Virginia Williams Reflects On Pusha T Marriage, Says She Felt “Awkward” Around Women With “Fake Asses”

Dating as a normal person is hard enough, but in the celebrity world, there are countless added pressures that make relationships even more difficult to maintain. While many couples inevitably crash and burn after putting in their best effort, others have weathered the course and stayed together through various ups and downs. Among them are Pusha T and his wife, Virginia Williams, who got candid about her marriage to the rapper during a recent Q&A session on her Instagram Story. Earlier this week, she got an inquiry asking, “Was it hard dating a celebrity in the beginning? How do you handle it now?”

The mother of one selected a photo of her and her husband as a background before diving into her honest response. “INITIALLY the only thing hard about it was being ok with being the oddball in the room,” Williams wrote. “Not looking like a ‘rapper girlfriend/wife,” she added, seemingly referring to the standard plastic surgery and cosmetic filler-clad appearance of others on the arms of popular artists. “I [used] to feel awkward amongst the women who had a fake ass, bodycon dress, and cake face,” Pusha T’s wife admitted.

Virginia Williams on Being Pusha T’s Wife

However, it seems that she’s since become more confident in herself, noting at the end of her post that, “for a while now I’ve thought I’m way cooler 🤷🏾‍♀️💁🏾‍♀️.” While some IG users are inspired by Williams’ confidence, others think that she was being unnecessarily critical of women who undergo cosmetic enhancements. “That sounds like an insecure issue to me🤷🏽‍♀️,” one person wrote in @theneighborhood talk’s comment section. “Another woman’s body, real or fake never made me feel any type of way,” someone else chimed in. “What’s sad is we as women down each other down over men that’s gonna smash whichever woman he feels like it 🤣 yikes.”

Speaking in her defense, another user told a similar story of their own. “I appreciate her transparency and more women should speak on this. I’ve been to Dubai with my man and while I consider myself a very secure woman, all of the plastic surgery, etc can make you catch a few moments of insecurity,” they shared. “You start picking at your flaws because you are around so much cosmetic “perfection”. So I can only imagine what it’s like at her scale.” Do you think that Virginia Williams took things too far? Let us know below, and check back later for more pop culture news.
