Is MF DOOM’s Eldest Son The True Heir To The Metalface Legacy?

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After a recent social media post by the son of the late MF DOOM, the question has been raised as to who inherits the legacy of the infamous Metalface mask?

Daniel Dumile Jr., who holds the namesake of his father who is best known as the Madvillian MF DOOM, posted a picture of a handwritten letter that is allegedly penned by the late rapper/artist that states that his son shall inherit all of his “possessions, assets and interests” when he passes away. Unfortunately, DOOM died on Halloween 2020, but his death wasn’t announced until exactly two months later on New Year’s Eve, with his wife and record label making the delayed announcement.

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With the fact that DOOM did not have a will and this letter was never officially notarized, it leaves room for doubt in the court of public opinion to the validity of the letter as well as possible misappropriation of the assets of one of Hip Hop’s most intriguing figures. Graff artist KEO XMEN was the unofficial point person for the continuum of the popular DDOM throwie, but Dumile Jr. contends that KEO’s rendition of the DOOM is merely a carbon copy of the original.

Daniel, a visual artist, is slated to create a memorial project in the name of his father this upcoming year, but the decision as to who will ultimately be left to inherit and control the legacy of the world famous metal mask.

The post Is MF DOOM’s Eldest Son The True Heir To The Metalface Legacy? appeared first on The Source.