KSI Amping Potential Fight with Floyd Mayweather; Wants to ‘kill him’


Gotta love these YouTubers. KSI, who has been involved in celebrity boxing for several years, now thinks he can run the fade with Floyd Mayweather. The YouTuber apparently has his crosshairs set on a high-profile match against the undefeated boxing legend. 

Mayweather, known for his perfect professional record, has been picking up bags in exhibition fights since his retirement, earning substantial sums in the process. 

A potential bout between KSI and Mayweather would undoubtedly garner significant attention. Would ya’ll watch that or nah?

Get this, according to KSI’s trainer, Alexis Demetriades, there is a personal vendetta fueling KSI’s desire to fight Mayweather. This stems from an incident involving KSI’s brother, Deji, during a 2022 exhibition match in Dubai against Mayweather. What was intended to be a light-hearted exhibition turned into a more serious contest, with Mayweather disregarding warnings about his intensity.

Here’s what Demetriades said in an interview with The Sun:

”There’s a personal thing there with Deji. JJ’s upset with Mayweather. There’s a personal thing. They changed the gloves from 14s to 10s on the night, they gave him danger money, they paid him to do it. And one of Mayweather’s camp came up to Deji and said, ‘If it gets a little bit hot and you’re in the clinch just tell Floyd to calm down a little bit because it’s an exhibition and he’ll be with you.’ At one point, Deji was like, ‘S***, it’s getting a little bit hot.’ And Mayweather was like, ‘F*** you. I’m Floyd Mayweather,’ and tried to kill him. That’s JJ’s little brother. So there’s animosity there, there’s an appetite for that fight for JJ, he thinks he’s a p***k. He’s going to try and kill him. There’s animosity there. It’s on sight. Like JJ wants to kill him. That’s a fight he wants. It’s nuts, it’s crazy to say though, isn’t it? You’ve got a YouTuber that wants to fight Floyd Mayweather.”

Now what’s interesting is Demetriades said that during the fight, Mayweather forced Deji to use 10oz gloves instead of the agreed-upon 14oz, adding to the already heated situation.

For the record, Money Mayweather has yet to respond to KSI’s challenge. Let’s see what happens. Our money, no pun intended is a lot of talk just to keep everyone’s brand relevant but what do we know. 

The post KSI Amping Potential Fight with Floyd Mayweather; Wants to ‘kill him’ first appeared on The Source.

The post KSI Amping Potential Fight with Floyd Mayweather; Wants to ‘kill him’ appeared first on The Source.