SOURCE SPORTS: Danny Green Bashes Patrick Beverley For Chris Paul Comments

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Patrick Beverley has been on a media frenzy tour lately, and it seems he is on an all-out blitz on Chris Paul. While Beverley is talking about his piece, some current NBA players call him out on his nonsense.

On this week’s episode of his “Inside the Green Room” podcast, Philadelphia 76ers veteran Danny Green went in on Beverley for the way and lengths he has gone on to clown Paul.

“People target you too, Pat Bev,” responded Green, per NBC Sports Philly. “You ain’t playing no f–king defense out there. You ain’t stopping Luka. It’s time and time again I see Luka call your a– ‘little man’ and ‘he’s too f–king small’ and go right at you every chance he gets. When you play Luka you’re a cone, too. How would you like that?

“When you’re talking about a Hall of Famer you can critique, but the disrespect I think was taken a little far,” Green added. “I think [Beverley] just used that platform because he has an issue with Chris, and he used it as a personal vendetta to take out a lot of his anger on the set at that moment. I thought it was unfair to Chris, and I’m sure a lot of people felt the same, a lot of guys in the league. I don’t mind certain guys critiquing players, but you’re a role player. To disrespect a Hall of Famer is too far. Calling somebody a cone is disrespectful, bruh. I don’t care.”

Green is usually a quiet individual that goes in and plays his game. For him to make these comments and come to the defense of Paul only suggest how out of bounds, Beverley was to attack Paul.

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