Gervonta Davis Says Jail Move Was Due To Judge Not Approving Of House Arrest Setup

On Thursday, Gervonta Davis was taken into custody for an “impromptu hearing” while serving house arrest. As a result of this hearing, Davis’ sentence was changed from house arrest to penal incarceration. At the time, Baltimore Sherrif’s Office did not reveal what prompted the hearing, or why Davis’ sentence was changed. Davis was immediately transferred to county jail after the hearing.

Gervonta Davis was sentenced to three months of house arrest for his role in a 2020 hit-and-run incident. In November 2020, Davis ran a red light and struck another vehicle, with prosecutors claiming Davis fled the scene despite injuring a pregnant woman. Davis pled guilty to four charges. Davis began his house arrest in early May. Furthermore, on top of the house arrest, Davis was required to complete 200 hours of community service and attend sessions with Mothers Against Drunk Driving.

Gervonta Davis Sheds Light On Move To Jail

In audio released by No Jumper, Davis appears to shed light on why he was moved from house arrest to jail for the rest of his sentence. “She wanted me in a one-bedroom apartment,” Davis explains, referring to the judge, “in a one-bedroom apartment without being able to see my kids or anything.” Davis goes on to criticize the judge saying, “I don’t know if she’s a bad judge or what.” It’s unclear who Davis had called to relay this information. However, Davis stressed that he wanted to “shine light on the situation” and that was why he was calling.

Davis had been staying at the home of his trainer, Calvin Ford prior to the Thursday night hearing. Presumably, the judge felt that Davis had a little too much luxury available to him during his punishment. As a result, Davis will now spend the next 30 days in county jail. It’s unclear if this detention will be re-evaluated at that time, or if Davis’ original 90-day sentence has been reduced. This is a developing story and we’ll have any updates here at HotNewHipHop.


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