Remains of Missing Crypto Millionaire Found in Suitcase In Argentina

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Several reports have confirmed that crypto millionaire Fernando Pérez Algaba, who was reported missing on July 18, was discovered in the form of his remains in a suitcase in Argentina. On July 26, it was reported that authorities found Algaba’s torso and head.

The Barcelona-based crypto-king was in Argentina when he was killed. It has been reported that his company Motors Lettuce SRL was in debt and he took a loan from the Argentinian gang Barra Bravas.

A note on Algaba’s phone read, “If something happens to me, everyone is already warned.”

Police in Argentina currently have one suspect in custody for Algaba’s murder.

The post Remains of Missing Crypto Millionaire Found in Suitcase In Argentina first appeared on The Source.

The post Remains of Missing Crypto Millionaire Found in Suitcase In Argentina appeared first on The Source.