Keefe D Is Too Dangerous For Bail In Tupac Murder Trial According To Prosecutors

Earlier this fans were intrigued by the Las Vegas Police Department all of a sudden showing renewed interest in the murder of Tupac Shakur. They executed a police raid that had to do with the murder, which happened more than 25 years ago. Then fans were stunned to find that they actually made an arrest in the case. Duane Davis, AKA Keefe D, was arrested for the murder of the legendary rapper. D has long been willing to discuss the case in interviews online and has occasionally let loose some details about his own personal involvement.

Last month after some legal tribulations related to his lawyers, Keefe D officially pleaded not guilty in the case. With the trial not due to begin until June, David was hoping to be released on bail in the meantime and get to spend the next few months at home. His lawyers called for his release in court and asked that his bail be set no higher than $100k. But the state of Nevada is fighting back. They’re claiming that he’s too dangerous to be reasonably released back into the public. They cite his previous alleged gang affiliations, reported threats he’s made against potential witnesses in the case, and his repeated discussion of his involvement with the case online as reasons he shouldn’t be freed in the meantime.

Read More: Diddy’s Ex-Bodyguard Disputes Keefe D’s Tupac Account

Prosecutors Argue Against Keefe D’s Bail

One of the claims that Keefe D is making is that his comments about Tupac were “entertainment.” It’s crucial to his case as he’s made some pretty incriminating claims publicly in the past. In court, he’s making the argument that many of the claims he made were exaggerated. He says they were made for the purpose of telling a more compelling story. Many online believe that Davis constantly discussing the murder in various interviews online was the primary cause of his arrest.

What do you think of the Nevada prosecutors argument that Keefe D is too dangerous to be released on bail ahead of his trial in June? Let us know in the comment section below.

Read More: Big Hit Reacts To Keefe D Arrest


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