Famous Dex Robbed At Gunpoint For $50K Watch: Report

Famous Dex found himself in an incredibly unfortunate incident this week. According to TMZ, the rapper filed a report to police claiming that he was robbed of his watch worth $50K as well as a bunch of cash, upwards of the thousands. Dex told the police that he had linked up with one of his buddies in the San Fernando Valley to borrow a very expensive watch worth $50K for a music video is was about to film. From there, the rapper claimed that he was being followed by someone once he got in his vehicle.

Sources to the publication claim that the rapper stopped his vehicle and then he was swarmed by several armed men who pulled their guns out on him. Dex said that they took the watch as well as the cash, and then ran off. No arrests have been made in the case and police said that they’re currently looking out for the culprits. 

Dex hasn’t necessarily commented publicly about the incident but we’re hoping that things work out for him in the end. The rapper has been making an effort to turn his life around over the past few months. In late December, he checked into rehab before checking out in early January. Since then, it appears that he’s been doing well, getting to work on music, and focusing on his family. 

We’ll keep you updated as more information on the situation unfolds. 


Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts Believes Legalizing Marijuana Will “Kill Kids”

During a press conference on Wednesday, Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts made a statement about marijuana that many found to be ridiculous and hypocritical. “This is a dangerous drug that will impact our kids,” the Governor said. “If you legalize marijuana, you’re going to kill your kids. That’s what the data shows from around the country … Big pot, big marijuana is a big industry. This a big industry that is trying not to be regulated, to go around the regulatory process. And that’s going to put people at risk, when you go around regulations that are designed for the health and safety of our society.”

David McNew/Getty Images

These comments come during lawmakers’ consideration of Legislative Bill 474, which would legalize medical marijuana in Nebraska. The bill does not legalize or decriminalize recreational marijuana, and would include very strict rules for consuming cannabis. 

The CDC has data that pushes back against the Governor’s claims, calling a fatal marijuana overdose “unlikely.” The CDC also points to data that conflicts with the claim of marijuana being a “gateway drug,” saying that “The majority of people who use marijuana do not go on to use other, ‘harder’ substances.” 

Many Twitter users called out Ricketts for his remarks, calling him a fear monger or a hypocrite, especially when he refused to properly implement mask mandates in his state.

What do you think? Are Ricketts’ comments ludicrous or does he have a point? Let us know your thoughts in the comments. 


Freddie Gibbs And The Alchemist Wine And Dine In Their ‘Scottie Beam’ Performance On ‘The Tonight Show’

Last year, Freddie Gibbs and The Alchemist teamed up for their joint album, Alfredo. The project was labeled as one of 2020’s best hip-hop albums, a title that was upheld by its eventual Best Rap Album Grammy nomination for this year’s show. In a little over 24 hours, Freddie Gibbs and The Alchemist will learn whether or not they will get their first Grammy award thanks to the album, but before that happens, the two brought their talents to The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon to perform “Scottie Beam,” a favorite from Alfredo.

Rather than keep things simple with a straightforward performance, Freddie and Alchemist opted to spice things up. The duo, accompanied by a few other guests, took their seats around a dinner table to wine and dine as Freddie performed “Scottie Beam.” The group was also served a meal of alfredo pasta which they appropriately enjoyed during the set. Rick Ross, who has a verse on the song, was not present for the performance.

Freddie and Alchemist’s appearance on The Tonight Show comes after they performed at the first-ever Black Music Collective pre-Grammy event on Thursday. They took the stage alongside names like HER, PJ Morton, and Yolanda Adams.

Watch the performance in the video above.

Freddie Gibbs is a Warner Music artist. Uproxx is an independent subsidiary of Warner Music Group.

How The NBA Dropped The Ball On Their COVID-19 Protocols

Just a couple of days ago, on March 11th, the whole world reflected on the one-year anniversary of our lives being forever changed. It all seemingly started when Tom Hanks and his wife revealed that they had tested positive for COVID-19 while on a trip to Australia. That same night, the NBA announced that Rudy Gobert was the first player in the league to contract the virus. This was just days after he touched a bunch of media microphones as an attempt at a bad joke. With celebrities catching the virus, panic mode was initiated, and every single sports league around the world shut down as they sought to figure out the proper course(s) of action.

With Gobert’s positive test, the NBA immediately put the season on hiatus, just a few weeks before the playoffs were supposed to begin. For the next four months, the NBA carefully calculated what they would do next. In the end, they decided to bring 22 teams to Orlando, Florida, where they would get to stay on the Disney Campus, and play out the rest of the regular season, while also getting in a full playoff tournament. While in the bubble, the rules were incredibly strict. If players did anything that put their team in jeopardy, they would be recommended to go into two-week quarantines and even receive some fines. With the bubble in place, not a single player tested positive for the virus in Orlando, and the playoffs went on without a hitch. By October, a champion was crowned and the NBA looked like the biggest geniuses on the planet.

Rudy Gobert

Tim Nwachukwu/Getty Images

However, these last few months have seen the NBA fall out of favor. To be fair, leagues like the NFL have also had their own share of problems, although some of the decisions made by the NBA have been curious, to say the least. When the league began in December, Adam Silver made it clear to the players that there would be no bubble. Instead, teams would travel as per usual, although the schedule would be tailored to limit any team’s possible exposure. For instance, if a Western Conference team goes out East, they will stay there for a while as they play as many teams on that coast as possible. COVID-19 protocols would still be in place, meaning players would need to be tested every single day and if they came into contact with someone who contracted the virus, they would need to sit out for a 10-day period.

All of this sounds great on paper, but so far, the rules have been so all over the place, that the NBA has struggled to maintain real consistency throughout the year. Case in point, players continue to test positive for the virus, and it has led to the cancelation of numerous games. According to the NBA’s own website, 31 games have been postponed this season, and some teams have been affected more than others. A great example of this is the Toronto Raptors, who had a game postponed on February 28th after their coaching staff reportedly broke mask protocols.

These protocols have also been applied in some suspicious ways. Perhaps the best example of this is when Kevin Durant was told he needed to sit out a Nets game after a close contact tested positive. Eventually, Durant was cleared to play as the contact underwent a second test. When that second test was confirmed positive, Durant was pulled from the game in the second half, which led to a lot of frustration and confusion. After the game, Durant was extremely annoyed, and rightfully so. In the end, the league should have forced him to sit out entirely, instead of allowing him to play during some imaginary limbo period, that did nothing but his teammates and opponents at risk. 

Kevin Durant

Elsa/Getty Images

Various players have been critical of the NBA’s insistence on carrying through with the season despite all of the positive tests and bizarre circumstances. With all of the positive tests that took place during the month of January, the league could have easily suspended the season for a few weeks and come up with a way to make the teams safer. Perhaps a regional bubble could have been a compromise, with teams only playing against squads that are in their immediate vicinity. However, the NBA refused to do this, and instead, decided to double down on their current course of action.

The most egregious offense committed by the league was when they went through with the All-Star Game last weekend. As many of you know, the All-Star Game brings various players from around the league into one city, where they play against each other in a fun exhibition match. With COVID-19 going around, this added travel was not necessary, and just a couple of days into the Atlanta experience, the league had to deal with a COVID-related controversy. Joel Embiid and Ben Simmons were supposed to take part in the game but after a visit with their barber, who later tested positive for the Coronavirus, the two Sixers stars were ousted from the All-Star Game, which ultimately cheapened the whole event. Not to mention, this put players at risk, even if there was a strict quarantine in place.

Prior to the All-Star Game, various players throughout the league were adamant about just how shortsighted having the game was. LeBron James was at the forefront of the movement, with other players calling the All-Star Game a cash grab. This, of course, is the problem. The NBA lost a lot of money during the shutdown in 2020 and now, they are looking to recoup their losses. This is understandable, however, putting players’ lives at risk simply isn’t worth the monetary gain. Guys like Karl-Anthony Towns have lost numerous family members to the virus, and other players have experienced similar tragedies. With this in mind, the NBA should be much more careful with how they treat this pandemic because despite the reduction in cases, we’re still not out of the woods.

Karl-Anthony Towns

Sarah Stier/Getty Images

Moving forward, the NBA also hopes to see more fans in the arenas, as vaccines are being administered through out the world. While this could certainly be a positive thing, it remains to be seen how safe this will truly be. Once again, this is the NBA looking to get their money back, and hopefully, the league will learn from the mistakes it made over the past few months, and do everything to make sure that fans, players, and staff will remain in good hands. However, if the NBA continues to make profit their priority, they could find themselves back at square one, and absolutely no one wants that, especially after the trauma of the last year.

Bones & Deergod Deliver A Menacing Hypnotic Banger On “PopRocks”

Bones has been notorious over the years for his monotone and menacing bangers that are filled with depressing lyrics and dark undertones. These approaches to music have been him a cult hero and to this day, he continues to deliver new music. At the end of the month, he will be dropping a collaborative project with Deergod called Pushing Up Daisies and the first single to come from it is called “PopRocks.”

This track is one of those menacing songs Bones is known for although with the instrumental we get something both dark and hypnotic. Bones offers up his usual brooding flow all while Deergod spits some bars that have a more old-school feel. It’s a unique mixture of styles and it’s a great little teaser for their upcoming project.

Quotable Lyrics:

Like pop rocks I pop y’all
Pull it out my pocket and poppin’ it, knock your block off
Shots like Top Gun
No witness, no cop cars
I pop up like an ad, look around like who popped y’all?

Cookiee Kawaii Turns It Up On “Hey DJ”

TikTok is already a necessary tool to succeed in the music industry but it certainly feels like some of these songs are being forced down our throats with manufactured challenges. However, there are many artists who’ve had organic growths through the platform that eventually led to nationwide airplay. Cookiee Kawaii blasted to success with “Vibe” which later received a remix with Tyga. 

Even though she’s been relatively low-key since the top of the year, she emerged on Friday with the release of her latest single, “Hey DJ.” It’s an upbeat record that finds Cookiee weaving through the laidback production with flows and melodies. While it does lean more towards electronic than it does hip-hop, Cookiee Kawaii is proving to be a master at tying both together in an authentic way.

Quotable Lyrics
Bang it out
Speed it up
Get low, let me see them shoulders roll
Let me show you how this go

Giveon Provides Immaculate Vibes On “All To Me”

Giveon has been a busy man as of late as he continues to be praised by some of the biggest artists out there. His smooth brand of r&b is something to behold and over the past year, he has released two EPs in Take Time and When It’s All Said And Done. Recently, Giveon decided to merge these projects with When It’s All Said And Done… Take Time. There is one new track to be found here call “All To Me” and as one can imagine, it’s a continuation of his crisp songwriting and fantastic singing.

With this track, Giveon delivers a gorgeous love song where he is down-tuned vocals are on full display. He delivers a more lowkey approach all while bringing out some vibes that are perfect for any weekend spent indoors. Giveon has yet to disappoint and this new song is yet another example of what he can bring to the table.

Let us know what you think, in the comments below.

Quotable Lyrics:

Oh, he still don’t make you feel beautiful (Ooh, ooh-ooh)
I know, but I do, just know I got you (Ooh, ooh-ooh)
He still don’t even give you enough (Ooh, ooh-ooh)
It’s true, in my room, I ain’t gon’ stop you (Ooh, ooh-ooh)

Lakers Deliver Injury Update On Anthony Davis

Anthony Davis has been out for a few weeks now as he deals with a calf strain. Many fans were worried that this injury was actually to his Achilles, especially since he was clutching his Achilles following his last appearance with the Los Angeles Lakers. Since that time, Davis has been sitting out and rehabbing himself so that when he does come back, he will be at 100 percent. Of course, the Lakers are entering an important time of the season, and the team needs him fully healthy.

According to Shams Charania of The Athletic, the Lakers have delivered a fresh update on Davis. Now, Davis will sit out for longer, and in two weeks from now, his injury will be re-evaluated. This ultimately means there is no guarantee as to when he will be able to return.

Some were hoping that Davis would be good to go immediately after the All-Star Game although it’s clear that Davis needs a lot more time to heal. You never want to rush a player back when they have a calf strain, especially when you consider what happened to Kevin Durant just a couple of years ago.

Hopefully, for the Lakers, Davis will be able to come back soon as he is an instrumental player for their success.

Anthony Davis

Harry How/Getty Images

Alex Caruso Evaluated After Terrifying Blow To The Head

Alex Caruso is one of the most beloved players in the league, as long as you are a Los Angeles Lakers fan. Outside of LA, some fans roll their eyes at the mere mention of Caruso, although you can’t help but love his style of play. His headband, confidence, and quickness make him one of those players you just have to root for, and in many ways, he has become a cult legend within the league.

Last night, Caruso and the Lakers were taking on the Indiana Pacers, where the purple and gold came through with a comeback win. Unfortunately, Caruso was injured in the game after a scary incident in which he slipped on the court and hit his head in a moment of whiplash. It was a fairly gnarly scene and Caruso immediately left the game.

Following the match, the Lakers confirmed that Caruso would be evaluated for a concussion and that they were taking the situation quite seriously. You never want to see a guy go down like this and hopefully, he will be able to bounce back sooner rather than later. 

Be sure to keep it locked to HNHH, as we will continue to bring you all of the latest news from the NBA.

Alex Caruso

Alex Goodlett/Getty Images

Freddie Gibbs & The Alchemist Bring “Alfredo” Vibes To “The Tonight Show”

This weekend marks the Grammys. In the world of hip-hop, the Grammys have hardly ever gotten it right, and by the time the nominations came out, people were already airing out their grievances, largely because many felt Lil Baby was snubbed. This year’s nominations were quite surprising, though, especially for the bar-heavy MCs who rarely get their recognition from these type of award shows. 

Cassidy Sparrow/Getty Images 

D Smoke, Nas, Royce Da 5’9″, Jay Electronica, and Freddie Gibbs and The Alchemist are nominated in the Rap Album Of The Year category. Gibbs and Alchemist, the masterminds behind Alfredo, have been ramping up the campaign this past week ahead of the award show. Gibbs has done a string of interviews and touched down on a Twitch stream for one of his few live performances since Alfredo dropped.

Last night, the duo continued their campaign on the late-night circuit with an appearance on Jimmy Fallon. Freddie Gibbs and The Alchemist were surrounded by beautiful women and decadent food as Gibbs gripped the mic for a performance of “Scottie Beam.” Since they couldn’t perform it live, it seems that they possibly made use of one of their recent pop-up shops to shoot their virtual performances. The performance kicks off with the intro to “1985” before Gibbs slides into his verse on the Alfredosingle. Unfortunately, Rick Ross wasn’t able to make a cameo, though Gibbs revealed that the MMG head honcho sent over a Bel-Air care package.

Who do you think is winning the Grammy for Best Rap Album? Sound off in the comment section below.