Slim Shady Obituary Posted in The Detroit Free Press Newspaper

Slim Shady Obituary Posted in The Detroit Free Press Newspaper

Eminem is continuing to tease his forthcoming album. This week, Eminem took out a space in the obituary section of The Detroit Free Press newspaper to mourn the Slim Shady character.

A section headlined “Slim Shady Made Lasting Impressions” and showing Eminem in a Jason hockey mask reads: “A product of Detroit who began his career there was a rogue splinter the flourishing underground rap scene of the mid to late 1990’s, Shady first became a household name in 1999 with the debut of his playfully deranged single “My Name Is,” which – along with its uniquely eye catching video – exposed the young artist and his lyrics to a wider audience. That audience was soon exposed to the extreme darkness of the muse/rapper, as he led millions of music fans down a road that glorified a demonstrably nihilistic worldview.”

You can see the full placement below.

Eminem is ready to deliver a new album. Aiming for the summer, Eminem announced The Death Of Slim Shady (Coup De Grâce).

The announcement comes via a true crime mock series that casts 50 Cent for a brief cameo. Also included is a detective setting the scene.

“Through his complex, tongue twisting and oft criticized rhymes, the blonde anti-hero known as Slim Shady has had no shortage of enemies,” the detective says. “The same rude lyrics and controversial antics might have ultimately led to his demise.”

You can see the announcement below.

The post Slim Shady Obituary Posted in The Detroit Free Press Newspaper first appeared on The Source.

The post Slim Shady Obituary Posted in The Detroit Free Press Newspaper appeared first on The Source.