Reggie Bush, Terrell Owens, Karen Civil Celebrate Juneteenth At Change The Game x TravisMathew Celebrity Golf Event


It’s officially Juneteenth in Los Angeles, and the weather could not be more beautiful. So what better way to spend the holiday than on the golf course?!

On Monday, June 19th, Change The Game and lifestyle apparel company TravisMathew collided to throw the ultimate celebrity Topgolf event, bringing out a slew of athletes and entertainers to partake in the festivities. The exclusive, invite-only event saw appearances from Reggie Bush, Terrell Owens, Karen Civil, Tommie Harris, Don Benjamin, TJ Ward, Robert Richard, and many more.

Founded by Brian Amlani, Change The Game Sports Series is a Los Angeles-based firm who works with a diverse roster of talent to push the agenda of diversity in sport through the lens of culture. The day began with an inspirational panel discussion with speaker/entrepreneur Karen Civil and NFL veteran Tommie Harris, before the highly-anticipated Celebrity Golf Shootout Challenge. Following the golf portion, the evening concluded with a Players’ Night Out Party.

The Source had the opportunity to speak with attendees to discuss what Juneteenth meant to them, and what it means to be golfing on the holiday.

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Don Benjamin: 

What does Juneteenth mean to you?

Freedom. Culture. Opportunities. Awareness. All those things bubble into one for me.

What’re you most excited for today on the golf course?

I love it man. I love that the culture is tapping into golf. I’m new to it still, but, but it’s a dope thing. It’s dope for the youth to have something new to dive into, instead of just basketball or football. I’m trying to spread the awareness on it. It’s cool to be here golfing, Topgolf LA. It’s gonna be dope, I’m excited. 

Reggie Bush:

What does Juneteenth mean to you?

Juneteenth is about the celebration of African American culture, and bringing people together. Also really informing people too, about black history to where we are now currently. Just educating people on those things. It’s a celebration of culture, life, also moving forward too. The progress needs to be as much a part of the conversation as well. 

What’re you most excited for today on the golf course?

Anytime I get a chance to swing the sticks, I’m happy. I’m in my happy place. I’m always working on my game. I’m always tinkering. I’m always trying to fine tune the little things, the fundamentals. It’s like a puzzle you’re always trying to put together. When I was a kid, I had these big, massive puzzle puzzles. I’d always feel a little overwhelmed because they were so big, you always try to find those right pieces. Golf is that same way, you’re always trying to find those right pieces to put into that puzzle for each swing. I’m always excited to swing the golf clubs. 

Terrell Owens:

What does Juneteenth mean to you? 

Us to really represent ourselves. For so many years, there’s so many things that have happened, where we don’t really get our just due. Not to mention all the social injustice things that have happened over the course of the last two or three years. But again, this is a moment, a day for us to represent. Really stand up and really show who we are. It’s all about the culture. 

What’re you most excited for today on the golf course?

I’m just excited to be here. I don’t claim to be a golfer by any means. Like I tell people, I’m a realist as far as my skill set and my talents, and what I put forth my efforts in. Golf is not something that I really delved into, to say okay, I’m nice at this. Anything else, I got you. Golf? I’m just here to have fun and support my friends that are doing this event. 

Karen Civil:

What does Juneteenth mean to you? 

It’s fellowship. It’s coming together, celebration. Black people, independence, and it feels good. Moving to California where I really got an understanding of Juneteenth and the importance of it. To be out now with Change The Game who are creating sports initiatives for people of color, to include us. We’re at the golf range right now, this is very fun. It’s about fellowship, coming together. Seeing black men here, seeing black people.

Are you a golfer? 

That’s the whole premise of this. I’m excited that I’m not, I’m very amateur. But the fact that TravisMatthew, Change The Game, Topgolf are coming together. To teach us golf, getting us together. Let us have a good day. Again, it’s about the fellowship. We have food, music, cigars, just hanging out. It’s a nice way to celebrate us.

TJ Ward:

What does Juneteenth mean to you?

Independence, for our culture. It’s not July 4th, it’s not America’s independence. No, it’s our independence — well, somewhat independence. It means a lot. It means we become fully ourselves at some point, regardless of what the government and the little nuances in between. But it means freedom. 

Are you a golfer?

I’m a golfer for sure.

Robert Ri’chard:

What does Juneteenth mean to you? 

It’s important to be out here. Juneteenth right now represents sort of a new America. All of us can feel that we’ve been enslaved before. To be out here and be welcomed into a traditionally all white sport where we’re here, it’s an affluent sport. But we have all these men in the community coming from every walk of life. Embracing everyone, inviting us to be out here. We’ve got brands here, it’s important to show that credibility. It’s a family affair, so it’s good. Coming off of Father’s Day, it’s important we have these people in the community doing this for us.

What’re you most excited for today on the golf course?

I’m really excited for the camaraderie. I love the community. I love the conversations that happen on the golf course, they can be life-changing. To be able to be invited here and to benefit from that is great. 

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Cam’ron And Meek Mill Join The Chorus Of Artists Accusing Consultant Karen Civil Of Dishonest Dealings

Over the weekend, Boston rapper Joyner Lucas accused music industry consultant Karen Civil of stealing $60,000 from him after accepting payment for her services and going on vacation instead. After the initial accusation, a Clubhouse chat with Civil and other industry insiders went disastrously for the self-proclaimed media marketing mogul when her defenses seemed to corroborate some of the accusations against her.

Lucas’ comments echoed a similar incident several years ago in which Civil was accused of making similar moves with money paid to her by associates of Harlem rapper Cam’ron. Catching wind of the new accusations, Cam’ron chimed in via Instagram, posting screenshots of the Twitter conversation as well as portions of court documents from a lawsuit against Civil. “Y’all gonna apologize or nah?!” Cam wrote. “For those that don’t understand, I told people Karin civil been robbing people, they said I was lying. Now she just lost a court case to another female, now they say Karin is foul. When I said it…I was hating.. she also robbed Joyner Lucas for the same exact amount she did my guy @darealdukedagod 60k.. what a co-winky-dink.”

He wasn’t the only one to call her out. Meek Mill also joined the conversation, blaming Civil for a slate of bad press around the time he broke up with Nicki Minaj. “Karen was my friend and turned on me for opportunity,” he asserted. “Start having the blogs posting negative about me on some conspiracy shit lol I forgive her but I definitely don’t wanna deal with y’all industry people that move like that! You should admit what you did to me too!”

Civil replied, arguing that she actually defended him during that time but has since deleted the tweets. “You know damn well I ain’t have no site play you, I literally just supported your album and shown you nothing but cordialness and respect last few years when we seen each other,” she responded. ““Sat on CH rooms defending you and didn’t take part in these Twitter key key moments. Like c’mon with BS narrative.”

However, one rapper had a slightly different perspective on the controversy. Freddie Gibbs offered this tidbit: “I’ve known Karen Civil for years. She ain’t do shit to me tho cuz I’m a real ass nigga and she know better.”

Some artists covered here are Warner Music artists. Uproxx is an independent subsidiary of Warner Music Group.

Joyner Lucas Accused Karen Civil Of Stealing $60,000 From Him Nearly A Decade Ago

The music industry certainly has its ups and downs and unfortunately for Joyner Lucas, the rapper experienced the latter nearly 10 years ago. In a string of tweets, Lucas accused marketing strategist Karen Civil of stealing $60,000 from him seven years ago.

“My son was on the way and you stole 60k from me before I got in the game @KarenCivil,” Lucas wrote in a tweet attached with screenshots of a memo Civil prepared for the rapper’s manager Sean McDonald. “I hired you as a consultant and below attached was the memo you sent me. I was desperate for help and you knew that. After you was paid you went ghost and didn’t expect me to pop. here I am.”

The rapper then revealed the lengths he went to in order to contact Civil so he could find out what his money was being used for.

“After you got the money paid up front, you stopped answering my calls & every time I hit you, you answered the phone with a attitude like I was messing up your day,” he wrote. “I sent you hella messages pleading with you to do your job becuz my back was againts the wall. You took advantage”

“At this time I was afraid to speak up for myself becuz I didn’t want to get blackballed,” Lucas continued. “I had no idea how this industry Sh*t works and I ain’t want you to drag my name thru the mud so out of fear i stayed [mouth zipped emoji]. Until @Mr_Camron spoke up a few years ago on Twitter and then I did.”

The rapper also revealed that when he first accused Civil of stealing from him, back in 2018, members of her team contacted him and requested that he delete the tweets and issue an apology that she would pre-write for him. Lucas posted screenshots of the text message thread on Twitter as well. He then shared an example of what happened when he reached out to Civil in order to find out what was being done with his money. “Il never forget the day you went on vacation with my money and then picked up the phone when I called you because you went ghost, and you flat out told me “stop calling me I’m on vacation,” he tweeted with a laughing emoji. “You know how long I been waiting to do this? I been hating you for many years bruh.”

According to Complex, Civil denied the rapper’s claims in a statement to Baller Alert.

“It’s easy for him to make broad statements when you aren’t familiar with the backend of business especially Marketing,” she wrote in part. “Subcontractors were paid including Ravenel Agency, PR, and local Reps (mix show/radio). All parties contracted out on his behalf to execute were paid from the overall budget allotted. When he expressed his unhappiness about not getting VIP access to a NY NBA2K event because he arrived 2 ½ hours prior to the time he was given. Him not being able to reach me the following day during a scheduled personal vacation caused him to be irate.”

Additionally, Lucas and Civil shared their sides of the conversation during a discussion on Clubhouse that was fairly heated at times. You can hear a clip of that conversation in the video above.

You can read some of the tweets from Lucas and additional posts from the rapper below.