Sonya Massey Update: Sangamon County Sheriff Promises To Retire

Sangamon County Sheriff Jack Campbell, embroiled in controversy following the fatal shooting of Sonya Massey on July 6, said he is stepping down. Campbell, who has been sheriff since 2018, is retiring no later than Aug. 31, he said in a statement on August 9. Former county deputy Sean P. Grayson has been charged with Massey’s murder. He pleaded not guilty and remains in custody after again being denied pre-trial release.

Sangamon County Board Chairman Andy Van Meter has final say in naming an interim replacement. Campbell’s second in command is Chief Deputy Anthony Mayfield. Calls for Campbell’s resignation had come from many sides, including Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker and Lieutenant Governor Juliana Stratton. Campbell previously refused to resign, saying it would be “irresponsible.” Massey’s family members also called for him to be let go. In a statement provided, Pritzker hoped a fresh start with new leadership “will usher in a new era of reform and rebuilt the trust lost between the Sangamon County community and sheriff’s office. Civil rights attorney Ben Crump said Campbell’s retirement “marks a turning point in the ongoing pursuit of justice for Sonya Massey.”

Read More: Sonya Massey Killing: Sheriff Asks For Forgiveness, But Shoots Down Calls To Resign

Sheriff Jack Campbell To Retire After Murder Of Sonya Massey

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS – JULY 30: Donna Massey, the mother of shooting victim Sonya Massey, wipes away tears during a press conference at New Mount Pilgrim Church on July 30, 2024 in Chicago, Illinois. Sonya Massey was shot in the head and killed in her home by Sangamon County Sheriff’s Deputy Sean Grayson after she called police to report a possible prowler. Grayson, 30, who has since been fired by the department, was indicted by an Illinois grand jury. He has pleaded not guilty to charges of first-degree murder, aggravated battery with a firearm and official misconduct. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)

Since Sean Grayson’s arrest for Sonya Massey’s death, questions have arose about how he got multiple opportunities as a police officer. He worked for six different agencies in four years. Grayson, while still enlisted in the U.S. Army, had two DUI convictions. Army. Grayson’s discharge from the Army noted a “serious misconduct,” which Campbell interpreted as his DUI charges. The file did not detail what the misconduct was. In 2022, a woman accused him of sexual harassment while on the job. He denies any wrongdoing.

Campbell previously said he felt Grayson “betrayed” members of the sheriff’s department. Campbell said the department “failed the community.” at a U.S. Department of Justice hearing in Springfield last month. “We failed Sonya, we failed Sonya’s family and friends.” In his statement, he said: “I was overwhelmingly elected to lead the Sheriff’s Office through both good times and bad. I am fully prepared to continue leading my office and serving the residents of Sangamon County through this difficult period, ensuring we learn from this tragedy and work toward a better future.” Grayson’s next criminal hearing is on August 26.

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George Floyd’s Uncle Joins Rally for Reform After Release of Sonya Massey Bodycam Footage

George Floyd's Uncle Joins Rally for Reform After Release of Sonya Massey Bodycam Footage

The late July release of bodycam footage showing the murder of Sonya Massey by former deputy sheriff Sean Grayson has intensified calls for law enforcement reform. Last weekend, activists and families of Black men and women killed by police gathered in front of the Chicago Police headquarters to support Sonya Massey. Among the attendees was George Floyd’s uncle, Selwyn Jones, who has been advocating for progress over the past four years.

Selwyn Jones, co-founder of the Hope929 Organization, focuses on promoting civil rights and creating change in honor of his nephew, George Floyd. Since May 2020, he has traveled the country connecting with families of other victims of police violence and supporting their struggles. Jones, who spoke at Harvard University this year, continues to channel his grief into activism.

In an effort to save lives, Jones has been rallying support for The Medical Civil Rights Act, which was approved by Connecticut officials last year. This act establishes the right to emergency medical care during any police interaction. He remains steadfast in his advocacy to make communities safer for all children.

Speaking to CBS News in Chicago last Saturday, Jones remarked, “Sonya Massey’s situation was absolutely horrendous. My nephew’s murder was bad, but for them to take advantage of her and murder her in her own home, it just has to stop.”

Jones hopes to see more policing reforms, including the passage of the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act and increased mental health screenings for officers.

The post George Floyd’s Uncle Joins Rally for Reform After Release of Sonya Massey Bodycam Footage first appeared on The Source.

The post George Floyd’s Uncle Joins Rally for Reform After Release of Sonya Massey Bodycam Footage appeared first on The Source.

Deputy Who Shot Sonya Massey Claimed He Feared For His Life In Field Report

Former deputy Sean Grayson claimed that he feared for his life when Sonya Massey remarked, “I rebuke you in the name of Jesus,” during the 911 call that ended with him shooting the 36-year-old Black woman in her home. In his field report, which became public on Monday, Grayson wrote that he “interpreted to mean she was going to kill me.”

“As I approached the cabinet, Sonya stood up from a crouched position, grabbing the pot, raising it above her head and throwing the boiling substance to me,” Grayson wrote on July 9. “I was in imminent fear of getting boiling liquid to my face or chest, which would have caused great bodily harm or death. I fired my duty weapon in Sonya’s direction.”

Read More: Police Killed Sonya Massey’s 4-Year-Old Cousin Terrell Miller In March: What We Know

Sonya Massey’s Family Holds Press Conference

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS – JULY 30: Donna. Massey, the mother of shooting victim Sonya Massey, wipes away tears during a press conference with attorney Ben. Crump at New Mount Pilgrim Church on July 30, 2024, in Chicago, Illinois. Sonya Massey was shot in the head and killed in her home by Sangamon County Sheriff’s Deputy Sean Grayson after she called police to report a possible prowler. Grayson, 30, who has since been fired by the department, was indicted by an Illinois grand jury. He has pleaded not guilty to charges of first-degree murder, aggravated battery with a firearm, and official misconduct. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)

The killing of Massey began gaining national attention after police released body-camera footage from the incident. The video shows Grayson shooting and killing her after she apologizes for the remark. The sheriff’s office fired him afterward and he now faces first-degree murder, aggravated battery, and official misconduct charges. He has pleaded not guilty and remains in police custody.

Massey’s family and other community leaders have called for the resignation of Sheriff Jack Campbell, but he’s declined to do so. “I will not abandon the sheriff’s office at this most critical moment. That would solve nothing,” he said at a Department of Justice Community Relations Service listening session last month. Be on the lookout for further updates on Sonya Massey on HotNewHipHop.

Read More: Sonya Massey Killing: Sheriff Asks For Forgiveness, But Shoots Down Calls To Resign


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Sonya Massey’s Killer Sean Grayson Should Have Never Been A Cop: 11 Reasons Why

The jarring slaying of Sonya Massey has stunned the world and placed Sean Grayson in infamy. The former Sangamon County Deputy shot and killed Massey in her Macomb, Illinois, home as she was unarmed and crouching on the ground in fear. Massey called the police to her residence, believing there may have been a prowler on her property, but instead, Grayson escalated the situation. He told Massey to check on a pot boiling on her stove because they didn’t want to risk a fire. As she did as he asked, words were exchanged, resulting in Massey telling Grayson, “I rebuke you in the name of Jesus.” He then pulled his weapon and threatened to shoot her in the face.

Massey said, “I’m sorry,” as she bent down to the ground with her arms in the air. Grayson shot her three times, killing the 36-year-old mother instantly. The body camera footage was released and sent shockwaves on social media. Protests have erupted, and calls for justice have been echoed from one coast to the other. Grayson has been removed from his position, arrested, and charged with three counts of first-degree murder, among others.

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – JULY 28: Demonstrators with signs protest the killing of Sonya Massey by a Springfield, Illinois sheriff’s deputy, in Washington Square Park on July 28, 2024 in New York City. Massey was shot at home in the head by Sean Grayson, a Sangamon County, Illinois deputy after she called the police to report a possible prowler. Grayson has been arrested, sparking protests around the country demanding justice for Massey’s death. (Photo by John Lamparski/Getty Images)

However, this tragedy is an unfortunate cap in Grayson’s long line of transgressions. His career and personal life are riddled with controversy. These indiscretions show a man who never should have had a badge, illuminating how the system failed those he was hired to “protect and serve.” Within the last four years, Grayson bounced around six police departments in central Illinois. His supervisors detailed concerns over his behavior, but Grayson flew under the radar despite the warning signs. Here are 11 reasons why Sean Grayson should never have been an officer of the law.

1. “Extreme Mental Cruelty” Was Cited In Divorce Papers

According to Newsweek, Sean Grayson and Alexia Pitchford, a nail technician, separated in May 2015. The outlet stated the divorce documents reportedly show that Grayson was “cited over ‘extreme and repeated mental cruelty’ without cause or provocation.” The paperwork didn’t detail specifics of what that meant. Further, in the divorce, Pitchford “received possession of several household items during the split, including a table, a vacuum and a moped.” She dropped “Grayson” from her name, and both parties walked away without having to pay the other.

2. He Was Corrected For Inaccurately Filing A Report

An incident in 2022 found Grayson on the wrong side of his supervisors. While working for the Logan County Sheriff’s Department, CNN reported that on September 12 of that year, Grayson was on patrol in Lincoln, Illinois. In the early morning hours, Grayson pursued a truck, believing the woman driving it “was acting suspicious” because she didn’t use a turn signal. After turning on his squad car lights and attempting to pull the woman over, she reportedly didn’t stop.

The pursuit continued “at a high rate of speed,” but over his police radio, Grayson’s supervisor told him to end the hunt. Yet, Grayson continued driving at fast speeds, eventually striking a deer on the road. In an interview with his supervisors, the officer was questioned about including incorrect information in the report. He named the wrong street where he first saw the truck make the traffic infraction, something that puzzled Logan County Sheriff’s Chief Deputy Nathan Miller, who reportedly brought out a map to show Grayson it was “impossible” for his statements to be correct.

In an audio recording of the conversation between Miller and Grayson, the latter admitted to the inaccuracy. “The sheriff and I will not tolerate lying and deception, nor should we, or the county or the state or law enforcement partners,” Miller said in the audio. “And you understand this?” Grayson answered, “Yes, I do.” One month later, CNN added that another disciplinary report showed that Grayson “needed ‘report writing training, high stress decision making classes, and needs to read, understand and discuss issued Logan County Sheriff’s Office Policy.’”

“If we can’t trust what you say and what you see, we can’t have you in our uniform,” Miller told Grayson in the recording. He stated, “Others will say you have no integrity, and you’re lying to get to that traffic stop. And I have told you that I have zero tolerance for stretching the law. Because when you have officers that stretch the law, they will get caught, they will get prosecuted.” Miller also expressed unease. “I’m getting goosebumps. This is extremely concerning. Everybody likes you. I gotta be able to trust you. Was this a purposefully done lie?” Grayson said, “No.”

3. He Left The Army Due To A “Serious Offense”

Moreover, Grayson’s concerning behaviors date back to his time in the U.S. military. Reports state he joined the Army in 2014 but was back home in 2016 after being cited for a “serious offense.” It has been learned that while serving, Grayson was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol. This would be the first of two DUI arrests. At the time, his address was listed in Kansas, as he was stationed at Fort Riley. Further, a Sangamon County spokesperson admitted that authorities knew about Grayson’s DUIs and were aware that by 2024, they were his sixth job in law enforcement in four years, but hired him anyway.

4. The First DUI In 2015

Multiple outlets have stated that a 21-year-old Grayson was driving a Ford pickup truck in Springfield, Illinois, when a Virden Police officer saw him on the road in 2015. Grayson had his high beam lights on and was seen hitting a curb. Then, when the officer pursued the truck, Grayson continued to hit the curb repeatedly before pulling over. Grayson would admit to the officer that he had one or two beers hours before getting behind the wheel. Soon, that increased to four. The officer noted that Grayson’s “eyes were bloodshot and watery.” There were also claims that Grayson’s breath smelled of alcohol.

During the traffic stop, Grayson reportedly failed multiple field sobriety tests. He was reportedly swaying while attempting to stand on one leg, and he refused the breathalyzer. Meanwhile, as he searched Grayson’s vehicle, the officer found a loaded firearm. Reports state that Grayson did not have a license to carry at the time, but he told police he was in the military, and that’s why he kept it with him. Ammunition was also located in the glove box, along with marijuana that reportedly belonged to Grayson’s passenger. Grayson was arrested at the scene, and his blood alcohol level was later tested. He clocked .117—the legal limit is .08—and pleaded guilty.

5. The Second DUI In 2016

Eleven months later, in July 2016, Grayson was once again facing a DUI. He was driving the same Ford pickup truck in Girard, Illinois, when a Macoupin County sheriff witnessed him making a turn that caused Grayson to drift into the officer’s lane. Grayson was pursued once again, this time crossing into oncoming lanes and almost causing an accident with a semi-tractor. When he was pulled over, Grayson is said to have lit a cigarette and was observed having “glassy and bloodshot” eyes. The officer claimed Grayson was also slurring his speech and struggled to provide his paperwork. When the officer ran Grayson’s Kansas license, it showed it was suspended.

“When Sean stepped out of the truck I observed him to lose his balance and he caught himself by leaning against his back driver’s side door,” the report states. Grayson was asked to do sobriety tests once again, but he confused the officer when he simply answered, “Not true.” The report adds, “I asked Sean what he meant. He again stated, ‘Not true.’ I asked him if he was going to do field sobriety tests for me and he stated ‘no.’”

Grayson was arrested and taken to the station. While there, his behavior reportedly became erratic, and he told officers to “hurry up.” Grayson also was said to have threatened the officer with his 6-foot 3-inch stature, stating he “was too small to be making him mad.”

6. Virden Police Department

From May 2021 to December 2021, Grayson was employed part-time at the Virden Police Department. During his time there, he didn’t receive any disciplinary actions. Yet, the department admitted that they did not have evidence to show they conducted a background check when he was hired. That doesn’t mean one wasn’t completed; it’s just that there were no records of one being done. Dispatch supervisor David Bounds explained why Sean Grayson’s time with the department ended.

“We did not receive a resignation from Mr. Grayson,” Bounds reportedly stated in a letter. Apparently, Grayson got another job and ceased going to work. “He just stopped covering shifts. We were advised that Mr. Grayson left our department to accept a full-time position with the Auburn Police Department. We have no disciplinary actions against Mr. Grayson.”

7. Kincaid Police Department

While working as a part-time officer for the Pawnee Police Department, Sean Grayson also got a job with the Kincaid Police Department. Again, he did not have records of complaints or disciplinary issues, but Grayson was known to have an attitude problem. Mike Lawrence is a member of the Village of Kincaid’s Board of Trustees and had less-than-favorable memories of Grayson.

“I thought he was a loose cannon,” Lawrence said. “He was just arrogant and cocky.” Of the Sonya Massey shooting footage, he added, “I watched the video today actually. It was disgusting [and] it was shocking because it was so wrong.” Lawrence also stated he didn’t know anything about Grayson’s DUI while in the Army.

8. Auburn Police Department

When he applied to the Auburn Police Department in July 2021, Grayson had a letter of recommendation in hand. It was from his former first sergeant, who noted Grayson’s DUI when he enlisted in the Army but also said Grayson didn’t have any issues while serving in the military. However, the department reportedly stated that Grayson described his discharge from the Army as “honorable,” which was a lie. They also shared that they did not look into the discharge, either.

On his application, Grayson was asked if he had ever been “convicted of, charged with or (was) currently waiting trial for any crime greater than that of a minor traffic offense to include driving while intoxicated,” Grayson said, “No, I have only been arrested and charged for DUI.”

9. Supervisors Expressed Concern

Before submitting his letter of resignation from the Logan Police Department in April 2023, Grayson’s supervisors reportedly had concerns regarding his behavior. Grayson was called a “bragger” and deemed “too aggressive.” According to KDSK News out of St. Louis, a supervisor asked Grayson, “How are you still employed by us?” He answered, “I don’t know.” 

In a disciplinary report from Logan, Grayson also faced accusations from a couple he pulled over during a traffic stop. The pair alleged that Grayson was “harassing” them and “abusing his power” during the incident, where arrests were also made. An investigation by the department did not find that Grayson did anything wrong.

10. He Was Called A “Bully”

Further, in another incident that reportedly occurred in 2023, Grayson tried to use his position against a woman. Girard Police Chief Wayman Meredith told CBS that Grayson “pressured him to call child services on a woman outside the home of Grayson’s mother.” Details of the incident are scarce, but Grayson was described as being “steaming mad.” Meredith added, “He was acting like a bully. He was wanting me to do stuff that was not kosher.”

11. Sangamon County Sheriff’s Office Didn’t Know Of His Past

Grayson was working for the Sangamon County Sheriff’s Office when he fatally shot Sonya Massey in cold blood. In a statement, the Office said they were not aware of Grayson’s past disciplinary actions. “We were not provided any such information from any of Grayson’s former employers, nor from any crediting agency,” the statement said. They were aware, however, of his DUIs. “We cannot comment on whether the information is accurate, nor why it was not shared by another agency.”

“The Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board (ILETSB) reviewed the information, which included the DUI convictions,” the office said. “ILETSB certified Grayson for hire and advised that he had been certified several times in the past despite the history of the DUIs.” Grayson also was said to have passed a background check, drug test, and psychological evaluation. He also participated in and graduated from the 16-week training academy.

“[Sonya Massey] called for help and we failed. We did not do our jobs,” Sangamon County Sheriff Jack Campbell told the public during a meeting. He added, “We failed Sonya. We failed Sonya’s family and friends. We failed the community.”


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Sonya Massey Killing: Sheriff Asks For Forgiveness, But Shoots Down Calls To Resign

Sangamon County Sheriff Jack Campbell became emotional while speaking about the killing of Sonya Massey during a Department of Justice Community Relations Service listening session at Union Baptist Church in Springfield on Monday. After asking for forgiveness for failing Massey, he shot down calls for his resignation arguing that it “would solve nothing.”

“We failed, we did not do our jobs,” Campbell said while getting emotional. “We failed Sonya., we failed Sonya’s family and friends. I stand here before you with my arms wide open and I ask for your forgiveness. I ask (Donna Massey, Sonya’s mother) for forgiveness– I offer up no excuses.” As for whether he’ll resign over the incident, he added: “I will not abandon the sheriff’s office at this most critical moment. That would solve nothing.”

Read More: Solange Knowles Reacts To Sonya Massey’s Murder With Passionate Message

Protestors Speak Out In The Wake Of Sonya Massey’s Killing

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – JULY 28: Demonstrators with signs protest the killing of Sonya Massey by a Springfield. Illinois sheriff’s deputy, in Washington Square Park on July 28, 2024, in New York City. Massey was shot at home in the head by Sean Grayson, a Sangamon County, Illinois deputy after she called the police to report a possible prowler. Grayson has been arrested, sparking protests around the country demanding justice for Massey’s death. (Photo by John Lamparski/Getty Images)

Massey was shot and killed in her house by Deputy Sean Grayson after she called 911 over a possible home intruder. During the check-in, Grayson instructed Massey to check on a pot of boiling water, at which point she remarked, “I rebuke you in the name of Jesus.” The situation further escalated and Grayson threatened to “f*cking shoot you right in your f*cking face.” Despite Massey apologizing, the officer fired several shots resulting in her death.

Jack Campbell Speaks To The Public

The police department fired Grayson and he’s since been charged with first-degree murder. He is currently being held in jail without bail. Be on the lookout for further updates on the killing of Sonya Massey on HotNewHipHop.

Read More: Cardi B Checks Candace Owens For Claiming Sonya Massey’s Murder Wasn’t Racially Motivated


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Police Killed Sonya Massey’s 4-Year-Old Cousin Terrell Miller In March: What We Know

It took four months for the tragedy regarding Terrell Miller, out of Macomb, Illinois, to reach the masses. As the U.S. was swept up in the news about Sonya Massey’s slaying in nearby Springfield, it’s reported that her four-year-old cousin, Terrell, lost his life after being used as a human shield during a confrontation. NewsOne stated that police were responding to a call of a man, suspect Anthony George, with a knife in a domestic dispute. This resulted in the deaths of both George and little Terrell, and the officer responsible will not be charged.

Terrell Miller’s Mother Was Stabbed During The Incident

On March 16, 2024, Macomb police dispatch received a call from Keianna Miller’s home. They could hear her screaming, crying, and begging for someone to help her. Once police arrived, they used force to enter the apartment and found Keianna, Terrell’s mother, with multiple stab wounds. Also on the scene was Anthony George, 57, holding two knives. Quickly, officers moved Keianna outside as George reportedly took Terrell from his bedroom and returned to the hallway, where he used the little boy as a shield between himself and the officers. Seconds later, an unidentified police officer fired a single shot that went through Terrell’s head, also striking George. The suspect and the child were killed in the incident.

Officers Involved Will Not Be Charged

It came as a shock to Terrell’s loved ones when they learned that the police officers involved in the hostage incident wouldn’t be charged. Special Prosecutor Jonathan H. Barnard explained that he reviewed all the evidence and decided not to press any criminal charges. This has understandably angered many. “I feel like Terrell will never receive justice. He died for nothing,” Keianna stated.

The evidence in question included interviews with witnesses, reports from the Coroner, body camera footage from police, and more. According to authorities, when George emerged from Terrell’s room and was in the hallway, he was holding a knife to the little boy’s neck. There was reportedly another knife at George’s waist. “Based upon that review, I find that there is no basis for any criminal action or prosecution that is supportable under the facts of this case against any of the officers involved in this tragic incident,” Barnard said in a letter earlier this month.

“We believe that the police officer acted recklessly and not within standard guidelines for the use of deadly force,” Marleen Suarez, Keianna Miller’s attorney, said. “Terrell was just a little boy, and he didn’t have a chance.” Suarez added, “I watched the body cam video of Terrell’s shooting, and it is as tragic as you can imagine.” She wants the investigation into the case reopened. “We intend to hold the Macomb Police Department accountable for Terrell’s tragic death and will be pursuing civil remedies.”

Terrell’s Mother Called Him Her “Miracle Baby”

Terrell’s loved ones are still trying to pick up the pieces of this catastrophe. They told reporters he was a precious, always smiling child who couldn’t get enough of Spider-Man and trains. Further, he was referred to as his mother’s “miracle baby” because Kieanna struggled with fertility issues before Terrell’s celebrated arrival. Of course, news of Terrell’s death has shocked the Macomb community, and several have gathered in protest and for a recent press conference. There has been a call for justice, but it is unclear if the authorities are interested in re-evaluating this case.

Meanwhile, Sonya Massey’s Shooter Has Been Charged

The reportedly related nature of Sonya Massey and Terrell Miller only amplifies both tragedies. “So, really, we wanted to hold a space tonight for the community to come together, have some collective healing, and just be able to highlight the lives lost in Sonya and her cousin Terrell,” Advocates for Social Justice Board Member Harold Walehwa stated. While Terrell’s killer will seemingly escape legal troubles, deputy Sean Grayson of the Sangamon County Sheriff’s Office has been charged in Sonya’s death.

On July 6, Sonya called the police after she believed a burglar was on her property. Although she was the person who called for help, police responded and questioned her about a car in her driveway and asked for her license. Then, Grayson told Sonya to check on a pot of boiling water still on her stove, but the situation took a grave turn when she entered the kitchen. Things intensified, and Sonya told the officers, “I rebuke you in the name of Jesus.” Officers drew their weapons, and Grayson threatened to shoot Sonya in the “f*cking face.” She dropped to the ground in fear and said, “Okay, I’m sorry,” holding the pot in front of her face and crouching on the floor. Grayson shot her three times.

Grayson Lied About The Scene

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – JULY 28: Demonstrators with signs protest the killing of Sonya Massey by a Springfield, Illinois sheriff’s deputy, in Washington Square Park on July 28, 2024 in New York City. Massey was shot at home in the head by Sean Grayson, a Sangamon County, Illinois deputy after she called the police to report a possible prowler. Grayson has been arrested, sparking protests around the country demanding justice for Massey’s death. (Photo by John Lamparski/Getty Images)

Sonya’s death was first reported as self-inflicted, and on his body camera, Grayson can be heard accusing Sonya of setting up the scene on purpose. He also advised his fellow officers not to attempt life-rescuing efforts, reportedly telling them, “She’s done.” After footage of the incident was released, it quickly circulated on social media. Advocates are calling for justice once more, and Grayson has been arrested and faces several charges, including three counts of first-degree murder. With the U.S. Presidential Election less than 100 days away, both incidents will be talking points regarding police reform, immunity, and accountability.


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Cardi B Drags Donald Trump For Promising Police Immunity After Sonya Massey’s Murder

During a recent speech, Donald Trump sparked controversy by promising to give police officers federal immunity from prosecution. His claim earned big reactions from countless social media users, including Cardi B. The “Enough” rapper took to X yesterday to weigh in, making it clear that she doesn’t agree, particularly after the murder of Sonya Massey.

Massey was a 36-year-old Black woman who was shot and killed by police in her Illinois home earlier this month. Sangamon County Sheriff’s Deputy Sean P. Grayson has since been charged with her murder and pleaded not guilty. Regardless, people are outraged by the disturbing incident and the gruesome bodycam footage that surfaced shortly after.

Read More: Cardi B Reacts To Donald Trump Telling Christians They Won’t Have To Vote After 2024

Cardi B Continues To Criticize Donald Trump

“AFTER WATCHING SONYA MASSEY GET KILLED IN 4K,” Cardi said of Trump’s promise, “Just wow ….he never changed.” This isn’t the first time Cardi has brought attention to Massey’s murder, however. Last week, she sounded off on Candace Owens for saying that the shooting was not racially motivated. She slammed the conservative commentator’s claim that “accidents happen,” despite there being no conflict leading up to the murder. “You don’t feel one little bit of empathy, a little bit of sympathy of how this woman died?” she asked Owens. “There was no argument, there was no conflict, there was no raised voice, and she got shot. He knew in the back of his head because she was a Black woman that he was going to get away with it.”

This isn’t the first time Cardi’s criticized Trump either. Yesterday, she questioned him telling Christians that they won’t have to vote after 2024 if he’s elected, suggesting that he was promoting dictatorship. What do you think of Donald Trump promising federal immunity to police officers following the murder of Sonya Massey? What about Cardi B’s reaction? Share your thoughts in the comments section down below, and keep an eye on HNHH for more updates.

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Pretty Vee Denies Disrespecting Sonya Massey After Soulja Boy’s B. Simone Rant

Earlier this week, Soulja Boy took to Instagram Live to clap back at B. Simone, who made some playfully shady comments about the rapper on her Let’s Try This Again podcast. He didn’t hold back at all, blasting Simone’s appearance, career, and more. This prompted a response from both Simone and Pretty Vee, who defended her.

“Don’t play with me @souljaboy. You better play with them ones like this but not @thebsimone. Again she said what she said, now WHAT 🤬,” she wrote in The Shade Room‘s comments section. “I rebuke you in the name of Jesus you living creature 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂.” While most don’t blame Pretty Vee for sticking up for her friend, some called her out for her choice of words. “I rebuke you in the name of Jesus” were the final words of Sonya Massey, a 36-year-old Black woman murdered by police this month.

Read More: B. Simone & Pretty Vee Respond To Soulja Boy Following His Heated Rant

Pretty Vee Says She Meant No Disrespect

Social media users accused Pretty Vee of disrespecting Massey in her response. According to her, however, this was the last thing she meant to do. She took to Instagram recently to address the backlash, claiming that those criticizing her choice of words are taking them out of context, and confirming that she never intended to offend anyone. This sparked another response from B. Simone, who thanked Pretty Vee for standing up for her. “Vee I love you thank you for having my back ❤ A true friend ….you have the purest heart and we know what you meant by it,” she wrote.

What do you think of Pretty Vee receiving backlash for her response to Soulja Boy’s unhinged rant about B. Simone? What about her confirming that she never meant to disrespect Sonya Massey? Share your thoughts in the comments section down below, and keep an eye on HNHH for more updates.

Read More: Pretty Vee Makes Fun Of Rick Ross’ Vancouver Fight With Drake Fans During Her Comedy Show


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Cardi B Checks Candace Owens For Claiming Sonya Massey’s Murder Wasn’t Racially Motivated

Earlier this week, Candace Owens shared her take on the murder of Sonya Massey, an Illinois woman who was fatally shot by a police officer after calling 911 over concerns about a prowler. Owens argued that the shooting was not racially motivated, telling other Black Americans not to “take this bait.” She also claimed that unarmed white Americans are more likely to be shot and killed by police than Black Americans.

“Police officers are human beings, there are mistakes that happen,” she said. “The idea that now you’re going to use this situation … To then try to make Black Americans believe that this happened simply because she was Black, is pointedly ridiculous.” Many were quick to call Owens out for her questionable comments, including Cardi B.

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Cardi B Shuts Down Candace Owens’ Claims

The “Enough” rapper took to Twitter Spaces last night to share her own thoughts, slamming Owens for her lack of empathy and rejecting her claims. “Today she said something so disturbing about the Sonya Massey case,” Cardi began. “For you to sit here and say that ‘Oh not everything is racial. I know that this is sad, but this is not something racial. There’s more white people that get killed by the cops’ […] Girl shut up.”

“You don’t feel one little bit of empathy, a little bit of sympathy of how this woman died?” she continued. “There was no argument, there was no conflict, there was no raised voice, and she got shot. He knew in the back of his head because she was a Black woman that he was going to get away with it. Not only did he think that, but the department thought that because they didn’t tell her son or her father that a cop shot her.” What do you think of Cardi B calling out Candace Owens for her take on Sonya Massey’s murder? Share your thoughts in the comments section down below, and keep an eye on HNHH for more updates.

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Sonya Massey Fatally Shot By Police On Bodycam: What We Know So Far

Sonya Massey was tragically killed by a sheriff’s deputy in her Illinois home, a moment captured on body camera footage released on Monday. In the video, Massey is seen ducking and apologizing to Deputy Sean Grayson moments before he shot her three times, with one fatal shot to the head. This incident led to Grayson’s indictment on multiple charges, including first-degree murder. Grayson has pleaded not guilty.

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The Incident

At approximately 00:50 am on July 6, two Sangamon County sheriff’s deputies responded to a call from Sonya Massey reporting a suspected burglar. Deputies responded to her Springfield home just before 1 a.m. on July 6, finding a black SUV with broken windows in the driveway. Upon arrival, the deputies conducted a search around Massey’s home and then knocked on her door to speak with her as she pleaded for help repeatedly. The bodycam footage reveals Massey having difficulty responding to some questions, and when asked about her mental state, she confirmed she had taken her medication. Massey had been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, a fact later confirmed by her family. The deputies’ frustration grew as they tried to obtain her identification.

While one deputy continued searching outside, Deputy Sean P. Grayson entered the home, followed by his partner. According to the body camera footage, the situation escalated when Grayson ordered Massey to put down a pot of hot water. Massey complied by moving the pot near a sink, but the encounter took a deadly turn when she told the officers, “I rebuke you in the name of Jesus.” Grayson drew his firearm and threatened, “I’ll shoot you in the face.” Video shows that Massey immediately apologizes, ducks, and complies before Grayson fatally shoots her three times, including a shot to the head.

Aftermath & Legal Proceedings

Following the shooting, Grayson discouraged his partner from administering aid, citing the severity of Massey’s injuries. Despite this, the other deputy attempted to render assistance until medical help arrived. Grayson, now facing charges of first-degree murder, aggravated battery with a firearm, and official misconduct, remains in custody without bond. His actions have led to widespread calls for transparency and justice as both local authorities and the public have condemned Grayson’s actions. 

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Family Response

Massey’s death has elicited strong reactions from her family, legal representatives, and the broader community. Civil rights attorney Ben Crump, representing Massey’s family, criticized Grayson’s actions and called for accountability. Massey’s father, James Wilburn, demanded a thorough investigation and prosecution. The incident has also drawn comments from political figures, including President Joe Biden and Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker, both of whom expressed their condolences and outrage.

The family of Sonya Massey has called for justice following her fatal shooting by Deputy Sean Grayson, which they believe authorities attempted to cover up. They emphasized that the release of the bodycam footage was crucial in revealing the truth. During a news conference with their attorney, Ben Crump, and after meeting with Illinois Governor JB Pritzker, the family demanded legislative changes to improve policing. 

Massey’s son, Malachi Hill-Massey, described her as a loving mother who always prioritized others and shared his fond memories of her in an interview with NBC. He and his grandmother, Donna Massey, criticized the police for their lack of transparency, noting that the police had given conflicting accounts of the incident, including a false claim of suicide.

The family insists on accountability and clarity, highlighting the discrepancies in the police narrative. They are determined to seek justice for Sonya Massey and have voiced their concerns about Deputy Grayson’s conduct and the actions of the Sangamon County Sheriff’s Office. Their attorney questioned why the police department hired Grayson, with a troubled history, in the first place. The family remains steadfast in their pursuit of justice and reform.

Who Is Sean Grayson?

Grayson, 30, has been indicted on three counts of first-degree murder, aggravated battery with a firearm, and official misconduct. His actions have drawn scrutiny, particularly regarding his troubled history and frequent job changes. According to CNN, Grayson’s brief tenure in law enforcement includes stints at six different agencies over four years. Beginning with part-time work for the Pawnee Police in August 2020, he subsequently served in the Kincaid, Virden, Auburn, Logan County, and Sangamon County law enforcement departments. 

His career shift frequency raises questions about his employment stability and the reasons behind his departures. Adding to the concern are his two DUI convictions from 2015 and 2016 in Macoupin County, Illinois, which have fueled public and familial demands for an investigation into his hiring by Sangamon County.

Officials deemed Grayson’s use of deadly force unjustified. Despite his claims of self-defense, Grayson’s delayed activation of his body camera and his dismissive remarks after the shooting—labeling Massey as “crazy”—have further tarnished his credibility. The Illinois State Police and Sangamon County prosecutor concluded that Grayson’s actions were unwarranted, leading to his firing and suspension of his law enforcement certification. Grayson remains in custody without pretrial release, having pleaded not guilty to all charges.

Celebrity Response

The murder of Massey has prompted outrage online and in real life, especially as prominent figures shed light on her death. President Joe Biden issued a statement demanding justice while Kamala Harris echoed a similar sentiment. But outside of political figures, celebrities like Solange, Meek Mill, Vic Mensa, Nick Young, and many more expressed condolences and anger.

“So the police shot and killed an 36 yr old black lady holding a pot bcuz she said I rebuke you in Jesus name..and we out here playing for USA,” Young, who will be playing basketball with Team USA at the Olympics, wrote. Solange wrote, “[The] first words Sonya Massey said at her front door were ‘Don’t hurt me.’ She was told, ‘Why would we hurt you? You called us.’ When have those words meant anything when [you’re] Black and woman in this country?”


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