Historic Abolitionist Harriet Tubman’s Bicentennial Celebration Set For March

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The bicentennial birthday celebration of a trailblazing abolitionist and global icon of freedom is set to place next month in Maryland.  The celebration will begin on Mar. 10, which has been recognized as Harriet Tubman Day since 1990.

Harriet Tubman, was born as Araminta Ross in early 1822, near Cambridge on Maryland’s Eastern Shore to enslaved parents. She grew up to be a freedom fighter, liberator, healer, military raid leader and suffragist.

While Tubman’s exact birthday is not known, the March events are expected to kick off a yearlong celebration of the abolitionist.

The seven-month celebration begins on the day Tubman died.

Harriett Tubman‘s 200th birthday celebration will be marked March 12th and 13th at the Tubman Underground Railroad Visitor’s Center in Church Creek. 

The festivities will include talks by Tubman biographer Kate Clifford Larson, a dramatic interpretation of Tubman’s life by actress Millicent Sparks and the display of recently discovered artifacts from the home of Tubman’s father, Ben Ross. 

For more information visit harriettubmanbyway.org

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