Miles Farley Granted Bond In YSL Case Amid Courtroom Chaos

The RICO case surrounding YSL has finally gone to trial. However, chaos reigned in the courtroom during its opening days. Miles Farley has been charged with the murder of Shymel Drinks alongside various RICO charges. The alleged murder came as part of the feud between YSL and YFN. Farley, the creator of the “Make America Slime Again” brand, is a unique figure in the sprawling trial. Unlike many of his co-defendants, Farley refused a plea deal. The deal would have required him to admit that YSL was a “street gang” and provide testimony against other defendants in court.

However, Farley has mostly been an afterthought in the proceedings so far this week. That is because Thursday saw his attorney, Anastassios Manettas, arrested on possession charges while entering the Fulton County Courthouse. Manettas has reportedly attempted to bring prescription medication into the courtoom. Before that, Wednesday saw the dramatic removal of Rodalius “Lil’ Rod” Ryan from the courtroom. Farley’s case was also severed by presiding judge Ural Glanville, meaning Farley will stand trial alone.

Farley Granted $650k bond

On Friday, Farley was granted a $650k bond by Judge Glanville. This means that if he can pay up, he will have a degree of freedom before his trial. The conditions of Farley’s bond were outlined as being required to wear ankle and wrist monitors, stay off social media, and respect a 10pm curfew. No date has been set for Farley’s trial. Farley’s trial was severed from the wider YSL case, meaning Farley will have his charges as a sole defendant.

The decision to grant Farley bond over a year after he was indicted came as a result of the week’s dramatic events. The arrest of Manettas, who will still represent Farley, was the primary reason cited by Glanville for his issuing of the bond. Manettas’ arrest was also cited as the driving force behind Glanville’s decision to sever Farley’s case, the seventh instance of severance in the trial. However, Manettas appeared confident after learning of his client’s bond. “In my opinion, [it] didn’t go very well for the state,” Manettas told Atlanta’s Channel 2 Action News. The lawyer of one of over a dozen involved in the trial and represents a number of other defendants. The court proceedings are set to continue next week.
