Big Sean Calls Out DJ Akademiks For Pushing Rap Beef Narratives

What a difference a freestyle makes. Big Sean has made a point of staying out of rap beef in 2024. The artist has a reputation for being well-liked within the industry. Even when he gets criticized by others, like his former label boss, Kanye West, Sean seems to take the high road. This is what made his On the Radar freestyle such a surprise. Big Sean dropped some combative bars over a classic Timbaland beat, and the internet theorized that he was targeting Kendrick Lamar. It made sense, given how many times Dot has targeted Sean on record.

This theory proved to be false. DJ Hed claimed that he talked with Big Sean about the freestyle, and the bars were aimed at a different Gemini rapper. Then, the Detroit rapper decided to set the record straight. He tweeted that he was merely going at his haters on the freestyle. “Y’all going with so many narratives, I’m talking to da haters,” he wrote. “Who just keep finding something to point out they don’t like about me.” Big Sean went on to lament the fact that he had to explain his bars. “It’s not even worth explaining tho,” he added. “Ima just focus on the music.”

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Big Sean Shot Down Any And All Beef Rumors

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The venting then moved over to Instagram. Big Sean commented on a DJ Akademiks post suggesting he was target Dot and tried, yet again, to clear the air. “Ak you know I f*ck wit you,” he wrote in the comment section. “But I’m laughing cause you know that tweet n the video don’t got nothing to do with each other lol.” The tweet that Sean alludes to was posted earlier in the day. “N f*ck these b*tch a*s n**gaz,” he wrote. “Every one of them.” It’s easy to see why fans interpreted the tweet as being connected to the combative On the Radar freestyle. That said, the rapper implies that Akademiks knew information that the the rest of us didn’t.

To further emphasize the fact that he’s got no beef, Big Sean recreated an iconic LeBron James meme. “Smiling through it,” he wrote on his IG Story. “Can’t believe this is my life.” The rapper is in a good place after revealing that he quit drinking. “I stopped drinking in 2022 cause that sh*t was just f*cking me up,” he said via IG Live. “It’s a depressant so if you dealing with any anxiety like me — I always be thinking about what I gotta do. How I gotta do it, what’s next et cetera.” He’s in a much better place, and this place evidently, has no room for beef.

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