Rachel Nichols Gets New NBA Media Gig

Rachel Nichols found herself in the midst of a huge controversy at ESPN last year. The long-time NBA journalist ended up losing her job after recordings of her leaked online. In these recordings, Nichols could be heard criticizing Maria Taylor, with Nichols referring to her as a diversity hire of sorts.

Following this leak, Nichols was removed from her post on NBA Countdown, and The Jump was ultimately canceled in favor of NBA Today which is now hosted by Malika Andrews. Needless to say, it was a horrible time for Nichols’ career as she was left without a role in the dog-eat-dog world of NBA media.

David Becker/Getty Images

Now, however, it is being reported that Nichols will be back on TV in the not-so-distant future. She is going to be added to the team over at Showtime Sports, where she will get to create monthly basketball programming. It remains to be seen what her exact role will be over there, although it is certainly going to be huge given the fact that she has a wealth of experience from working with ESPN.

This is a hiring that could be polarizing as some are still mad at Nichols for her comments about Andrews. Either way, Showtime Sports is expanding, and they believe this hire gives them the best chance to compete in the NBA landscape.

Myles Garrett Breaks His Silence Following Car Crash

Myles Garrett got into an incredibly scary car crash earlier this week as he was driving home from Browns practice. Garrett was driving his Porsche with a passenger when he eventually flipped multiple times. He and the passenger were able to escape with just minor injuries and now, Garrett is looking to play on Sunday.

On Friday, Garrett got to speak to reporters for the first time since the incident, and for the most part, he appeared to be in good spirits. Garrett reiterated his intentions to play although he was told that he will be a game-time decision as he still has some lingering issues from the crash.

Nick Cammett/Getty Images

“Grateful that, not only that I’m alive, but I was able to have so much of my family and the support system that was around me,” Garrett said to the reporters.

Getting into a car crash can be scary for anyone, and there is no doubt that Garrett is thankful to be okay right now. Hopefully, he is able to get back on the field healthy, and in proper shape to play.

Stay tuned to HNHH for more news from around the NFL, as well as various other sports leagues.

LeBron James Roasted After Co-Signing Tory Lanez Album

Tory Lanez came through with a 20-track new album for his fans on Friday, called Sorry 4 What. The album has been getting praise from his supporters on social media, although there are plenty of people swearing off the album due to his ongoing shooting case against Megan Thee Stallion.

One person who is looking past that and enjoying the music is none other than LeBron James. LeBron has always been an avid rap listener, and on Friday, he replied to CuffsTheLegend on Twitter with some praise for the album. As you can see, he wrote “He never misses. That boy talented as hell man! Bangers for days!!”

Twitter was not happy with LeBron’s response, as they felt like it was a betrayal of some of the things he has said in the past regarding the need to protect black women. While Tory’s case against Meg has yet to be settled or resolved, there are a lot of people who see Tory as guilty, which has many calling LeBron a hypocrite.

In the tweets down below, you can see that Bron has been the subject of relentless criticism that doesn’t seem to be dying down. “What a thing to wake up and see. What a betrayal to all the Black Women who have had Lebron’s back. Wow. I’m actually speechless,” one person wrote. “This tweet is a DECISION OF SUPPORT for a man who shot Megan multiple times. The lack of value we are shown as Black Women has no depths.”

Other fans have stood up for LeBron, claiming that Twitter is not real life and that outside of the app, no one actually cares about him listening to Tory Lanez. Either way, people are upset right now, and Twitter is giving everyone a platform to voice that displeasure.

Give us your thoughts on the Tory album, in the comments below.

Blake Griffin Finds A New NBA Home

Blake Griffin’s career has been an interesting journey. Of course, Griffin made a name for himself playing with the Los Angeles Clippers during the Lob City era. He was teammates with Chris Paul, and while the team did not enjoy the success they were supposed to, there is no doubt that Griffin was able to come through with amazing highlights that fans will always remember.

Since that time, Griffin has made pit stops in Detroit and Brooklyn. His time in both of these cities were filled with uncertainty, and there is no doubt that he was upset with how little he was being played on the Nets.

Al Bello/Getty Images

Over the course of the offseason, Griffin has been looking for a new team, although he had yet to find one, until today. Now, according to Adrian Wojnarowski, Griffin will be signing a one-year deal with the Boston Celtics. This is huge news for Griffin, who is getting a fully guaranteed contract to play for one of the most historic teams in the league.

His role with the Celtics won’t be a massive one, but he will still be needed on defense. The team recently lost some players to injury, and Griffin will be able to step in an take a veteran’s approach to the game.

Stay tuned to HNHH for more news and updates from around the league.

Trae Young Reveals How NBA Can Hold Refs Accountable

NBA officiating has been catching a lot of flack as of late. The calls being made around the NBA have been incredibly inconsistent and it is hard to tell what is truly considered a foul at times. With that being said, the players are looking for some kind of accountability that is very hard to find. The refs are rarely held to the fire, and the players want this to stop.

In fact, Trae Young of the Atlanta Hawks recently took to Twitter where he delivered an interesting suggestion. As he explains, refs should be forced to do post-game interviews, just like the players are. Young thinks this will keep refs accountable for years to come.

Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images

“A lot of different, new rules to the game that are kinda “judgemental” calls, why can’t the media interview them postgame too?.?” Young asked. “Maybe discuss some of there biggest calls that may or may have not changed the outcome of that game. Instead of just making a call & moving on, now the call will mean something to THEM as well.”

It is an incredible suggestion, but it is unlikely the league actually goes through with it. Refs have been protected for years, and that is not about to change.

Tell us what you think of Young’s suggestion, in the comments down below.

ESPN Legend Mike Breen’s Home Burns Down: Details

If you are an NBA fan, you are probably a huge fan of Mike Breen. The man is an absolute legend when it comes to the world of basketball as he is most known for being ESPN’s main talent whenever the playoffs are on. His “BANG” call is one that will send chills down your spine, and you never want your team to be on the receiving end of it.

Unfortunately, Breen is going through a traumatic event right now as his home in New York caught fire and was burnt to the ground. Authorities in the Manhasset-Lakeville area are trying to investigate what happened, although it doesn’t seem like there was anything malicious behind the fire.

Bryan Bedder/Getty Images for BNP Paribas

Thankfully, no one was at the home at the time of the fire, which means all of the residents are doing okay. In the aftermath of this news, ESPN issued a statement, according to TMZ.

“Mike is a cherished member of the ESPN family and he knows he has our full support through this excruciating circumstance,” Breen said. “We know the damage is devastating, and at the same time, we are grateful that he and his family are safe.”

Dia Dipasupil/Getty Images for Cantor Fitzgerald

This is currently a developing story, so stay tuned to HNHH for further updates.


Kyrie Irving Gives Ben Simmons Some Words Of Encouragement

Ben Simmons is currently practicing with the Brooklyn Nets at training camp this week, and so far, he has impressed his teammates, as well as his head coach. It is clear that Simmons wants to get back to the court, and he is doing everything he can to make sure he proves the detractors wrong this season.

According to Sports Illustrated, Kyrie Irving has been taking notice of Simmons, and he is a firm believer that Simmons can be a huge factor for the Nets this season. In fact, when asked about his role, Irving believes Simmons could be placed anywhere on the court and still thrive.

Dustin Satloff/Getty Images

“Anything’s possible,” Irving said. “He [Simmons] has that ‘it’ inside of him so now we just have to slowly develop him where he knows that he can just go out there and be himself. We want him to be his highest potential of himself as a player, be able to accomplish things out on the floor that he wasn’t able to do the last few years. And just have some fun being at peace around him.”

Dustin Satloff/Getty Images

If the Nets don’t fall into any bad habits, they could very well have an incredible season. Hopefully, that is the case as Nets fans cannot go through another year of dysfunction.

Stay tuned to HNHH for more news from around the NBA.


LeBron James Has These Plans For Anthony Davis

Anthony Davis and LeBron James are a solid dynamic duo that can dominate the league when healthy. Of course, LeBron is much older than Davis, which means that the future of the Lakers franchise is really in AD’s hands. In a couple of years from now, AD could choose to leave, but in the interim, LeBron sees AD as the one who will take over once he retires.

This is something that was relayed by reporter Chris Haynes, who said LeBron is “in his ear about taking over the reins of the team.”

Ronald Martinez/Getty Images

As for Davis’ thoughts on all of this, he is simply taking things day by day. He just wants to do what he can and then ride it out from there.

“All I can do is lead by my actions,” Davis said. “I’m excited for this challenge and what’s ahead. I think we have a great group of guys to get the job done. It’s now about putting in the work.

Steph Chambers/Getty Images

The Lakers are a team that underperformed last year, and they will be looking to prove themselves in 2022-23. It won’t be easy, but if these two stay healthy, they have a realistic shot at making a playoff run.


Kevin Durant Surprised With Birthday Cake At Nets Practice

Kevin Durant has had some turbulent times with the Brooklyn Nets over the past few months. Back in July, Durant requested a trade from the Nets, although the team was unable to find a proper suitor. Eventually, Durant decided to scrap his request and simply ride it out with his team. After all, he is under contract for four more seasons, which gives the Nets all the leverage.

This week, Durant started training camp with the Nets, and it comes at a very interesting time for Durant. We say that because today marks Durant’s 34th birthday. He is in his 16th NBA season, and he is only a few years younger than his rival, LeBron James.

Dustin Satloff/Getty Images

Despite the issues he’s had with the franchise, they still came through for his birthday as the team gifted KD a birthday cake in the middle of practice. As you can see in the clip below, the cake was wheeled out in front of the whole team, and Durant seemed pretty embarrassed by it all. Regardless, it was a nice little team bonding moment.

Durant and the Nets are looking to turn things around this season, and they have a real opportunity to. Hopefully, Durant can prove doubters wrong as he tries to regain confidence in Kyrie Irving and his new teammate, Ben Simmons.

Matt Barnes Was Reportedly A Victim Of Robert Sarver’s Racism

Robert Sarver is currently in the midst of selling the Phoenix Suns, and there is no doubt that the NBA is not sad to see him go. Just a few weeks ago, he was exposed for sexism and racism in the workplace, including using the N-word on more than one occasion. It is a horrible look for the Suns and the NBA, which is why Sarver is doing the right thing by selling his stake.

Much of Sarver’s racism was covert and done behind the scenes. With that being said, some of his racism has been relayed to those who were victims of it. One such person is none other than Matt Barnes, who spoke about Sarver while being interviewed by VladTV.

Thearon W. Henderson/Getty Images

As you can see in the video clip down below, Barnes was quite adamant that Sarver was always a bad guy. This is something Barnes had known for years and he had been telling everyone that this was the case. For the most part, Barnes wanted to keep it from the public as he had no hard evidence. Now, however, he feels vindicated in a sense as now the whole world knows about Sarver being a bad guy.

With Sarver out of the league, the NBA is a much better place. It is similar to when Donald Sterling was banned just eight years ago.

Hopefully, no more NBA franchises have to go through this.