SOURCE SPORTS: Ja Morant Receives Eight-Game Suspension from NBA

Ja Morant Will Not be Charged by Colorado Authorities, Will Miss Next 4 Games

Ja Morant has received an eight-game suspension from the NBA.

The announcement covers the six games he will miss, including the Wednesday game at Miami. Morant can rejoin the team this Monday when the Memphis Grizzlies take on the Dallas Mavericks. That is the same day the Grizz allowed Morant to return.

READ MORE: Ja Morant Receives Eight-Game Suspension from NBA

According to ESPN, Morant met with NBA commissioner Adam Silver in New York on Wednesday regarding the gun incident at a Denver strip club at the top of the month. Silver provided a statement on the matter.

“Ja’s conduct was irresponsible, reckless and potentially very dangerous,” said Silver. “It also has serious consequences given his enormous following and influence, particularly among young fans who look up to him. He has expressed sincere contrition and remorse for his behavior. Ja has also made it clear to me that he has learned from this incident and that he understands his obligations and responsibility to the Memphis Grizzlies and the broader NBA community extend well beyond his play on the court.”

READ MORE: Shotgun Willie’s Strip Club Criticized Online After Releasing Images of Ja Morant in VIP Room

The league’s investigation could not conclude that the gun was owned by Morant or was brought into the strip club by him. Morant will also not be charged with a crime.

In a previous statement, Morant took accountability for his actions.

“I’m sorry to my family, teammates, coaches, fans, partners, the city of Memphis and the entire organization for letting you down. I’m going to take some time away to get help and work on learning better methods of dealing with stress and my overall well-being.”

– Ja Morant

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Ja Morant Will Be Able To Return To The NBA On This Date

Ja Morant has been through it over the last two weeks. However, this is due to his own actions. Ultimately, Morant found himself suspended from the league after he flashed a gun on Instagram Live. Overall it was a boneheaded move that immediately captured the attention of the NBA. That said, Morant has spent the last week and some change at a counseling program in Florida. He wanted to get his head right, and it was a step in the right direction.

Today, however, it was revealed that Morant would be leaving the program. Additionally, Morant met with Adam Silver who decided that Morant would be allowed to return to the court. Although, at the time of the initial report, there was no direct timeline for when he would be allowed to come back. That has since changed as the NBA and Silver released a statement today. Essentially, Morant was suspended retroactively for eight games. This means the NBA star can come back to the Grizzlies on March 20th.

Ja Morant Can Play Again

“Ja’s conduct was irresponsible, reckless and potentially very dangerous,” Silver said in the statement. “It also has serious consequences given his enormous following and influence, particularly among young fans who look up to him. He has expressed sincere contrition and remorse for his behavior. Ja has also made it clear to me that he has learned from this incident and he understands his obligations and responsibility to the Memphis Grizzlies and the broader NBA community extend well beyond his play on the court.” Subsequently, Morant will get to practice with his teammates. Furthermore, if he does come back on the 20th, it will be against the Dallas Mavericks.

If you are a Grizzlies fan, this is some fantastic news. Morant is the heart and soul of the team, and they need him for this upcoming playoff run. Hopefully, Ja was able to get his mind right so that he doesn’t make another mistake, in the future. Let us know what you think of the NBA’s latest decision, in the comments below. Additionally, stay tuned to HNHH for more news from around the NBA world.

Ja Morant Leaves Counseling Program In Surprising Turn Of Events

Ja Morant has been the subject of numerous rumors and reports as of late. Over the past few months, Morant has been accused of threatening teenagers on multiple occasions. Overall, it has been a troubling pattern that got worse last weekend after he flashed a gun on Instagram Live. Morant was at a strip club at the time, which made the whole situation worse. Moreover, it came at a time when the reports around Morant were at their peak. Consequently, Morant was quickly suspended by the Grizzlies and the league.

Since that time, Morant has promised to work on himself. In fact, it was reported earlier this week that Morant would be going to a counseling program in Florida. Morant was applauded for this decision as it demonstrated a real desire to get better. However, it seems as though Ja Morant is already on his way out of the program. While details are sparse on the situation, Adrian Wojnarowski of ESPN had the scoop just moments ago.

Ja Morant To Return?

“Grizzlies star Ja Morant met with NBA commissioner Adam Silver in New York today,” Wojnarowski said. “Morant has left a counseling program in Florida and moves closer to ramping up for return to season now.” Needless to say, it is very likely that Morant will get to partake in the postseason. This runs completely against what Marc J Spears reported yesterday. In his report, he said the situation seemed dire and that Morant would have to sit out the rest of the year. Overall, Grizzlies fans are probably very excited about what they are hearing right now.

Moving forward, it will be interesting to see how all of this develops. After all, Morant went through a very difficult time, and no one wants to see him go back to old habits. That said, it is good to see that Adam Silver believes Ja is ready to come back. Of course, it will now all depend on the NBA’s investigation into the star. However, it appears likely that he will be back on the floor sooner than originally believed. Stay tuned to HNHH for the latest news and updates on this developing story.

Ja Morant Likely Out For The Season: Report

Ja Morant is currently in the midst of seeking some help. It is an unfortunate situation, however, it is good that Morant has taken this step. Morant opted to seek this help following a turbulent couple of weeks. This timeframe included numerous headlines that were not good for his image, or for the Memphis Grizzlies. Overall, Morant was accused of threatening teenagers on multiple occasions. Moreover, he flashed a gun while on Instagram Live, which pretty well spelled the end of this saga.

Since then, Morant has subsequently apologized for his action. Additionally, he has been suspended indefinitely by the NBA. Last night, it was revealed that Morant was seeking the aforementioned help. According to Adrian Wojnarowski of ESPN, this would be through a counseling service in Florida. The extent of this counseling is simply unknown. Fans have their theories, but the team nor Morant has offered any clarity. Now, reports are suggesting that this is a very personal matter that should be kept under wraps. Furthermore, it is likely that this will spell the end of Morant’s season.

Ja Morant Situation Unfolds

While speaking on The Hoop Collective, Marc J Spears gave a critical update on Morant. Based on his reporting, it all seems kind of somber. “There’s things I’m hearing that I’d rather probably not say on this podcast… My guess now is that he doesn’t play the rest of the season,” Speaks explained. Overall, this is a huge blow to the Grizzlies’ chances in the Western Conference. Without Morant on the team, they could very easily be a first-round out. Although, what is important is Morant’s physical and mental health right now.

This is a situation that could have gotten out of hand extremely fast, so it is good to see the Grizzlies and Ja getting a handle on it. Hopefully, Morant is able to get the help he needs. He is a phenomenal basketball player, and he deserves to feel at his best both on and off the court. Let us know what you think of this report, in the comments below. Additionally, stay tuned to HNHH for updates from around the sports world.

Ja Morant Enters Counseling Program

Ja Morant has been in the news for a plethora of reasons as of late. Firstly, Morant was in the news over allegations that he threatened a teenager at his home with a gun. Subsequently, he was seen flashing his gun on Instagram Live. In the end, this acted as the final straw for the league. Morant had previously allegedly been involved in an altercation with members of the Pacers, as well. All of these instances forced the league to take action, and consequently, Morant was suspended indefinitely.

Since that time, there has been no timetable for his return. Overall, it seems like the Grizzlies and Morant have an understanding of the situation. Mostly, they just want Morant to get right so that he can return to the team as an improved person. There have been fears that he could ruin his career with this behavior, and based on his apology, it is clear that Ja understands what’s at stake. That said, it should come as no surprise that Morant is officially seeking help for his off-court problems.

Ja Morant Seeks Help

According to Adrian Wojnarowski of ESPN, Morant has entered a counseling program. This program is located in Florida, although there are no specifics on what the program entails. The only thing that is really known at this point is that Morant will be getting help for his issues. Overall, this is good news and an important step forward for the young man. The entire NBA world is worried about him, and they are ultimately rooting for him to rise up and conquer any demons he may be battling. While it will not be an easy time, he will have all of the support in the world.

Now, the Grizzlies must keep their spot in the Western Conference without Morant by their side. It is not going to be an easy task, and if Morant is not available for the playoffs, then their season could very well be over. However, one would hope that Morant would come back next year with no distractions to hamper his team. Let us know what you think of all this, in the comments below. Additionally, stay tuned to HNHH for more news and updates from the sports world.

Ja Morant Finally Gets Some Good News

Ja Morant has been hit with nothing but negative press over the last week or so. Overall, this press has been deserved due to his actions off the court. For instance, he was seen brandishing a gun on Instagram Live, which is a big no-no. Moreover, Morant had been accused of uttering threats at a teenager, as well as a mall cop. These incidents have left NBA fans worried about the young star’s future. The Grizzlies are also worried, as is the NBA. Subsequently, Morant was hit with an indefinite suspension from the league.

Additionally, it was revealed this week that the Glendale Police Department in Colorado would be investigating the situation. This is because there very well could have been a law being broken here. There are certain areas where you are not allowed to have a weapon on you, and due diligence needed to be paid in this instance. Had Morant been charged with a crime, his situation would have immediately worsened. However, it seems like Morant is finally getting some good news.

Ja Morant Won’t Be Charged

According to Shams Charania of The Athletic, the Glendale Police Department has come out with a lengthy statement. In this statement, they confirmed that Morant will not be charged. The reason behind this is quite simple: “There was not enough available evidence to charge anyone with a crime.” These words were part of Glendale PD’s statement on the matter. Overall, Ja and the Memphis Grizzlies will be very happy about this. However, this is not the end of this saga. Morant is still being investigated by the NBA, and if they find out he brought the gun on a team flight or in the locker room, he is staring down a 50-game suspension.

It will be extremely interesting to watch how this all continues to play out. Fans want to see Morant succeed, and this will be a difficult lesson for him to learn. That said, he has the potential to be great, and he can’t be wasting it on stupidities. Let us know what you think of all this, in the comments below. Additionally, stay tuned to HNHH for more news from around the sports world.


Shaq Gets Brutally Honest With Ja Morant

Shaq is someone who has a ton of experience when it comes to professional basketball. Overall, Shaquille O’Neal is a legend in the basketball world. He was able to win four NBA championships, and he even made it to the Hall of Fame. Moreover, he is now an analyst on TNT where he is able to give his views on the game of basketball. Ultimately, he is someone that a lot of people respect and in many ways, he is an OG for some of these younger players.

When you are young, it is easy to make mistakes. Although you might have all the money in the world, the temptation to act out is always there. Unfortunately, Ja Morant is learning that lesson the hard way right now. The Memphis Grizzlies superstar has been suspended indefinitely and there is no telling when he may return. After brandishing a gun on Instagram Live, many questions have been asked of Ja. Overall, it is a terrible look, and on Tuesday night, Shaq spoke out with his reactions on the matter.

Shaq Reacts

For the most part, Shaq acted as an OG in the situation. He decided to be as honest as possible with Morant, while also delivering some advice that will serve him well. “You don’t go live, nobody knows he has a weapon, [then] we’re not talking about this, but HE did that,” Shaq explained. “We have to stop putting ourselves in positions where they can take away the things that we worked hard for. You got to have enough common sense to know that wasn’t going to go how you wanted it to go. You’re not a rapper. You’re an NBA player.”

These are words that everyone in the league can live by. There have been numerous situations where players have ruined their careers over stupidities. However, there are ways to protect yourselves, and players need to be cognizant of that, moving forward. Hopefully, Morant will take this advice and turn his life around, before things get out of hand. Let us know what you think of Shaq’s take, in the comments below. Additionally, stay tuned to HNHH for more news and updates from around the sports world.


Gucci Mane Announces as Halftime Performer of Atlanta Hawks and Memphis Grizzlies Game

Gucci Mane to Perform at Hawks Game on Sunday March 26 vs. Memphis

Gucci Mane has been announced as the performer at halftime when the Atlanta Hawks play Memphis later this month, the franchise announced Monday. On March 26, the game will begin early at 6 p.m.

“I’m excited to be performing again for the Hawks halftime show after seven years,” said Gucci Mane. “I can’t wait to perform in front of all the fans and watch the Hawks walk away with a W.”

With tracks like “Letter To Takeoff” and “Sh*t Crazy Remix (Feat. BIG30, Sett, Mac Critter),” Gucci Mane’s most recent collection mixtape, SO ICY BOYZ: THE FINALE, shows both his own music and music from his roster of The New 1017 signees.

The project completes the SO ICY series, which included SO ICY CHRISTMAS, GUCCI MANE PRESENTS: SO ICY SUMMER, SO ICY GANG: THE REUP (a deluxe extension of 2020’s SO ICY GANG, VOL. 1), and SO ICY BOYZ.

The Atlanta Hawks are 32-33 for the season and holding on to the eighth seed in the Eastern Conference.

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Ja Morant Hit With Police Investigation

Ja Morant is the biggest story in the entire NBA right now, and it is for all of the wrong reasons. Overall, Morant is one of the best players in the entire NBA. However, his recent behavior has been pretty abhorrent. Over the past week or so, Morant has been the subject of numerous allegations that most have to do with a threatening nature. Moreover, on the weekend, Morant was seen in a Colorado establishment brandishing a gun. He did this while on Instagram Live, which is obviously a terrible idea.

Consequently, Morant has received a ton of backlash for his actions. In fact, he was even suspended indefinitely. There is no telling whether or not he will come back this season. Overall, this creates a huge issue for the Memphis Grizzlies, who need him in order to succeed. Furthermore, the team is hoping for him to improve his behavior, as they cannot have this happen again. After all, Morant is a young superstar who could very well throw his life away if he continues down this path.

Ja Morant On IG Live

According to TMZ, things are going from bad to worse for Morant. This is because the Glendale Police Department in Colorado now wants to investigate Morant for his night out. At the time of writing this, there are very few details in regard to the investigation. However, the Glendale Police Department is still doing its due diligence. Having a gun out in a public place isn’t exactly lowkey behavior, and Glendale wants to make sure that nothing else took place that night. Either way, it is a bad look for Ja and the Memphis Grizzlies organization as a whole.

Morant has apologized and taken accountability for his actions, which is certainly a good sign. He said that he is seeking help and that he wants to find better ways to handle stress. Overall, it will not be an easy road for Ja, however, it is a necessary one for him to go down. This is a developing story, so be sure to keep it locked to HNHH for the latest news and updates.


Shannon Sharpe Hits Ja Morant With A Reality Check

Shannon Sharpe has been a huge critic of the Memphis Grizzlies this season. Overall, a lot of that has to do with the fact that the Grizzlies have been talking a big game all year long. However, they haven’t always been able to back up that talk. In fact, Sharpe got into an altercation with some Grizzlies players during a game against the Lakers. Subsequently, Shannon apologized and he has simply focused on providing analysis of the game. However, players like Ja Morant have made it difficult for Shannon to only talk about the on-court product.

In the last week or so, Morant has been wrapped up in numerous controversies. Firstly, he was accused of threatening a mall cop and threatening a teenager with a gun. Moreover, Morant flashed a gun on Instagram Live while at a strip club. This immediately led to an indefinite suspension that could very well spell the end of his season. Today, on Undisputed, Sharpe was tasked with speaking about the Ja situation. That is when he praised the Grizzlies star for apologizing. Although, he made sure to include a reality check for the burgeoning superstar.

Shannon Sharpe Addresses Ja

“Ja was traveling down a road he didn’t need to be on,” Shannon Sharpe said. “I’m glad it didn’t take something tragic or catastrophic for you to realize the error of your ways.” Following this statement, Sharpe went on to say that if you continue to flash guns on social media, people will want to test whether or not you’re about that life. He even likened it to people getting robbed after flashing their wealth. Overall, it is a very salient point that Morant should certainly keep in mind.

Ultimately, his behavior could lead him down a path of destruction. The NBA is trying to maintain its image, and the Grizzlies want to protect Ja from himself. Although it is a bad situation, it seems like it is being worked out. Hopefully, Morant is able to learn from this, and eventually move on. He is simply too talented of a player to be wasting his NBA opportunity in this way. Stay tuned to HNHH for more news and updates from around the sports world.

Shannon Goes Off
