators with full control over their brands. Integrating music and video production, mobile app development, strategic brand, media campaign services, and a groundbreaking partnership with a leading music licensing firm, HillTop Ave is not just facilitating creative expression but also ensuring that artists can navigate the digital landscape with unparalleled autonomy and efficiency.

Our goal is to dismantle the traditional barriers that separate creativity from commercial success,” explains Douglas Noga, founder of HillTop Ave. “We are committed to providing artists with the tools and strategic support needed to fully own their brand narratives, leveraging both our in-house expertise and key industry partnerships to make this vision a reality.”

Enriching Sound and Vision with Music and Video Production:

Central to HillTop Ave’s mission is its top-tier music and video production capability, designed to let artists’ unique voices and visions shine. With access to cutting-edge technology and a team of industry veterans, artists can collaborate to produce content that not only resonates with their audience but also stands out in a crowded market.

Fostering Direct Engagement through Mobile App Development:

Understanding the critical role of digital engagement, HillTop Ave offers bespoke mobile app development services, enabling artists to create a direct link with their audience. These apps go beyond content distribution, aiming to build community, enhance fan engagement, and unlock new revenue opportunities.

Strategic Brand and Media Campaigns / Building Lasting Connections:

HillTop Ave also specializes in developing comprehensive brand strategies and media campaigns tailored to each artist’s unique identity and goals. Through a data-driven and holistic approach, HillTop Ave crafts narratives that not only capture attention but forge enduring connections between artists and their audiences.

A New Era of Collaboration – The HillTop and Music Licensing Firm Partnership:

Elevating its service portfolio, HillTop Ave has announced a significant partnership with a renowned music licensing firm. This collaboration is aimed at expanding artists’ opportunities in music licensing and synchronization, enabling seamless integration of their work across various media platforms, and amplifying their reach and impact in the music industry. “This strategic alliance underscores our dedication to empowering artists, providing them with platforms to maximize both their creative and commercial potentials,” remarks Noga.

Leading the Charge in the Digital Transformation of Entertainment:

HillTop Ave’s comprehensive service offerings and strategic partnerships underscore its commitment to providing artists with the freedom and resources necessary to navigate the evolving digital landscape. “As the industry continues to transform, HillTop Ave remains dedicated to exploring new technologies and strategies to empower artists,” says Noga.

For media inquiries, please contact: [email protected].

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DJs Are Making Money Helping Songs Go Viral on New Music Platform DJ Connect App

DJs Are Making Money Helping Songs Go Viral on New Music Platform DJ Connect App

Most upcoming artists understand the grind: mixing tracks into the wee hours, investing your essence into every beat, all while dreaming of that moment when the world finally hears your sound. Sadly, the music scene is crowded now with the digital explosion. For listeners, this is fantastic, offering a daily menu of fresh talents with the click of a button. But for artists? It’s an uphill battle.

Watching hard work get lost in the shuffle is tough, and it’s even more challenging when you hear about the big labels once the dream makers are cutting back and laying off. The truth hits hard: talent and hard work only sometimes guarantee success in this digital age. Unless you’ve got a mentor in your corner, a Mr. Miyagi figure for the digital age, teaching you to fight and win. That’s the role DJ Connect App proudly plays.

Imagine having a guide to navigate the chaos of the TikTok and YouTube algorithms. Someone who shines a light on your path, ensuring your music doesn’t just blend into the background but stands out, gets noticed, and gets played. That’s precisely what the DJ Connect App does. Unlike other platforms offering little more than streams, DJ Connect App is your industry sensei, using its $25 million valuation and vision to transform music careers.

As the platform’s founders observe, every artist faces two significant challenges: getting their music heard by the right people and making a living out of their passion. The industry’s saturated and traditional paths to success are narrowing. DJ Connect App tackles this head-on. How? By connecting you directly with music movers and shakers – top A&Rs, DJs, and label executives who can turn your music into the next big hit.

Instead of just throwing your music into a vast ocean and hoping for the best, this team goes out of its way to ensure you have a career—no more casting wide nets and hoping for a nibble. DJ Connect ensures your music reaches industry influencers who can propel your career forward. To them, it’s simple: Why gamble on marketing that might not hit the mark when you can get your tracks directly in front of industry professionals who can make a difference?

DJ Connect is more than talk. With a launch on the Apple Store, they’re ready to show just how much impact direct connections can make. As an insider discloses, they’re not just about helping artists and DJs break into the industry but about creating sustainable careers. This platform is designed to generate real income for DJs and artists, supporting the financial backbone of their careers.

DJ Connect is a testament to what’s possible when technology meets tenacity in a world where even the giants are stumbling. It’s a rallying cry for every artist tired of the traditional treadmill, offering a new way to be seen, heard, and celebrated. Joining DJ Connect isn’t just signing up for another service; it’s enlisting a champion in your corner, dedicated to turning your musical dreams into reality. With DJ Connect, your music does more than release—it resonates, reaches, and revolutionizes.

Why fight a losing battle when you can join a winning army? Where others see obstacles, the DJ Connect App sees opportunities. Welcome to the future of music and the DJ Connect App.

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Why Does TikTok Still Have Ariana Grande and Other Universal Music Artists Even Though There’s a Standoff With the Label?

black content creators

If you or your kids use TikTok, don’t feel bad because pretty much every social media user does; then you may have noticed a lack of certain music from your favorite artists on the platform. There’s a standoff regarding royalty payments and AI policies. Variety reports that it has “resulted in a near-complete blackout of all music owned, distributed, and published by the company on the platform.” Now get this: the videos are still on and popping on the platform, but the actual music is being muted – yikes.

Now it gets murky because new songs from UMG artists, like stars Ariana Grande, Camila Cabello, and Niall Horan, can still be discovered on TikTok as of yesterday, but what is the reason is the real question? Variety didn’t have any comment from reps at UMG and TikTok, who both declined.

So, if you don’t know how the whole music on TikTok thing works, it goes like this, as Variety reports: Rights-holders, such as record labels, are not the only way music can be uploaded onto TikTok. Pretty much anyone uploads music and displays it as “original sound” on a user’s post. Then, said sound can be used by virtually anyone on TikTok, including artists. Once that music is on the platform, the rights-holders lose control over the content, and all they can do is send off takedown notices and other notifications via legal means. So it falls on TikTok to follow through by detecting, policing and muting the unauthorized music floating around on its platform. Are you exhausted from that rundown? We are. 

Even though reps from the label declined to comment to Variety, UMG spoke on the situation broadly. They’re, in essence, directing fault to TikTok’s detection software. They dropped a letter to artists breaking down the ban. “TikTok makes little effort to deal with the vast amounts of content on its platform that infringe our artists’ music and it has offered no meaningful solutions to the rising tide of content adjacency issues, let alone the tidal wave of hate speech, bigotry, bullying and harassment on the platform,” from an excerpt of the letter. “The only means available to seek the removal of infringing or problematic content (such as pornographic deepfakes of artists) is through the monumentally cumbersome and inefficient process which equates to the digital equivalent of ‘Whack-a-Mole.’ … We will always fight for our artists and songwriters and stand up for the creative and commercial value of music.” It seems like this is not going to end soon.

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House of Representatives Pass Bill to Ban TikTok in U.S., Bill Heads to Senate

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The House of Representatives has passed a bill furthering the fight to ban TikTok.

The bill, named the Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act, was supported by Democrats and Republicans, while others on both sides of the aisle cited free speech issues.

According to NBC, the bill now heads to the Senate with an uncertain future. President Joe Biden stated he would sign the bill if it made it to him.

The U.S. is hoping to force TikTok’s Chinese owner to sell the app to fight a ban. America believes China can impact national security, free speech, and the social media industry.

TikTok is owned by ByteDance. The U.S. would hope for a sale within six months.

Users have stated the bill would alter their business and content creators. Others believe it could cause political problems for young voters in an election year.

Those voting against it were Rep. Ruben Gallego, a Democrat running for Arizona’s Senate seat, who stated, “It’s vital we find a balance that both protects our national security interests and respects our fundamental rights. This is not that.”

In addition to the bill, New York City is taking TikTok, YouTube, and other social media applications to court. The city, led by Mayor Eric Adams, cites the aforementioned, along with Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and more, as a contribution to a “nationwide youth mental health crisis.”

The lawsuit is filed in the California Superior Court, stating the social applications are purposefully designed to be addictive to children and teenagers. The suit follows the Health Commissioner’s Advisory that DOHMH Commissioner Dr. Vasan issued last month, citing the continued use of social media as a public hazard. The advisory calls for parents, healthcare providers, and more to take action.

“Over the past decade, we have seen just how addictive and overwhelming the online world can be, exposing our children to a non-stop stream of harmful content and fueling our national youth mental health crisis,” said Mayor Adams in a press statement.. “Our city is built on innovation and technology, but many social media platforms end up endangering our children’s mental health, promoting addiction, and encouraging unsafe behavior.

“Today, we’re taking bold action on behalf of millions of New Yorkers to hold these companies accountable for their role in this crisis, and we’re building on our work to address this public health hazard. This lawsuit and action plan are part of a larger reckoning that will shape the lives of our young people, our city, and our society for years to come.”

NYC H+H Chief of Behavioral Health and Co-Deputy Chief Medical Officer Omar Fattal, MD, MPH added, “We must maximize our efforts to support the mental health needs of children and adolescents by providing families with tools and resources that foster healthy development. This includes robustly addressing the negative impact of social media on the mental health of children and adolescents. We join the mayor and DOHMH in encouraging all young people and their families to consider their use of social media and how it may be negatively affecting them.”

Mayor Adams’ administration has been actively addressing the youth mental health crisis. In a significant move last year, the city introduced TeenSpace, a free tele-mental health service catering to New York City teenagers aged 13 to 17. This service enables youths to connect with licensed therapists via phone, video, or text. Since its launch, TeenSpace has provided support to over 2,000 teenagers across the five boroughs within just three months of operation.

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Streamer Roku Announces Data Breach of More Than 15,000 Accounts

Streamer Roku Announces Data Breach of More Than 15,000 Accounts

Oh joy, another data breach, says Roku, the streaming giant, which disclosed that 15,363 streaming user accounts were obtained by “unauthorized individuals” who, as Variety reported, in certain cases aimed to buy streaming subscriptions through the hack.

So, get this: the company announced the breach on Friday, March 8, in a filing with the Attorney General’s Office in Maine. Now, in a report by Bleeping Computer, the perpetrators were trying to sell the stolen account details “for as little as $0.50 per account, allowing purchasers to use stored credit cards to make illegal purchases.” Sheesh. Scamming culture is cheap and scary.

Roku investigated account activity “to determine whether the unauthorized actors had incurred any charges, and we took steps to cancel unauthorized subscriptions and refund any unauthorized charges.”

Don’t get too unnerved. The 15,000-plus accounts are just a slither of Roku’s overall subscriber base. They said they had 80 million active users by the end of 2023.

“We take our viewers’ privacy and security seriously and, as part of our commitment to those values and protecting your information, we are writing to notify you about a recent event that may have affected your Roku account,” Roku said in a letter to users affected by the breach. 

The company’s security team said it “recently observed suspicious activity indicating that certain individual Roku accounts may have been accessed by unauthorized actors.” Furthermore, they said, “It appears likely that the same username/password combinations had been used as login information for such third-party services as well as certain individual Roku accounts. As a result, unauthorized actors were able to obtain login information from third-party sources and then use it to access certain individual Roku accounts,” Roku’s letter says. “After gaining access, they then changed the Roku login information for the affected individual Roku accounts, and, in a limited number of cases, attempted to purchase streaming subscriptions.”

Luckily, Roku accounts did not provide the hackers access to Social Security numbers, total payment account numbers, dates of birth, or other “similar sensitive personal information requiring notification.” THANKFULLY! The streamer said account holders who are concerned that their account may have been compromised are encouraged to do a password reset at my.roku.com. Well, these are the times, and they are scary.

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Elon Musk Out at OpenAI Following Failed Merger with Tesla

elon musk tesla

Elon Musk is no longer part of the Open AI Company. In a blog post, the company revealed that Musk left after they refused to merge with Tesla.

According to HypeBeast, Mustk is a co-founder and early backer of OpenAI but is now suing them.

The company decided to launch a for-profit brand within the company, which Musk wanted to merge with Tesla. Co-founders Sam Altman and Greg Brockman refused.

“In late 2017, we and Elon decided the next step for the mission was to create a for-profit entity,” the blog says. “Elon wanted majority equity, initial board control, and to be CEO. In the middle of these discussions, he withheld funding.”

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Instagram & Facebook Go Down, Users Go Wild With Reactions

Social media is currently in a frenzy this Tuesday morning (March 5), because one of its main pillars seems to have crumbled. Moreover, you probably already noticed that Instagram, Facebook, and the rest of the Meta-verse is down right now, and folks took to their competitor Twitter -– sorry, X -– to react. Overall, it’s a lot of chaos and memes floating around, and plenty of jokes about Mark Zuckerberg calling up Elon Musk to help him fix it. It’s unclear whether this will last much longer than a few hours, or if there are more serious tech problems going on at Meta.

Furthermore, it’s always kind of bizarre to see so much talk about one social media platform on a competing one. In fact, one of the most prevalent reactions to this whole situation is that now X is more full than it’s ever been. Leave it up to the Internet to turn everything into a popularity contest rather than try to find out what’s been going on with Instagram and Meta. On that note, it doesn’t seem like anyone from the company’s issued a statement yet on this matter. Some publications think it’s a bug, whereas others claim there’s no clear indicator of what went wrong.

Read More: Instagram Suspends Thousands Of Accounts In Major Glitch

Instagram, Facebook & More Are Down: Users Start A Firestorm On X

Even though this situation isn’t an unprecedented one, folks still have a lot of unanswered questions at press time. In addition, this confusion and speculation also led many down a conspiracy theory rabbit hole, which is just one of social media’s many breeding grounds. A lot of people think that this was an Instagram cyber attack, either just for a meme or two or with legitimate concern. Either way, it’s as good of an explanation as any for this phenomenon as of writing this article. You can check out more reactions to this temporary shut-down below.

More Reactions

Meanwhile, why do you think that Instagram and the Meta-verse went down? Is there really an attack upon us or did somebody just put in the wrong code at the office? Whatever the case, drop your thoughts down in the comments section below. Also, for more curious news and updates on the crossover between tech and pop culture, keep checking in with HNHH.

Read More: Meta Announces Verified Subscription To Fight Against Frauds & Scams

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What is Causing the Current Bitcoin Surge?


In case you have missed it, Bitcoin is going crazy. Last month, Bitcoin passed up the $45,000 mark. Now, it is headed past $60K, following a 20% jump in just five days.

According to CNN Business, the bitcoin surge is a product of billions pouring into the cryptocurrency after the US Securities and Exchange Commission approved bitcoin exchange-traded funds in January.

Adding to the rise is “halving,” which is a feature of bitcoin that reduces the rate of new coins in circulation every year, making the price go higher.

Conversely, investors are optimistic that halving won’t lead to a positive period and are looking to cash out on the surge. The surge has led to an impact on Coinbase.

“Some users may see a zero balance across their Coinbase accounts & may experience errors in buying or selling,” Coinbase Support wrote on Wednesday. “Our team is investigating this & will provide an update shortly. Your assets are safe.”

You can find out more here.

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Tyler Perry Puts $800M Studio Expansion on Hold After Seeing Possibilities of OpenAI

Tyler Perry Puts $800M Studio Expansion on Hold After Seeing Possibilities of OpenAI

Artificial intelligence gives Tyler Perry something to consider regarding his massive $800 million studio expansion after witnessing the wide-ranging potential of OpenAI’s text-to-video model Sora.

IndieWire reported that even though Perry invested four years planning the studio expansion, “which would have added 12 soundstages to the backlot,” it will be “indefinitely on hold.” Now get this: Perry described the evolving tech as “mind-blowing.”

“All of that is currently and indefinitely on hold because of Sora and what I’m seeing,” Perry said. “I had gotten word over the last year or so that this was coming, but I had no idea until I saw recently the demonstrations of what it’s able to do. It’s shocking to me. Being told that it can do all of these things is one thing, but actually seeing the capabilities, it was mind-blowing.”

Apparently, Sora, said Perry, could make it so that studios don’t have to do multiple-location shoots for films or even build practical sets. Perry is no stranger to AI integration, and he’s used the tech in upcoming films for aging makeup. Now, that’s scary for makeup artists in the business, but he did say, per the article, that AI could adversely affect below-the-line workers… Hmm, you think?

“It makes me worry so much about all of the people in the business. Because as I was looking at it, I immediately started thinking of everyone in the industry who would be affected by this, including actors and grip and electric and transportation and sound and editors, and looking at this, I’m thinking this will touch every corner of our industry,” Perry said. “I am very, very concerned that in the near future, a lot of jobs are going to be lost. I really, really feel that very strongly.”

Perry seems conscious of the potential pitfalls as it impacts the blue-collar side of the industry and stresses an “all hands on [deck]” approach to controlling AI and how it may affect skilled workers in the business.

“It can’t be one union fighting every contract every two or three years. I think that it has to be everybody, all involved in how do we protect the future of our industry because it is changing rapidly, right before our eyes,” he added, and went on to express concern in protecting workers when using AI. “I think the only way to move forward in this is to galvanize it as one voice, not only in Hollywood and in this industry, but also in Congress.”

Let’s see how this plays out for Perry, but it’s safe to say AI is here to stay.

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Project Pat Returns with New Single “Hundred Million” and Innovative Remix Platform Partnership

Project Pat Returns with New Single "Hundred Million" and Innovative Remix Platform Partnership

Project Pat triumphantly returns to the hip-hop scene with his latest single, “Hundred Million.” The track delves into the southern rap legend’s journey through hustling, his impact on the music industry, and his relentless pursuit of a $100 million goal. Renowned for classics like “Chickenhead” and “Poppin’ My Collar,” Project Pat’s influence echoes through the works of contemporary artists, including Cardi B, who sampled his tracks.

In a strategic move, Project Pat has collaborated with the Black-owned AI-powered platform, Happy Monday, to offer fans and social creators an innovative musical experience. Happy Monday transforms a single song into many never-before-heard remixes, catering to diverse tastes. This partnership aligns with the growing trend of AI technology in the music industry, providing both options for listeners and new revenue streams for artists.

Happy Monday’s platform will present “Hundred Million” remixes in various styles, including dance, Lo-Fi, and rock versions. Fans can sign up for Beta access, and the official launch is anticipated in the coming months. Based on user feedback, selected remixes will be made available on streaming platforms and distributed through Venice Music. The initiative reflects the rising popularity of remixes, as seen in the resurgence of Project Pat’s “Take Da Charge” on TikTok in 2023, turning it into a viral hit overnight.

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