Former R.Kelly Victim Shares Story Of Abuse In New Book


Back in 2017 former R. Kelly victim Jerhonda Pace came forward with her story of being a sex slave since the age of 16. Now Jerhonda shares her New Year’s message for trauma survivors and promotes her new autobiography which is also available for free on her blog.

Pace writes:

Life. I’m starting 2023 off with me reading my autobiography. This one is personal. If you’ve been around for some time, then you’re probably familiar with my story. It was by far one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. Writing this book was an emotional rollercoaster. I had to rip the bandaid off and reveal those family secrets. It’s something that so many of us struggle with in the black community.

My story isn’t just mine. It’s the story of so many black women. The trauma of growing up with drug addicted parents, experiencing childhood sexual abuse, having daddy issues, coming from a single parent household, using government assistance, living in poverty, etc.

For me, it was hell on earth. I’m so proud of how far I’ve come. I didn’t want my children to experience that life. I knew it was up to me to break those generational curses. Thankfully, I was able to. What that looked like for me was cutting ties with my family. I learned that I couldn’t have boundaries with toxic people. It just didn’t work. I tried, but it was overwhelming and mentally draining.

Even though I don’t have a village and my kids don’t have a relationship with my family. I know I made the best decision to end that vicious cycle. If you’d like to read my book, it’s on my blog for free. The link is in my bio.

Watch below as Jerhonda shares details about being trained to sexually please R Kelly by his house mother.

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