Andrew Tate Disses Women Who Go To Festivals

Andrew Tate just came through with one of his most bizarre and unnecessary takes in recent memory, and that’s saying a lot. Of course, it’s not uncommon for the controversial influencer to dish out takes about women, society, masculinity, and more from his bigoted perspective. However, in the wake of many recent events like Coachella, this was one of his weirder, albeit less outwardly hateful observations. Recently, the alleged human trafficker urged his followers on Twitter to steer clear of women who go to music festivals. He went on to explain his viewpoint and, unsurprisingly, gas himself up in the process.

“Avoid women who go to festivals,” Andrew Tate wrote. “Theyre either on some losers table whos feeding them cocaine or in a crowd of sweaty peasants because theyre a sweaty peasant. Endless instagram stories screaming and having ‘fun’ to prove to the world theyre worthless. Hard pass festih*es. Imagine being 24 and gorgeous and sweet and nice and finally getting a date with the Top G and he finds out you went to a festival when you were 19 and you get left on read and NEVER RECOVER. AND ARGUE WITH YOUR NEW MEN FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE BECAUSE THEYRE JUST NOT ME.”

Andrew Tate Strangely Disses Female Festival-Goers

However, that wasn’t all that Andrew Tate recently popped off about. In a separate tweet, he waved his usual flags of being the hero against the “establishment,” who he believes want to silence him. While that’s not entirely untrue, it’s clearly not for the reasons he thinks. “LGBT want me to disappear,” he tweeted. “Liberals want me to disappear. Big Pharma want me to disappear. War Mongers want me to disappear. Feminists want me to disappear. They have billions of dollars. Endless influence. But I am still the most influential man on the planet. Will they succeed? Gather Chi for the final breaths.”

Meanwhile, in since-deleted tweets, the 36-year-old alleged that he was poisoned. Given that he deleted them, he probably realized he was just being paranoid. As the world awaits the results of the investigation into his alleged crimes, he seems content to keep flaunting his views and inflammatory rhetoric online. Regardless, check back in with HNHH for the latest news and updates on Andrew Tate and check out his other tweet below.

“The Most Influential Man In The World” Keeps His Act Up