The Rundown After Another Contentious Day of Testimony at Trump’s Trial

The Rundown After Another Contentious Day of Testimony at Trump’s Trial

After another contentious day of former President Donald Trump’s criminal trial, his defense attorneys didn’t let up their barrage of attacks against Stormy Daniels’s credibility on Thursday. Trump’s defense attorney, Susan Necheles, flat-out accused the adult film performer of completely making up the story of her sexual encounter with Trump to make money. Here’s the rundown on the rest of the courtroom drama after Day 14 of the Trump hush money trial:

Stormy Daniels faced another day of cross-examination, adamantly asserting the truth of her account despite defense attorney Susan Necheles’ attempts to undermine her credibility. Daniels remained steadfast in her assertion that her sexual encounter with Trump was genuine, even when confronted with inconsistencies in her narrative.

Trump’s defense team and prosecutors clashed over Stormy Daniels’ financial situation, with Necheles insinuating that Daniels fabricated her story for monetary gain. Conflicting accounts were presented regarding Daniels’ earnings from recounting her alleged affair with Trump, including references to tweets and online store promotions.

Former Trump aide Madeleine Westerhout provided insights into the inner workings of the White House, detailing her experiences working in Trump’s West Wing for over two years. Testimony included discussions about a list of Trump’s contacts, ranging from media personalities to sports figures, received from his longtime assistant Rhona Graff.

Trump’s legal team sought modifications to the gag order against him and requested a mistrial following Daniels’ testimony. The judge denied both motions, rejecting arguments that Trump should be allowed to respond to Daniels’ allegations publicly. The defense contended that Daniels’ testimony unfairly prejudiced the jury against Trump.

Judge Merchan rebuffed Trump’s renewed motion for a mistrial, citing the defense’s actions in challenging Daniels’ credibility as a factor in allowing the salacious testimony. Despite arguments from Trump’s attorney, Todd Blanche, that Daniels’ trial testimony presented a new version of events, Merchan disagreed and denied the mistrial motion.

The post The Rundown After Another Contentious Day of Testimony at Trump’s Trial first appeared on The Source.

The post The Rundown After Another Contentious Day of Testimony at Trump’s Trial appeared first on The Source.