‘The Other Black Girl’ Axed at Hulu and Won’t Be Back for Season 2

The Other Black Girl’ Axed at Hulu and Won’t Be Back for Season 2

Whelp, scratch another story about the culture from your queue because The Other Black Girl just hit a roadblock on Hulu.

As reported by The Hollywood Reporter, the adaptation of Zakiya Dalila Harris’ novel was axed after just one season. Set in an upscale New York City publishing firm, Hulu’s Onyx Collective series followed Nella (portrayed by Sinclair Daniel), who initially welcomes the arrival of another Black woman, Hazel (played by Ashleigh Murray), only to find herself entangled in a web of competition.

Now, the show is good. If you trust critics because despite receiving praise on Rotten Tomatoes with a commendable 86 percent fresh rating, The Hollywood Reporter points out that audience reception was lukewarm. That happens. The audience score was around 50 percent approval. So half of the audience liked or loved it, while the other half probably hated it. Social media buzz mirrored this sentiment anecdotally, with some viewers lauding the show’s narrative while others felt it lacked innovation.

However, JaJuan Malachi’s review for Shadow and Act in 2023 highlighted The Other Black Girl‘s exploration of Black professionals’ challenges in corporate environments. Describing it as an examination of conforming to workplace norms to survive, Malachi emphasized the pressure to sacrifice integrity for advancement.

Although the series won’t return for a second season, its first season covered the entirety of the novel, prompting speculation about its status as a limited series. With no source material left for a potential Season 2, questions arise regarding its classification.

Despite the cancellation, showrunners Jordan Reddout and Gus Hickey expressed interest in continuing the story. Reddout mentioned to The Hollywood Reporter, “It’s something we constantly talk about and would be very exciting to do,” while Hickey added, “Since we changed the ending, we want the chance to show everyone what’s going to happen now. There’s a lot to explore.”

The post ‘The Other Black Girl’ Axed at Hulu and Won’t Be Back for Season 2 first appeared on The Source.

The post ‘The Other Black Girl’ Axed at Hulu and Won’t Be Back for Season 2 appeared first on The Source.