Skip Bayless Rips Clippers For Russell Westbrook Signing

Skip Bayless is someone who is incredibly harsh on a lot of athletes. There are some people that he hates a whole lot more than others, and it rubs people the wrong way. Overall, Bayless is still able to secure big ratings for his show Undisputed, which he co-hosts with Shannon Sharpe. Over the years, this show has proven to be a winner for Bayless. Although he gets into some fights with Shannon, there is no doubt that these two have a ton of on-camera chemistry. They have been doing this for almost seven years, and fans hope it goes on even longer.

One of the athletes that Bayless has ripped over the years is Russell Westbrook. In fact, Bayless has been particularly harsh on Russ this season. This is mostly due to his poor play on the Los Angeles Lakers. Although Russ is now off of the Lakers, he has even more reason to go after him. Overall, this is because Westbrook is signing with the Los Angeles Clippers. As a Kawhi stan, Bayless cannot stand this signing.

Skip Bayless Goes Off

“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO: Before the season, not in my wildest nightmares could I have imagined Russell Westbrook moving from the Lakers to the Clippers. Now the Lakers are better and the Clippers worse. The Clippers fell into the same trap LeBron did. Russ: MORE TROUBLE THAN HE’S WORTH,” Bayless wrote. “The problem with Russell Westbrook is he still believes he’s a SUPERSTAR. No player is more delusional about who he currently is. No player lives in his past more. Now the Clippers are saying to the Lakers, ‘Watch US make it work with Russ.’ No you won’t.”

Bayless was not finished as he continued to call Russ names like “Westbrick.” Moreover, he tried to say that there is no possibility in which Kawhi Leonard is happy with the signing. Overall, Skip has no idea what goes on in the Clippers’ locker room. That said, this is one of those NBA moves that will haunt the Undisputed star, forever. Let us know what you think of this signing for the Clippers, in the comments below.

Bayless Continues


LeBron James Reveals How Proud He Is Of Kyrie Irving

LeBron James is someone who has played for 20 years in the NBA. Overall, he has seen a lot of players come and go. Additionally, he has been able to play with some truly exceptional guys. This includes none other than Kyrie Irving. James and Kyrie were teammates on the Cleveland Cavaliers, and they even won an NBA title together. It was an amazing partnership that fans are very nostalgic for. Even now, LeBron and his fans yearn for that partnership to be rekindled.

In fact, when Kyrie demanded a trade from the Brooklyn Nets, LeBron made it clear that he wanted Irving on the Lakers. However, the Lakers never made the trade that James was asking for. Instead, he had to wait on a trade that sent Russell Westbrook to the Jazz. Subsequently, LeBron even told ESPN in an exclusive interview that he was disappointed to not have Kyrie on his team. Needless to say, if LeBron James could shake up the league right now, he would make sure that Kyrie is his point guard.

LeBron James Praises Kyrie

During the All-Star draft yesterday, LeBron made sure to draft Kyrie Irving to his team. The two of them shared a long embrace, and overall, it was a whole lot of fun. Afterward, LeBron was asked by reporters about his relationship with Kyrie. This is where James made it clear how much he loves the Mavericks star. “It’s always good to see him. I’m very proud of him. Very proud of the man that he has become in his life right now,” LeBron said. Overall, it was a huge endorsement of Kyrie, who has been through a lot over the past few years. Irving is someone who is still finding himself, and LeBron appreciates that growth.

Hopefully, Kyrie continues to find what makes him happy. He is now in Dallas which is a nice fresh start for him. Moreover, he is a free agent in the summer, which could lead to a reunion with LeBron. No matter what, it is an exciting time to be Kyrie right now. Stay tuned to HNHH for more news and updates from around the sports world.


Karl Malone Allegedly Once Told Vanessa Bryant He Was “Hunting For Little Mexican Girls”

Karl Malone is a very controversial figure in the NBA. Although he mostly just minds his business and doesn’t hang around the league anymore, the NBA saw fit to invite him to All-Star Weekend. Of course, this is because the game was in Salt Lake City, Utah, where Malone built a name for himself. However, there is a big issue here. When Malone was in college, he impregnated a 13-year-old. This is one of those things that has been swept under the rug for years. Although, there is a large subset of NBA fans who know all about this.

With all of this being out in the open, fans were simply stunned that the league would invite Malone in the first place. The NBA has not made a single comment about Malone’s past, and it is highly unlike that they will. Needless to say, this is a bit of a PR disaster for the league. Moreover, it is leading to increased coverage of Malone’s alleged past misdeeds. For instance, Rolling Stone recently did a deep dive into Malone and his alleged actions.

Karl Malone Story

Above, you can see one of the wilder alleged stories about Malone. This story reportedly took place in 2004 and involved Vanessa Bryant. At the time, Malone was on the Lakers and he came to the Staples Center in a cowboy hat. Subsequently, Bryant found the outfit amusing so she asked what he was hunting for. Knowing her Mexican heritage, Malone then replied, “I’m hunting for little Mexican girls.” This comment immediately made Bryant feel uncomfortable, although nothing really came of it. As we explained, this is an alleged story, although it is still very concerning, nonetheless.

Fans in Utah did not seem to care about the allegations surrounding Malone. In the Twitter clip down below, you can see that Malone was welcomed back with open arms. Moreover, he got to sit next to his old teammate John Stockton, who has become a conspiracy theorist in retirement. Needless to say, the city of Salt Lake was not sending its best over the weekend. Stay tuned to HNHH for more news from around the sports world.

Malone At All-Star Weekend


Russell Westbrook Signs With Clippers, NBA Twitter Reacts

Russell Westbrook has not had a particularly great couple of years. His issues truly started when he joined the Los Angeles Lakers. Overall, it was clear that his style of play was incompatible with that of LeBron James. Subsequently, the Lakers had to have Russ come off the bench so that he and LeBron would not be in each other’s way. Regardless, things did not change much for the Lakers who continued to hover around 13th in the Western Conference. For many, it was clear that Russ needed a change of scenery.

During the trade deadline, the Lakers were making all sorts of phone calls involving Russ. Eventually, they were able to land a deal with the Utah Jazz. From there, it was revealed that the Jazz would buy out Russ’ deal. This would then make Russ a free agent who could go wherever he pleases. In the end, he did just that as earlier this morning, it was announced that he would be joining the Los Angeles Clippers.

Russell Westbrook To Clips

As you can imagine, there was a lot of fanfare around this decision. Westbrook is a high-profile player who demands attention. Consequently, fans were very interested in where he would eventually go. Now, Russ will get to play with the likes of Kawhi Leonard. Additionally, he will reunite with his former teammate on the Thunder, Paul George. Overall, this is going to be very fun to watch. Moreover, there is now this sense that the Clippers are title contenders. However, NBA Twitter might have something else to say about that, as Russ is already the subject of endless memes.

In the various tweets down below, you can find some memes that are both for and against Russ joining the Clippers. Many believe that Russ will actually enhance certain players such as Ivica Zubac. Others aren’t so sure as Russ has never truly worked out for any of his former teams. Regardless, the Clippers have their point guard, and they are confident that they can make a deep title run with Westbrook at the helm.

NBA Twitter Comments

Russell Westbrook Set To Sign With This Team

Russell Westbrook did not have a very good time with the Los Angeles Lakers. Overall, he played like a shell of his former self. He was much better during his previous stint with the Washington Wizards. That said, he had to accept a bench role with the Lakers as things were not going well for him. Although he was able to improve his play, it became clear that he had no chemistry with the team. This led to plenty of trade talks. Subsequently, he was sent to the Utah Jazz who were very clearly looking to buy out his contract.

Over the last few days, there have been various reports surrounding Westbrook and where he will go next. According to various reports, Westbrook was set to either sign with the Los Angeles Clippers, Washington Wizards, Chicago Bulls, or the Miami Heat. Interestingly enough, the only true title contender here was the Clippers. Moreover, they boast the talents of Kawhi Leonard and Paul George. Needless to say, they are a team that would make a lot of sense for Russ.

Russell Westbrook Decides

According to Adrian Wojnarowski of ESPN, that is exactly where Russ has decided to go. Overall, they are a team in need of a point guard. They just traded away John Wall, who was not as good as they had hoped. Consequently, Russ has less pressure than he otherwise would have. Regardless, he still has to shake off just how bad he was in Los Angeles. That is not going to be an easy task, although, with some superstar teammates around him, it could be a lot easier to achieve. Either way, the Clippers are now going to be hit with immense pressure as their new big three has been established.

The Western Conference is looking stacked right now, so it is going to be hard for the Clippers to break through. However, they definitely have a chance to do something great. Only time will tell whether or not Russ will live up to the moment over these last few games of the regular season. Let us know what you think of this move, in the comments below. Additionally, stay tuned to HNHH for more news and updates from around the sports world.


Shaq Hilariously Makes Fun Of Charles Barkley For Sounding Drunk

Shaq and Charles Barkley have always combined for some truly incredible banter on Inside The NBA. TNT has had the rights to the NBA for a very long time, and overall, fans are hoping that they keep it. This is largely thanks to the amazing job that Shaq and Charles are constantly doing. Although they may be oldheads who are stuck in their ways, they are always providing fans with some truly hilarious banter. Whenever you tune into their broadcast, you can be sure that something truly funny is going to be said by one of them.

This past weekend, Barkley and Shaq were huge parts of the All-Star coverage. TNT has always had the game, and on Sunday, they got to be part of the draft and the game in Salt Lake City, Utah. As we already reported, Chuck had some words for none other than Draymond Green. Additionally, however, during the draft portion, Shaq and Chuck had some hilarious banter. In the clip down below, you can see just how amazing it truly was.

Shaq Clowns Chuck

As you can hear, there was a weird delay on Barkley’s mic that made it sound as if he was slurring his words. Shaq caught onto this right away and decided to make fun of his co-host. The NBA legend asked Barkley if he was drunk and what exactly he had been sipping on all afternoon. Chuck immediately claimed it was the microphone, although Shaq was not buying it. Furthermore, the whole scene was made funnier thanks to LeBron and Giannis laughing it up on stage. Needless to say, Shaq knows how to turn moments into funny ones.

As for the game itself, Team Giannis won thanks to some amazing efforts from his teammates. However, there was no defense and for many of the fans at home, it was just a boring match. At the end of the day, the All-Star Game is simply a showcase, and nothing more. Hopefully, in future years, they are able to make the game a bit better. Until then, fans will be stuck with the current product which absolutely needs a bit of work.


Charles Barkley Tells Draymond Green The Warriors Are “Cooked”

Charles Barkley is one of the funniest members of Inside The NBA. That is a pretty hard title to get when you are also on the broadcast with Shaq. However, the two have amazing chemistry, and it leads to some phenomenal moments on the air. Although these two tend to fight at times, there is no doubt that they are secretly great friends. Without them, the TNT broadcasts would be a lot duller, so we thank them for their valuable service. We truly hope they never stop doing what they do best.

Yesterday, Chuck and Shaq, as well as EJ and Kenny Smith were at the NBA All-Star Game in Utah. Overall, it was a fairly standard All-Star Game as no defense was played. However, there was a new addition to the broadcast crew in the form of Draymond Green. In the past, Green and Barkley have traded shots, so you can imagine what kind of energy was brought to the broadcast last night. Down below, you can find perhaps the realest clip from the broadcast in which Barkley goes off on Draymond and the Warriors.

Charles Barkley Gets Honest

“The Golden State Warriors are cooked,” Barkley said matter-of-factly. This then led to a strong response from Green, who said “That’s crazy. You said that last year, but we all know you don’t know what you’re talking about.” Despite all of this, Barkley did not care for the response as he completely doubled down. “Y’all are cooked now… ya’ll are done… I’m telling you, y’all are done,” Chuck replied. Overall, it is hard to disagree with Barkley when you consider how Steph Curry is injured right now. At this point, the Warriors do not have much of a chance to advance this year.

Either way, Warriors fans are still going to hang on to their dynasty, and rightfully so. They won four NBA titles in the span of eight years, which is definitely impressive. However, it seems like better teams are starting to take over in the Western Conference. For many fans around the league who do not care for the Warriors, this is great news. Let us know what you thought of Barkley’s remarks, in the comments down below.


Draymond Green Roasted For Ridiculous LeBron Comparison

Draymond Green is one of the best defenders in the entire NBA. However, when it comes to his offensive game, he leaves a lot to be desired. Thankfully, he plays with the likes of Steph Curry and Klay Thompson. These men have helped him win four NBA titles, and if it weren’t for them, Green would not be talked about as much as he is now. Overall, Green is still a great player, and there is a real case for him as a Hall of Famer. Regardless, he remains a polarizing figure as he does a lot of talking in the media.

If you watch Draymond Green on TNT or on his podcast, you understand that he loves LeBron James. Green is a member of Klutch Sports, and there have always been rumors of him linking up with James in Los Angeles. Although these rumors have never actually materialized into something real, Green’s love for James is absolutely palpable. Unfortunately, sometimes Green puts himself in the same breath as LeBron. For most fans, this is totally undeserved.

Draymond Green Thinks He’s Him

For instance, during his coverage of the All-Star game, Green came out and said that he feels as though no one other than LeBron has a similar resume to him. Of course, LeBron and Green both have four NBA titles. However, that is where the comparisons stop. Overall, LeBron is way better than Draymond, and the same can be said of pretty well every player at the All-Star Game. Needless to say, many fans took offense to this and roasted Green on social media. “Aside from the NBA product going downhill, we now have the NBA media getting ready be taken over by guys that just want to promote their era and how much better it is compared to the past,” one fan said. “TNT will be unwatchable when Draymond becomes a full-time host.

In the tweets down below, you can find various other takes on what Green had to say. For the most part, people do not agree with him at all. The roast session was quite something to witness, and it is clear that Green will think twice before saying something like this again. That said, let us know how you feel about Green’s remarks, in the comments down below.

Draymond Roasted

LeBron James Breaks Silence On All-Star Game Hand Injury

LeBron is one of the best players in the entire world. Even at the age of 38, he can do things that most other players cannot. Overall, he is still averaging about 30 points per game, and he is breaking records while doing so. Consequently, it should come as no surprise that James was able to make it to the All-Star game. In fact, he was voted the most by fans which allowed him to be the Western Conference captain. Subsequently, on Sunday, he got to pick his own team prior to the match.

Typically, during the All-Star game, there is no defense being played. The game itself is just a showcase of talent, and for the most part, the players could live without it. Regardless, everyone wanted to put on a show for the fans in Salt Lake City. LeBron was certainly one of them, and he even promised Michael Malone, the coach of his team, that he would try and do at least one defensive play. While James made good on his promise, he ultimately got his hand caught in the rim on the play. From there, he injured his hand and was forced to leave the game.

LeBron Speaks

As you can imagine, fans were very concerned about LeBron getting injured. The Lakers are in the fight of their lives for a playoff spot, and they cannot lose James right now. Although, it seems like there shouldn’t be too much cause for concern at the moment. This is because James spoke about the injury after the game, telling reporters “I’ll be fine. I don’t think it’s too much to worry about.” Additionally, with the All-Star break continuing, it seems like LeBron will have plenty of time to mend himself.

Overall, this is still not great news for the Lakers. After all, you never want to see your player get injured, especially in a meaningless game like the All-Star game. Hopefully, LeBron is able to get better soon and continue his phenomenal season. Stay tuned to HNHH as we will be sure to bring you the latest news and updates from around the basketball world.

The Injury
