Cardi B Is Not Letting Up On Vlogger Tasha K: Requests To See Financial Records


Last year Youtube gossip vlogger Tasha K lost an ongoing court battle after she refused to take down a video allegeding horrible things about the Bronx rapper. Tasha was ordered to pay rapper Cardi B $3 million after Cardi won the lawsuit against Tasha for defamation of character
Two months ago Tasha filed for bankruptcy but that’s not stopping Cardi from letting up. Now Cardi is requesting to see all of Tasha’s financial records for an examination.

Radar Online reports:

Cardi B has demanded the blogger who owes her $3 million show up to court with copies of all her financial records for an examination, has learned.

According to court documents obtained by, Cardi requested the hearing take place on August 9. The rapper wants to grill Tasha K about the sources of her income.

Cardi wants Tasha to come to court with a series of documents. She has asked for copies of all “transfers Debtor’s financial or other assets to any third party, bank account or trust made from March 21, 2019, to present.”

Further, she wants Tasha to explain how she plans to pay the $3 million debt owed, especially since she believes it cannot be wiped clean in bankruptcy.

In addition, Cardi wants copies of Tasha’s, “direct or indirect income streams through Social Media Platforms or through wire transfers, cash payments or transfers via applications such as PayPal, Zelle, Venmo or CashApp or any other manner for designed for transferring funds to Debtor or at Debtor’s direction to third parties.”

Cardi wants information on all of Tasha’s social media platforms and a copy of her financial statement generated by QuickBooks or similar accounting software.

The motion asked Tasha to also bring copies of her., “Income Tax Returns for Debtor (including jointly filed) for 2019, 2020, 2021 (including all schedules) and including any 1099 forms and Schedule K-1 forms. Income Tax Return for 2022 (including all schedules and when filed) and including any 1099 forms and Schedule K-1 forms.”

Cardi even wants photos of all household goods and furnishings, fur and jewelry owned by Tasha. She also requested copies of all her credit card statements and lists of any crypto currency.

Tasha has yet to respond.

The post Cardi B Is Not Letting Up On Vlogger Tasha K: Requests To See Financial Records first appeared on The Source.

The post Cardi B Is Not Letting Up On Vlogger Tasha K: Requests To See Financial Records appeared first on The Source.