Gunplay Arrested After Pointing Rifle at His Wife and Infant

Gunplay Arrested After Pointing Rifle at His Wife and Infant

Gunplay was arrested for allegedly pointing a rifle at his wife and six-month-old baby. XXL notes Gunplay was arrested on Sunday for aggravated battery with a deadly weapon, domestic violence, false imprisonment, and child abuse.

According to Miami area reporter Andy Slater, the incident was sparked after his wife asked him to lower his volume while playing Xbox. Gunplay denied the event and was held on a $20,000 bond.

Gunplay’s wife, Vonsahe Taylor-Morales, made a statement:

“I just want everyone to know my daughter and I are safe. Unfortunately, Richard is back using and developed a very bad drinking problem. I’ve tried everyhting in my power to help him and love him.”

The post Gunplay Arrested After Pointing Rifle at His Wife and Infant first appeared on The Source.

The post Gunplay Arrested After Pointing Rifle at His Wife and Infant appeared first on The Source.