Morray Explains Why J. Cole Is “Big Bro,” Talks Mo3 Posthumous Collab & More

In the age of social media, it has become the norm for artists to blow up seemingly overnight. This sort of success is a double-edged sword. On one end, you have the money and the fame that comes with such success. However, this doesn’t happen without the constant questioning of your merits. In the hip-hop world, a term like “industry plant” is used to tear down an artist and minimize their success. If a song goes viral and the artist is able to maintain notoriety, you can be sure that somebody somewhere is going to accuse them of having some inside connections, and masterplan, within the music industry.

When it comes to Fayetteville, North Carolina, artist Morray, it’s quite obvious that he is anything but an “industry plant.” Last year, Morray was a struggling artist who only wanted to be heard. He was working at a call center to provide for his wife and kids, all while trying to get his music career off the ground. From filming impromptu music videos to performing at small, local venues, Morray was doing everything he could do to get his talents recognized. This drive for musical success eventually led to him losing his job at the call center. 


Image via Artist

While his situation seemed bleak, little did he know what was about to happen. His breakout single “Quicksand” began to gain traction on YouTube and it eventually garnered the attention of none other than fellow North Carolina artist, J. Cole, who gave Morray a co-sign on Instagram. With fans taking note of Cole’s recommendation, Morray continued to see viral success, which led to a plethora of new singles, as well as a debut mixtape called Street Sermons. He was even featured on J. Cole’s latest album, which goes to show much your life can change in the span of a year.

Recently, Morray came through and chopped it up with HotNewHipHop for our latest episode of On The Come Up. In this interview, Morray talks to us about his humble beginnings in North Carolina and the music that would eventually shape him into the artist he is today. He also touches on what it’s like to blow up so quickly, and what kind of legacy he hopes to leave on the music world.

You can check out our interview with Morray in the video below, and you can also read the full transcript which has been edited for clarity.

Stay tuned for new episodes of On The Come Up on Wednesdays.

WATCH: Morray’s episode of On The Come Up

HNHH: Who is Morray?

Morray: Who is Morray? Morray is an artist, he’s a dad, a husband, a friend. He’s a hard worker and he’s someone who just wants to be the best person he can be.

What was life like growing up in North Carolina, in Fayetteville specifically?

Growing up in Fayetteville was smooth. It was what I made it. Everybody has struggles and stuff that they’ve gone through. Of course, I’ve had jobs, I’ve lost jobs, I’ve tried to do stuff the wrong way — got locked up so that kind of stuff happens. But Fayetteville really taught me how to be a man. That’s why I love my city. It taught me some things that I probably wouldn’t have learned in a faster city or probably wouldn’t have learned in a bigger city. It really taught me how to humble myself, realize what I want, and go get it.

At one point you and your family moved to Pennsylvania — what kind of prompted that move and how did you adjust to your new surroundings?

What prompted the move to Pennsylvania was the fact that we didn’t really have a place to stay. We were staying with a lot of family, a lot of friends, and we needed a level of stability. So my aunt actually gave my mom a phone call like, “Yo we gotta go to P.A. Yall can come to P.A. and live with us.” The transition was crazy difficult. Coming from the city and going to the city… and the city we moved to was mainly Spanish, so I had to learn how to speak fast like them, understand as fast as them, and there’s another language involved, and on top of that it’s some street sh*t that I ain’t never seen before. I’m like, “What is going on?” It was just a lot man, a lot to catch on to when you first move to P.A. 

So when you were young, what kind of music was being played in your household?

My mom played a lot of gospel music. Especially on Saturdays when it’s time to clean up, Sundays before church, Sunday after Church. And even during the weekdays, it was Gospel music as well man. That’s what she played all day. I wish she would’ve played something else, so I can know what everybody be singing in these clubs, you feel me? I be feeling so left out. It be these hot R&B songs that I never heard before, and I’m like, “What is this? I’m missing out bro.”

Was there another kind of music that you wanted to listen to or seek out specifically — just because of your friends and everything?

Oh yeah, because of my uncles, my cousins and my and my homies, I listened to a lot of Three 6 Mafia, a lot of Drake, a lot of Breezy [Chris Brown], a lot of R&B artist — Trey Songz. I listened to Tyrese a lot. It was a multitude of singers I listened to compared to rap — I only listened to a little bit of rap growing up. 

I read that when you were four years old you were singing in the Church. Was that something that you wanted to do or was that something your mom pushed you to at first?

The first time I sang in church, it was something my mom wanted me to do. I definitely didn’t want to sing in front of everybody — but her and my grandmama thought it was the best idea so I did it. Honestly, it turned out to be something I didn’t know I needed. At the age of four years old I felt a sense of acceptance. People were happy to see me do something that made them feel good and I wanted to bring that out as a part of my life. And even now, I really just enjoy making people laugh, feel happy and smile.

“The first time I sang in church, it was something my mom wanted me to do. I definitely didn’t want to sing in front of everybody — but her and my grandmama thought it was the best idea so I did it. Honestly, it turned out to be something I didn’t know I needed.”

How did those early days in the church choir shape your voice into what it is today?

Singing in the church definitely helped my vocals as far as understanding what my range is — and where I can and cannot go. ‘Cause in church if you try and hit a note that you can’t hit, they gone definitely let you know, “That ain’t it my boi. Don’t ever hit that note again or practice it.” Church really got me knowing, “Okay this is my pocket, this is my lane — I can jump out but I know where I can’t go.” One of the main things it taught me was to have structure and stability in my vocals. I’m glad I went to church or I would have never figured that out.

How did that style of music shape, not just your voice, but your music itself?

Gospel is the ultimate pain music. If you listen to gospel music it’s so much that people talk about, that they go through every day that they’re singing, bellowing out, and letting you know how they feel. That aspect really helped me get myself right in order to write the music I write. I like making people feel good, but I also like to teach people lessons, and also let people know real sh*t happens, you feel me? Ultimately, I try and take the gospel in me and make it … accessible to everyone. 

Were there any other sort of outlets that you were expressing yourself through musically? Were there other groups — or were you making music at that time?

Back when I was sixteen I was in a group called “Spit Game Serious” — S.G.S. They was doing a lot of rappin’ and shows in the city. At that time, I wasn’t at the level I should’ve been at to be rappin’ — so I was just part of the street teams. I was just fighting. If we had beef with another group, that’s pretty much how I come in you feel me? That was my role. I didn’t get into my own music until I was about 21. Around that time I was thinking I need to figure out who I am and what my sound is like.

Who were some of your biggest musical influences growing up? Obviously you said you listened to a lot of Three 6 Mafia so maybe expand on that a little bit.

The first song I heard from Three 6 Mafia was raunchy as hell. It was “Still Gettin My D*ck Sucked”. I was like 10, my uncle played it for me, and I was like, “Yo this song is crazy, like, what is going on here?” So Three 6, I listened to a lot of them, I heard a lot of Busta Rhymes because of my dad, a lot of Method Man, Redman. He played a lot of 90’s hip-hop for the longest. That’s the only time I heard it. When he wasn’t it was just gospel. 

“The first song I heard from Three 6 Mafia was raunchy as hell. It was “Still Gettin My D*ck Sucked”. I was like 10, my uncle played it for me, and I was like, ‘Yo this song is crazy, like, what is going on here?'”

Were there any sort of local artists that you listened to in Fayetteville growing up?

Somebody I listened to locally was Yung Cakes. He was a poppin’ rapper in Fayetteville. I don’t exactly know what happened but that was someone growing up, I was like I wanna be exactly like that. He got that city love, you know the hood love so I admired that. He was fire.


Image via Artist

What’s the one hip-hop album that you listened to when you were younger that made you fall in love with the genre? And why?

So Far Gone by Drake because he utilized his singing and rapping together. He featured on his own songs, he sang his own hooks, and he rapped his own verses. At the time I was struggling with whether I wanted to be a rapper or a singer and that album put everything in perspective. My favorite song on that album was “Say What’s Real” and it makes so much sense now that I’m actually rapping… It’s weird.

Growing up, what type of kid would you describe yourself as? 

Growing up I was always a class-clown, out-going kid, like I always tried to make my day as fun as it possibly could be. Even if I had some stuff going on, like fights, or people not liking me, or not being as fly as other kids, I still tried to make my day fun. I was definitely the class clown, I was definitely trying to make other people laugh; it got me into a lot of stuff but I love being that person. 

If you don’t mind talking about this — you were in a Juvenile Detention Center as a kid growing up. What were some of the situations that led to stuff like that?

I aint trying to get into that too much because that’s the past. It was a lot of following, trying to be someone I wasn’t, and making bad decisions. I’m glad that I made those decisions to know that’s not who I am. Morray is his own person. Nobody is my boss and I like to move that way. So every decision I make, everything that I do is off of my own cognizance, it’s off my own mind, it’s my own doing because I am my own being. 

How did those experiences shape you into the person you are today?

When I first came back out I thought I was tougher. I had to go back again for a year for me to understand. This is not it. I don’t like being in this place where I don’t have no control over my life. Coming home I just realized I can really stay free if I just chill out. I can do the same thing I’m doing, but be a little smarter, be a little bit more careful, don’t be so loud, don’t be so obnoxious, so blatant. Sometimes, moving smoother is definitely the way to go. It really taught me to relax and take my time with everything. 

In your early adult years, you became a father, what were some of the jobs you took on in order to shoulder responsibilities in your early-adult years?

The early adult years when I first had my kid, the types of jobs I had were: Wendy’s, McDonald’s — a lot of fast-food restaurants. A lot of plant jobs – hog plants, chicken plants, food line distribution. I really took any job I could in order to make sure that the money was coming in. At one point I had like four jobs just to be able to pay the bills. I really worked whatever I could. The last job I had was a call-center job that paid me more than almost all the jobs I had.

We’re actually going to get to that a little bit later but when did you decide to start rapping in the midst of doing these odd jobs here and there?

I always wanted to get my creativity up. I wasn’t so sure I wanted to tell my story, but I always knew I wanted to do music. Like for instance, you hear a song on the radio about a girl and whatnot, I always used to think to myself, “Okay, I can make a song like that.” That was my music for a while – just reiterating what I’m hearing on the radio, or iTunes, or whatever it was. It wasn’t until I said, none of this music is working. I’m working these odd jobs, spending my real money on studio time and it ain’t getting me nowhere. Either I change my direction and make something that’s worth making or I quit this music forever. That’s when I decided to write Quicksand and speak up about who I really am as a person and things just started going. When I started being genuine and true to myself things started working.

I read that your first song was recorded for your wife’s birthday? So was that timing intentional, was the song directed at her, or was it just a complete coincidence that happened?

The song that you’re referring to, that I wrote for my wife’s birthday– I had wrote a song to some YouTube beat. It was just telling her how much I love her, how much I want to celebrate her, that was five years ago. I put it on Facebook and people liked it. I was thinking, “Yo people like this song.” You know what I mean, I didn’t even try to make a song, it was all for my girl. I was trying to be sweet and be nice and people enjoyed it. I said to myself, “Okay it’s time for me to do music forreal again. I got to get back into it.”

Is that song still on the internet somewhere?

I think it’s on my wife’s Facebook, I’m not sure though.

Okay moving into “Quicksand” — that was at the time you had lost your job at the call center. If you could explain what ended up leading up to you being let go from that job?

The call center job that I worked at and ended letting me go was ‘cause I had a show in Atlanta. It was my first time actually paying for a gig. It sucked that I paid for it but I had a slot. The decision was, either I go to work today or I do this. I was already in trouble, I already had write-ups from calling out for studio-time and trying to shoot videos, you know what I’m saying? It was a lot going on already. But still, it was either go to Atlanta and perform at this show I paid $200 dollars for or say forget it, lose my money, and go to work. I was juggling whether I wanted this dream or do I want this job?

My wife was like, “Listen bro, if you want to do it, I’ll hold it down. You feel me? Go do it. But just know, I’m expecting a return.” I was like, “Bet, that’s too easy.” I ended up going to the show. I had work the next day. I called and let them know I was going to be a little late because I was running late and they was like, “Nah you ain’t gotta come in because you fired.” And that was that.

What was sort of going through your mind at the time? “Quicksand” had not come out at the time and you hadn’t experienced that quick success…How did that influence your hustle moving forward?

Actually, “Quicksand” was out. It just wasn’t doing nothing. The video was already out. It just had 1,000 views or 2,000 views. But when they told me I was let go from the job I wasn’t sad about it. I really said to myself, “I’m going to let God take over and do what he supposed to do. I can find another job if I have to. But let me try this for a couple of months and work as hard as I ever did.” And, it ended up working out for me. And I’m talking to you and I’m loving it. 

What exactly led to “Quicksand” becoming a huge success? What was going through your mind when it started to blow up?

What led “Quicksand” to becoming a success was being part of a team that really has my back and really cares about me. That’s what makes me successful. Even if I didn’t pop. I was planning on popping like, three, four, five years from now. I wasn’t expecting it to be this fast. Me and Mo always talked and said it’s going to take time. It just happened faster than we thought. But having somebody that has my back the way my team does, the way Interscope does, the way PickSix does, the way my management team does, that’s what led me to my success. And I’m still having trouble grasping where I’m at and I don’t know how to feel right now because it’s all happening so fast but I know once it hits me, it’s gonna blow my mind. But right now, I feel like I’m floating. Like I’m not even here talking to you, it’s like I’m watching myself sit here and have this interview and I’m just like… you know what I mean?

It’s crazy how things change so quickly you know? Life is just crazy like that and obviously, after releasing “Quicksand” you took a lot of your old songs off the internet — what prompted you to do that?

When “Quicksand” came out and it started doing numbers I was like, “Yo, I think they ‘bout to find out the music I used to make and it’s dirt.” I said, “Yo they can’t jump you off the path bro. Y’all met me at “Quicksand.” This where y’all gone know me at — I’m so sorry.” I went through and did a clean sweep. Then my manager hit me talmbout, “One of the songs on your SoundCloud I like, let’s see if we can re-do it and put it out.” I was like, “Yoooo I took all that away, man it’s gone.” 

Is that something you might regret later on down the line or are you completely at peace with that decision?

Not at all. I had about 100 songs on my SoundCloud, now I have 163 so I made it up, so I’m good. 

When you mention “Quicksand,” there’s obviously the J. Cole co-sign right? He commented on your Instagram post and that kind of snowballed from there. What was your reaction to that?

I forgot who told me, but somebody told me, “Check your instagram Bro! J. Cole commented.” I was like, “Bro ain’t no way J. Cole commented, he doesn’t even write on Instagram. It was probably one of his fan pages or somebody that follows him, or uses his picture.” I didn’t know what was going on, but when I checked, and I seen that blue check. I was lit. I was super hyped.

What were you in the middle of doing at the time?

I was smoking weed bro, just chilling. I wasn’t expecting none of this. I was chilling with my squad, chilling with my homies, and then somebody said, “Check Instagram.”

Had you had any interactions with Cole before that or was it completely out of the blue?

That’s why I was so shocked. I guess that was him reaching out saying it was amazing. That was the first time and he said it was “amazing.” I was like, “Yessir!” After that and we got connected I was like, “He’s amazing.”

Who was the first person you told about the news of the J. Cole co-sign?

As soon as somebody told me, I told my whole team immediately. My wife, my homies, EBF, my label manager, I told everybody. I said, “Listen bro we ‘bout to go up because Mr. 910 said I could be “Mr. 910” for a little bit man we lit.”

Then a few months later you’re on “m y. l i f e” on J. Cole’s new album, so how did that feature come about?

He FaceTimed me. He was like, “Yo bro, I got a song. If you want to hop on it and do the hook if that’s cool with you?” And I’m like, “Brother all you had to say was do this song and I would’ve did that sh*t.” I was waiting for a chance to get a song, but I ain’t want to ask him because I ain’t on that level yet so I’ll wait ‘till he hits me up. But once he said it I went to his crib immediately bro and we did the song. He let me really do my thing and have my way with it, which I think is so dope ‘cause most artists you get in the studio with — if it’s their song they have a specific way they want you to do it. But he really let me explore my creative flow and he’s the G.O.A.T. for that.

Was that song one that you got to record in the studio or was it remote?

I went to the studio. We went through the song together.

What was some of the advice that J. Cole was dropping throughout that recording process? 

He didn’t just give me advice throughout the recording process. He’s like a big bro. He’s always willing to help. If you hit him up and ask him for something or him how to do something, he gone drop knowledge on you regardless. Whether you like it or not he gone give you real good advice and that’s why I rock with him to the fullest. I even sent him a song before and said, “What you think?” He was like, “Bro I aint gone lie to you, it may not be for you, but if you sell it off or ghostwrite for somebody it’ll be fire.” It’s that type of advice where I’m like, “Yo I can’t believe you took time out of your day to write back.” You could’ve said my song was fire and I put it out and now my song is trash. He really took the time to be honest with me and that’s why I rock with him. It’s not even certain stuff he says, it’s his whole personality man, it’s fire.

“[J. Cole] is like a big bro. He’s always willing to help. If you hit him up and ask him for something or him how to do something, he gone drop knowledge on you regardless.”

What’s the difference between recording a song for yourself and for someone else in terms of the creative process?

The difference in the creative process in terms of working with somebody else instead of by myself is, I’m trying to put myself in the lane they need me to be in for their song. When it’s somebody else’s song or art — you have to hold your creativity back until you know their path. In terms of my own songs, I just like to play the beat and let myself go.

What was your reaction when you heard the song on the album for the first time? That must have been a huge moment for you.

What?! Bruh I was ready to die with that thang. I said, “Bruh I can’t wait to hear this song.” Bruh, you don’t understand like … I heard 21 Savage’s verse before the song came out and I was like, “Yoo what is this??” I knew Cole was gone slide and 21 slides on everything but the delivery he gave was so different.

Following “Quicksand”‘s success, you dropped a lot of songs very quickly. You had “Switched Up,” “Low Key,” “DreamLand,” “Big Decision,” all great songs with huge hooks and great story-telling. How quickly did you start recording those songs after you dropped “Quicksand” and that song blew up?

I think I dropped “Quicksand” around June? “Switched Up” and “Low Key” I already had recorded. I had a video for “Switched Up” as well. We just put it back out there. It wasn’t until I got back out to L.A. in October. I think my first week in L.A. – In my first 30 days, I made 26 songs. It didn’t matter where I was in L.A. I was able to give you 15-20 songs because that’s what I like to do. That’s how I get everything out. Making the songs is fast for me because it’s true. So when it’s true you don’t gotta take three hours to make a song. If it’s true you take 30 minutes to write your song. Then you take 30 minutes to record and it’s an hour total. That’s my process.

You have this natural knack for storytelling, every song feels like it has this overarching narrative to it, you even see that in your music videos too, is storytelling something that came natural to you as a kid, or is that something you sort of grew into and developed over the years?

I just started approaching rap with story-telling. I always did the regular, “I got money, I got hoes” all that extra stuff that wasn’t true. It wasn’t ‘till I started sharing my own stories where I was like, “Oh snap, this is the approach I’m looking for because I’m telling my story.” I just recently started doing the story-telling thing where I can tell you my life story without it being boring. I’ve always enjoyed telling people about my life, but now I can execute in a way where people are intrigued now. I’ve always wanted to be able to adapt my style of rap, and I’m glad that I’ve found that gift.

Stories like “DreamLand” and “Big Decision” have a distinct story-telling arc. What are some of the experiences that you’ve gone through that have helped shape those songs?

Those songs were written in truth. In “DreamLand,” everything you hear about is all true. Whether it was going through it with my parents, dealing with the law, it’s true. Everything on “Big Decisions,” for example, me stealing all that money from selling candy ‘cause I wanted to do my own thing, me having a family to feed, my internal struggle of trying to stay out of the wrong and in with the right it’s all true. Like I said before, it’s easier to write what you’re actually going through. 

Your songs are filled with a lot of pain, and a lot of stuff that’s shaped you, and a lot of negative situations at times, but in interviews and in terms of your personality your energy is always so full of positivity and it’s always so upbeat; so how do you keep that positive mentality even when things may have been negative or when you’ve experienced negative situations?

When you’ve been through a lot of negatives, that’s what you want — is positive. You want to smile, you want to be happy, you want to the best of your ability, especially when you didn’t before. This is just me. I’ve been through enough in my life to know me being upset all the time, me not liking people, me beefing, that sh*t is old. I done did that already. I’m over that sh*t. Like bro, I’m a whole dad now my n*gga. I’m just tryna chill bro. You feel me? I try to make music, tell my life story, and take care of my family.

“When you’ve been through a lot of negatives, that’s what you want — is positive. You want to smile, you want to be happy, you want to the best of your ability, especially when you didn’t before. This is just me. I’ve been through enough in my life to know me being upset all the time, me not liking people, me beefing, that sh*t is old. I done did that already. I’m over that sh*t.”

Just a few months ago. Congratulations. You dropped your first project Street Sermons. What was it like recording your first mixtape?

We had a plethora of songs already finished. However, for my album I wanted to have a direction, I wanted to have a story, I wanted it to make sense. So, it wasn’t so much about making the album it was more so about putting it together that was the best part to me. For example, going through all the songs and hearing my own story through the whole project. And picking and choosing which songs make sense where that was fun. 

From start to finish how long did it take for you to create the project?

Like I said I already had the songs made. We really sat down in the studio. Me and my manager Tony, and Moe Shalizi, we sat and talked about what songs we were going to use and it took us about two to three days to come up with a full track-list. Then it took a couple more days to name the songs. ‘Cause I never name my songs, I just name them whatever the beat is. I’d say all together — like six, seven days. 

Was there a song in particular that you resonated with and you can say is your favorite?

Other than “Quicksand,” I would say “Bigger Things.” That song was for my fans. It was supposed to say, “I really want to thank y’all for rocking with me and showing me so much love.” I didn’t care what this song did in terms of numbers, I just want people who really love me to hear this song and know I love them back. 

In Street Sermons you don’t have any features. What made you wanna go the solo route for the entire tape?

I wanted people to know who I was first, that’s why I had no features on my first tape. I wanted people to understand who Morray is and get to know Morray personally. For example, if you go on a date with somebody, you don’t bring your friend. Nah, I want you to get to know who I am and then we can double-date and do everything extra.

“Now, my album I’ll have some features. But my first mixtape I wanted everybody to understand Morray has talent, Morray can carry his own songs, and Morray can do it himself.”

Now, my album I’ll have some features. But my first mixtape I wanted everybody to understand Morray has talent, Morray can carry his own songs, and Morray can do it himself. So when I go do features it’s not Morray lacking for anything. You know who I am already. 

Recently you dropped “Trenches.” You dropped the remix with Polo G. What made you want to have Polo on the song specifically?

Polo G on the remix makes so much sense to me. He’s younger than me so he can really pull from a different perspective. I’m somebody who’s done that and I’m trying to become somebody different. He’s somebody who probably just came out of that. You feel me? It’s from the past and the present and I felt like both of us would add so much to the song together. And he did. I really appreciate him coming through and doing his thing and giving it a great verse.

How did he submit his verse? Was it virtual or did you get to link up with him in the studio?

It was virtual. I wish it was in the studio. But I live in North Carolina. I only be in L.A. when I record so it was virtual.

Moving forward do you have other plans to work with Polo G in the future?

Hell! Yeah! That’d be fye. Polo lit bro. Anybody who say he not lit, you lying to yourself. Look in the mirror and call yourself a liar. I would definitely rock with bul that’s a fact.

Recently you did a song In My Blood” with Mo3His passing is something that hit a lot of the hip-hop community. For you, how important was it for you to get on this song and help carry on his legacy?

The fact that I was able to be on a Mo3 song is a blessing cause he’s literally one of my favorite artists. So when they gave me the opportunity I jumped at it. I wrote the verse the same day and tried to send it the same day. ‘Cause at the end of the day it’s the three baby. If he was alive I would’ve wanted to do a whole mixtape with bul, like real rap. He’s fire. I learned so much from his side of the lane. His singing. His pain. He taught me a lot about music that he doesn’t even know I took from him and I’ll never be able to tell him. So the fact that I can get on a song with him and let him know what I learned through music is so fire.

There were also stories that were like, you gave all the publishing to his family. How — were you able to discuss that with his family and how did that conversation come about?

I didn’t want that to come out. It would have been cool for it to be just ‘off the strength’ but I mean, I talked to his brother and told him whatever I got to do, I don’t want no bread from the song. I want his son and his family’s legacy to live forever so whatever bread comes from this song, give it to his people’s. I felt like me being on a song with my favorite rapper was enough of a gift. You feel me? Like, we lit. I don’t even need nothing else.

Speaking of the publishing front, you’re currently signed to Pick Six Records. You’ve talked about them throughout the interview. So Moe Shalizi [PickSix founder] and everybody else at PickSix kind of reached out to you when “Quicksand” had first sort of gained traction. How was that sort of process of them reaching out to you and then eventually signing you to a deal?

When PickSix– when Moe– hit me up the label didn’t even have a name. [Moe] hit my director up from “Quicksand,” Jax North, and Jax was like, he hit me through Instagram, “Your phone is off. People trying to call you. What’s going on. Check your messages. Somebody trying to reach you and sign you.” I thought, “Ain’t nobody trying to sign me. They’re probably throwing you gas or whatever the case may be.” I told Jax to give them my wife’s number. He FaceTimed her and that was history. He played no games with me. He was like, “Bro I want to sign you, it ain’t gone be milk and cookies, you gone have to work hard, you might not pop for the next couple three or four years, but I believe in this song, I believe you can go crazy, if you willing to work hard I’m willing to work hard with you.” He sent me the contract and we started working together that day.

Over the last few months how’s the label helped you navigate through your career and everything because it’s gotta be a lot to deal with kind of off the jump?

I’mma keep it a whole band. Without my label navigating me through this I wouldn’t be going nowhere. They really helped me understand both the big picture and the finer details of how the rap industry works. I appreciate them forreal.

What are some — when you’re making a body of work and the label wants to steer you in a certain direction but you have your own sort of artist direction you want to take–  what are some of the compromises that take place between yourself and the label?

I aint gone lie, me and my label don’t have that problem. They let me be creative. If they feel as though there’s a way I should do things, they’re going to present it. But if I say, “Nah I don’t really like that.” They aren’t going to force things. We really work together. I know for a fact that my label f*ck with me and PickSix I f*ck with them ‘till the end it’s some for life sh*t.

A lot of artists talk about owning their own music and owning their own masters. What does it mean for an artist to have control over their music and also have the support of their label behind them?

Everything. Owning at least 50% or owning your masters is amazing because it helps you have leverage. It helps you have control over your own destiny. 

Moving forward with your music you wanted to show the world what you could on Street Sermons — if you could pick any artist in the world right now to do a feature with who would it be and why?

No cap. Only because that’s my other favorite rapper: Drake. I just feel like a song with Drake would go crazy ‘cause I know Drake’s music. You feel me? I know Drake’s cadences. I know Drake’s music so I would love to get on a song and just compliment his swag, you feel me? So both of us would go crazy. It would be so fye. N*ggas don’t understand, that’s where I get my hook sh*t from. Drake is the hook God bro! I’m telling you!


Image via Artist

In the future, do you have plans to release music soon? And what can we expect from you in maybe the immediate future or long term?

I’m definitely about to drop more music. I’m just in the process of figuring out when is the next best time to drop. I’m definitely doing Rolling Loud New York. Rolling Loud L.A. I’m starting the J. Cole tour. I’m definitely going to start working on an album as well, trying to put these songs together, and keep making more songs, and adding more elements to my sound. Overall man, I’m just working. That’s all I know. I just want to let everyone know soon I’ll give you everything y’all need. It’s happening.

Have you already started planning out your next project?

Yessir! Already! As soon as Street Sermons dropped I was working on my new album. It’s in the oven, I’m just waiting to pull it out, you feel me?

Without giving too much away, who are some artists and producers you’re looking forward to working with?

I would love to work with Southside, London On Da Track, Cash Money AP, Hit-Boy … like it’s so many talented producers in the game that I would love to work with because they all go crazy. They go crazy. As far artist, anybody that’s trying to work with Morray, is who I’m trying to work with. I’m trying to make as much noise as possible. You feel me?

You mentioned festivals and doing more performances, how has that sort of been for you now getting to perform in front of so many people? It must bring a different energy to your music.

Nah, I ain’t gonna lie to you. It’s the best feeling in the world when you see five, ten, fifteen, twenty-thousand people singing your song and looking at you and just watching your movements. It’s amazing. I ain’t never felt nothing like that in my life and it always gives me crazy butterflies and sh*t in my stomach. Not nerves… but it’s like, “Yo the f*cking love me bro, I like that.”

Now you have your wife, you have your three kids, all of this success, right? What did you originally envision for yourself ten years ago when you first started to work and you were taking on jobs and what…. What did you envision for yourself during that time…compared to what you have now?

Back then before rap, before I called myself a rapper — I really envisioned just a normal life. Having a regular job, paying my bills, and being a good dad and just being a good man. Back in those days, I was just searching for happiness and stability bro. That’s it.

Lastly, what do you want your legacy to be like in hip-hop? Like, when all is said and done what do you want people to go back and remember you for?

For being a genuinely good dude. It sounds so cliche but that’s all I want. You ain’t gotta say I was the best rapper, the best singer, the best anything, just say, “Yo when I met Morray he was a good dude. Straight genuine dude when I met him. He ain’t have no ill will. He ain’t rub me the wrong way. He was a solid brother.” That’s it. 

“You ain’t gotta say I was the best rapper, the best singer, the best anything, just say, “Yo when I met Morray he was a good dude. Straight genuine dude when I met him. He ain’t have no ill will. He ain’t rub me the wrong way. He was a solid brother.” That’s it.”

Vanessa Bryant Reportedly Wins Ruling Against Los Angeles County Sheriff & Fire Chief

It’s been nearly two years since the untimely death of Kobe Bryant, his daughter Gianna, and seven others occurred in a tragic helicopter crash. In the time since, Vanessa Bryant and her family have been doing their best to find strength and heal; luckily for V, she just won an important ruling in her ongoing lawsuit.

As USA Today reports, Vanessa is suing Los Angeles county for invasion of privacy and negligence. The 39-year-old has reason to believe that employees of the county sheriff and fire department shared photos of remains that had been found at the site of the helicopter crash back in January of 2020.

The LA native requested to compel the pretrial disposition testimony of County Sheriff Alex Villanueva and County Fire Chief Daryl Osby, which was granted by U.S. Magistrate Judge Charles Eick. He ruled that the two men offer “unique firsthand, non-repetitive knowledge relevant to the issues in this case” that could not be obtained through other sources.

The depositions have been limited to a maximum of four hours each so that they don’t intrude on Villanueva and Osby’s official duties. The county was hoping to block testimony, bringing up the argument that heads of government agencies “are not normally subject to deposition, absent extraordinary circumstances.”

In a statement to USA Today, an attorney for the county said, “while we disagree with the court’s decision, we will make both the Sheriff and Fire Chief available for deposition. Their testimony will not change the fact that there is no evidence any photos taken by County first responders have ever been publicly disseminated.”

Earlier this month, Vanessa testified in a deposition that she first found out about the loss of two of her family members via social media. The trial regarding the crash-scene photos is set to take place in February. 

For more information, read our earlier story regarding Vanessa Bryant’s ongoing case.


Kanye West’s “Donda” Stem Player Comes With “The Life Of The Party” & Two Bonus Tracks

Days before Kanye West’s tenth studio album was finally released, the Chicago-bred artist launched the mysterious Donda Stem Player on his official website, and while much was not originally known about the intriguing $200 device, more information has recently rolled in.

As promised, the brown Yeezy Stem Player came with Ye’s AOTY contender already installed on it, and fans who purchased the device months ago have now revealed that it also comes with three songs that didn’t make the tracklist on the commercial release of Donda in August. 

Ye arrives to the arena for the fight between Jamel Herring and Shakur Stevenson at State Farm Arena on October 23, 2021 in Atlanta, Georgia.
Brandon Magnus/Getty Images

According to HipHopDX, the Donda Stem Player contains the unreleased Jesus Is King-era track “Up From the Ashes,” the infamous Andre 3000-assisted “Life Of The Party,” and “Never Abandon Your Family,” a song that was played at Ye’s first Donda listening event in Atlanta but eventually scrapped from the final tracklist. 

Ever since Drake provoked Kanye by leaking a version of “Life Of The Party” that saw him gunning for his longtime nemesis as well as close collaborators like CyHi The Prynce and Virgil Abloh, fans have been curious to hear the original version of the song that Tyler, the Creator praised and described as “warm and true [and] pretty.” Now, those who purchase the Donda Stem Player can because “Life Of The Party” appears in its original form, with sampled Notorious B.I.G. ad-libs and an outro from DMX.

In addition to the previously mentioned Donda bonus tracks “Up From the Ashes” and “Never Abandon Your Family,” the Donda Stem Player also features a previously heard version of the Young Thug-assisted “Remote,” which now sees Kid Cudi’s verse restored. Check out some more clips of the stem player below.

At this time, the Donda Stem Player is still available for purchase here for $200. Now that you have gotten a closer look at it and know of the bonus tracks included on the stem player, will you be buying Ye’s innovative new gadget?


Freeway & Peedi Crakk Team Up For Classic Philly Record, “We Don’t Love Em”

As the weather gets colder and cuffing season approaches, Philadelphia legends Freeway and Peedi Crakk have issued a warning against making that ultimate commitment. 

In what feels like an ode to their home city, Freeway and Peedi spit over flashy production with an old-school hip-hop feel about not making any commitments beyond one night. Rapping about riding around Philly, smoking blunts with a special someone, both rappers speak directly to each other in their verses, breaking down the night’s they’re having, and the mornings they’re going to have afterwards. 

“We Don’t Love Em” comes on the heels of Freeway announcing his November tour, which some believe will coincide with the release of new music. But after Freeway’s tragic announcement that his 21-year-old daughter lost her battle with cancer, it is unclear whether the tour will continue as planned. 

Keep Freeway and his family in your thoughts and spin “We Don’t Love Em” in honor of the legendary Philadelphia emcee. 

Quotable Lyrics
Tonight I’m on my Philly shi*t
Got my Philly chick
Rolling Phillies up
Crack the Phillie, dump the insides out then roll the window up


SahBabii Drops New Project “Do It For Demon” After Best Friend’s Death

Atlanta rapper SahBabii has come a long way from his cartoonish characters, nautical references, and playful ad-libs on his newest project Do It For Demon. The latest full-length release from the 24-year-old rapper comes following the death of Sah’s closest friend Demon, for whom the album is dedicated. 

Showing a much more personal side of his artistry, many of the songs on Do It For Demon speak directly to Sah’s close friendship with Demon, a childhood friend who lived with the rapper’s family for years. The project was recorded largely in solitude, with Sah going through a cathartic production process for this one.

This follows the release of singles including “Bread Head” and “Switch.”

Check out SahBabii’s new project below and let us know what you think.


1. Divine Order (Freestyle)
2. Do It For Demon
3. Teacher
4. Rewind
5. Believe It
6. Boofalay
7. Other Side
8. Bad Thoughts Mixed With Weed
9. Today Might Be The Day
10. Scared Of Myself
11. Switch
12. Jody Kurosaki
13. Step In The Name Of Love
14. App Cap
15. Crosswalk
16. Dickalationship
17. I See
18. Bread Head
19. Scared N***as
20. Frontline

Chance The Rapper Drops $2.3M On Illinois Mansion Near Michael Jordan & DeMar DeRozan

On Chance the Rapper’s 2018 single, “The Man Who Has Everything,” the Chicago rapper spits about having it all — the money, the fame, the cars, the clothes — but still not being satisfied. A reserved track in which Chance ponders what actually makes him happy and what is actually important in life, the now 28-year-old finally settles on the idea of having a home for his family and a place to both embrace traditions, and create new ones. 

Rapping, “Real talk, I need a front yard, a back yard, a side yard, a side yard, inside bar, a dry bar, nine cars and a garage and it’s on hella acres,” Chance laid out everything he wanted in a home, and with the recent news that the Acid Rap rapper and his wife, Kirsten, purchased a $2.3M, 9,251 square-foot mansion in Bannockburn, Illinois back in September, it sounds like he was predicting the future. 

Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images

Chance’s new property, situated on 3.71 acres, includes 6 1/2 bathrooms, six fireplaces, a pool, a four-car garage, a recording studio, a rec room, a bar, a movie theater and a home gym. Located just 10 minutes from Michael Jordan’s Illinois estate, the $2.3M mansion sits in the middle of a Chicago Bulls hotspot. 

According to HipHopDX, the property is close to new Bulls’ star DeMar DeRozan’s home (purchased from Jordan’s ex-wife for $4.5M) and three years ago, Jimmy Butler sold his home in the area for $4.2 million. 

While Chance had purchased a 4,500 square-foot home in Chicago’s Streeterville neighborhood back in 2018, he and his family had been renting a 6,721 square-foot mansion just a couple blocks from their new property. 

What do you think of Chance the Rapper moving in next to MJ and DeRozan? Let us know in the comments. 


Brian Laundrie’s Parents Say They Are Unsure Why Their Son Ran Away

Brian Laundrie continues to make headlines, even after authorities announced that human remains found in his home state of Florida belong to the wanted man. According to TMZ, the Laundrie family attorney, Steve Bertolino, claims that Roberta and Chris (Brian’s parents) have no more information that could help law enforcement get a better understanding of the death of their son, or his 22-year-old fiancée, Gabby Petito.

The article explains that the Laundrie’s knew Brian was “out of sorts” when he fled his home in September, having returned from a road trip without Petito in tow, but they insist that they were “in the dark” as to what may have been running through their son’s head as he fled.

As for the journal and other personal belongings that were located near the remains allegedly belonging to Brian, Bertolino shared that he’s heard some of the contents may not be salvageable. The attorney also said that authorities have not shared any information about the diary’s contents with Chris and Roberta.

Shortly after the remains turned up and were confirmed via dental records, an autopsy was completed to determine the wanted man’s cause of death. Results came back inconclusive, and Brian’s bones were sent to an anthropologist for further examination. At the time, Bertolino explained that the body could’ve been “too far along in the decomposition process to determine a cause of death using soft tissue.”

It’s also been reported that the Laundrie family confirmed that they won’t be holding a service for their son. Those who have been keeping up with the case online for weeks now have been speculating what possibly could’ve happened to Laundrie. During the hunt for him, some claimed to have seen him hiking the Appalachian trail, while others said they had footage of him biking near their property.

It remains unclear exactly what will happen next with Brian, and if we’ll ever get more answers about the death of Gabby. As the investigation continues, stay tuned to HNHH for more updates.


Bleu DaVinci & Wack 100 Share Paperwork Alleging 50 Cent Got “BMF” Rights From A Snitch

Wack 100 and Bleu DaVinci just won’t stop antagonizing 50 Cent, sharing paperwork this week that allegedly shows that the legendary rapper acquired the television rights to BMF, his new series on Starz, through his dealings with a federal informant.

Music manager Wack 100 and former BMF-affiliated rapper Bleu DaVinci have been going back-and-forth with 50 Cent on social media, attempting to prove that the television producer got the rights to BMF’s story through his business with Tammy Cowins, Big Meech’s longtime friend who was accused of being a government informant before acquiring the rights to BMF Entertainment.

Marcus Ingram/Getty Images — Tammy Cowins attends STARZ Series “BMF” World Premiere

Posting a series of slides with paperwork and alleged documentation to prove that Cowins cooperated with the feds to get Big Meech and others locked up, Wack said: 

“I hate to be called a liar. Again documentation beats conversation. The son I repeat the son is not the life right holder …. This Man @bleudavinci gotta book over here I’m still reading the worst is yet to come.”

A few days ago, 50 Cent posted a message from Big Meech, who remains incarcerated, supporting the BMF series launch and thanking Fif for bringing the family back to relevancy

Check out Wack’s post below and let us know what you think. Is 50 Cent in the wrong?

“Certified Lover Boy” Projected To Return To #1 On Billboard Top 200 For 5th Week

There’s an old saying that goes something like, “it’s not about how many times you get knocked down, it’s about how many times you get back up,” and after the most recent projections from chartdata, it’s clear that Certified Lover Boy keeps getting back up. 

Since Drake released his sixth studio album back in the beginning of September, Certified Lover Boy has spent four of seven weeks at #1 on the Billboard Top 200. After three weeks atop the charts, NBA YoungBoy’s featureless Sincerely, Kentrell knocked CLB from the top spot, and a week later, Taylor Swift’s re-release of Fearless did the same. And after returning to #1 for a fourth week, Young Thug’s PUNK quickly knocked CLB back down to #2, sandwiching the album between Thugger and Mac Miller’s Faces

But this week, in the wake of Drake’s 35th birthday and insane party out in Los Angeles, Certified Lover Boy is all-the-way back. 

According to chartdata, CLB is expected to regain the top spot on the Billboard Top 200 this week, with the album projected to move 74K album-equivalent units. Doja Cat’s Planet Her is expected to jump to #2, with YoungBoy, Young Thug and MoneyBagg Yo also making appearances in the Top 10. 

By securing another week atop the charts, Certified Lover Boy will become the first rap album to spend five weeks at #1 in 2021. And with “Way 2 Sexy” and “Knife Talk” holding their places within the Top 20 on the Billboard Hot 100, there’s no reason to expect a drop off until Adele’s 30 releases on November 19. (It’s all but guaranteed Adele will spend substantial time at #1.)

While Billboard numbers don’t necessarily carry the same weight they once did, five weeks at #1 for an album in 2021 is no small feat. There’s new music dropping every single day and Drake’s stronghold on that top spot is a testament to his sustained star power and selling power. 

Are you still spinning Certified Lover Boy? Let us know down in the comments.