Doja Cat Shuns Previous Albums, Announces Title for Forthcoming Project

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Doja Cat is continuing to pull back the curtain on her new album. Before we get to the next era, she referred to her two previous releases, Planet Her and Hot Pink, as “cash-grabs.”

On Twitter, Doja stated her desire to “go disappear somewhere and touch grass with my loved ones on an island while yall weep for mediocre pop.” That is assumably after her next album, which will be titled First of All, denouncing the previously rumored title of hEllMoUth.

You can see it all from Doja Cat below.

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Doja Cat Does The ‘Silhouette Challenge’ In Her Cinematic ‘Streets’ Video

Doja Cat may have released her showstopping album Hot Pink back in 2019, but thanks to TikTok, much of the LP’s songs have seen an uptick in popularity. Her track “Say So” even soared to No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 charts with help from TikTok users and a verse from Nicki Minaj. Now that “Streets” has also resurfaced on the charts in recent weeks, Doja Cat is now offering fans a video alongside the revitalized track.

The increased attention to “Streets” is in part due to the popular “Silhouette Challenge” on TikTok, which is also how she opens her sultry video. Featuring an audio mashup of Paul Anka’s 1959 “Put Your Head On My Shoulder” and “Streets,” the challenge sees users quickly changing from their bedtime clothes to posing pin-up style behind a deep red filter.

While Doja Cat is revisiting some of her Hot Pink tracks, the singer has been busy working on a handful of projects, including drumming up excitement for her next release, Planet Her. Most recently, Doja Cat teamed up with Saweetie for their buoyant collaboration “Best Friend.” She also appeared alongside Megan Thee Stallion on a sultry remix to Ariana Grande’s “34+35.”

Watch Doja Cat’s “Streets” video above.

Hot Pink is out now via RCA. Get it here.

Some of the artists covered here are Warner Music artists. Uproxx is an independent subsidiary of Warner Music Group.