Cardi B Issues Stern Warning About ‘Belcalis the Demon’ Returning: ‘Leave Me Alone Because I Come with Reciepts’

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Somebody has ticked off Cardi B. Hitting Instagram, Cardi revealed that she is attempting to keep things professional, but “Belcalis the Demon” is seeping through.

“To my haters and to y’all motherfuckers that want to see mess. Leave me the fuck alone because I come with receipts. Years-old receipts. I got receipts on all you niggas and you bitches. I will bring this internet into fucking shambles.

“I literally got real receipts with dates. So leave me alone. ‘Cause y’all not gonna be ready for that. Y’all not gonna be ready for nothing.”

In related news, gossip vlogger Tasha K has been in hot water with Cardi B since she filed for bankruptcy to avoid paying the $4 million judgment awarded to the rapper back in May. Now reports are claiming Cardi is asking for Tasha K’s husband to testify under oath.

Radar Online reports:

Cardi B’s efforts to collect the nearly $4 million owed to her by blogger Tasha K have ramped up in federal court, has learned.

According to court documents obtained by, Cardi and her legal team have scheduled a videotaped examination of Tasha for this week.

Cardi wants Tasha to show up and answer questions under oath about her assets and income.

Included in her list of requested docs, Cardi asked for information on “Debtor’s direct or indirect income streams through Social Media Platforms or through wire transfers, cash payments or transfers via applications such as PayPal, Zelle, Venmo or CashApp or any other manner for designed for transferring funds to Debtor or at Debtor’s direction to third parties.”

In addition, Cardi wants copies of credit card statements from March 2019 to now, all investment and retirement account information, a list and photos of all her furniture, a list of all assets Tasha’s husband Cheickna Kebe owns, and all communications she had with the IRS.

Cardi demanded Tasha’s husband show up to court days after the blogger with his own set of records for her to examine. Tasha has yet to respond.

The post Cardi B Issues Stern Warning About ‘Belcalis the Demon’ Returning: ‘Leave Me Alone Because I Come with Reciepts’ first appeared on The Source.

The post Cardi B Issues Stern Warning About ‘Belcalis the Demon’ Returning: ‘Leave Me Alone Because I Come with Reciepts’ appeared first on The Source.