Bridging Health And Wellness Through Plant-Based Cuisine With Healthy As a Motha

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In a bustling corner of New York City’s vibrant food scene, a unique culinary gem has emerged, captivating the taste buds and hearts of many. Healthy As a Motha (H.A.A.M.), a plant-based Dominican and Trinidadian restaurant, is not just another spot to grab a meal—it’s a movement. With its mission to offer a sustainable and ethical food experience, H.A.A.M. caters to a diverse range of customers, including vegans, vegetarians, and flexitarians. The restaurant’s rich fusion of island flavors has made it a must-visit destination for food lovers and health enthusiasts alike.

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We had the pleasure of sitting down with Yesenia Ramdass, the visionary behind Healthy As a Motha, to delve deeper into her journey, the inspiration behind her restaurant, and her passion for holistic health.

The Source: Yesenia, Health As a Motha is truly a one-of-a-kind restaurant. What inspired you to create a plant-based restaurant that fuses Dominican and Trinidadian flavors?

Yesenia Ramdass: The inspiration came from my own cultural heritage and health journey. Growing up, I was surrounded by the vibrant flavors of Dominican and Trinidadian cuisine, but I also saw firsthand how our traditional diets could be healthier. After losing my mother to stage IV kidney cancer, I became even more passionate about holistic nutrition and the importance of what we put into our bodies. I wanted to create a space where people could enjoy the rich flavors of our culture without compromising their health.


The Source: It’s clear that H.A.A.M. is more than just a restaurant—it’s a lifestyle brand. Can you tell us more about the philosophy behind Healthy As a Motha?

Yesenia Ramdass: Absolutely. Healthy As a Motha is all about overcoming the challenges of transitioning to a healthier lifestyle. It’s about making conscious choices that benefit not just our bodies, but our minds and souls as well. The brand represents a holistic approach to health—understanding that what we eat is just one part of the equation. It’s about nourishing the mind with positive thoughts and the soul with good energy. Our restaurant embodies this philosophy by offering dishes that are not only delicious but also align with the values of sustainability, ethics, and wellness.


The Source: You’ve mentioned that you became a vegetarian at the age of 17 after reading “Skinny Bitch.” How did that book influence your journey toward plant-based living?

Yesenia Ramdass: That book was a game-changer for me. It opened my eyes to the harsh realities of the food industry, especially when it comes to animal products. The information was so powerful that I couldn’t unlearn it. It wasn’t just about becoming a vegetarian; it was about making informed choices that align with my values. From there, my journey into holistic health deepened, and I eventually transitioned to a fully plant-based lifestyle.


The Source: Losing a loved one to cancer is incredibly difficult. How did your mother’s battle with cancer shape your approach to health and wellness?

Yesenia Ramdass: Losing my mother was one of the hardest experiences of my life. It made me realize how crucial our health is and how much it can be influenced by our lifestyle choices. Watching her struggle motivated me to dive deeper into holistic nutrition and explore alternative options that aren’t always readily available. It became my mission to share what I’ve learned with others, hoping to make a difference in their lives. Health is everything—without it, nothing else matters.

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The Source: Your menu at H.A.A.M. offers a delightful fusion of island flavors. What are some of your favorite dishes, and how do they reflect your cultural heritage?

Yesenia Ramdass: Some of my favorite dishes include the Jerk Tamarind Oyster Mushroom Burger and the Empanadas Trio. These dishes are a perfect representation of the fusion we aim for—combining traditional island flavors with plant-based ingredients to create something both familiar and new. The Bake and Shark is another favorite, offering a plant-based twist on a Trinidadian classic. Each dish is crafted with love and respect for our cultural roots, while also embracing the health benefits of plant-based eating.

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The Source: What message do you hope to convey to your customers and the broader community through your restaurant and lifestyle brand?

Yesenia Ramdass: I want people to understand that transitioning to a healthier lifestyle doesn’t have to be daunting. It’s about making small, conscious choices every day that add up to big changes over time. Through our food, I hope to show that healthy eating can be delicious and satisfying, and that it’s possible to honor our cultural traditions while also making choices that are good for our bodies and the planet. Ultimately, I want to empower people to take control of their health and live their best lives.

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The Source: Lastly, what’s next for H.A.A.M? Any exciting plans on the horizon?

Yesenia Ramdass: We’re always looking to expand our reach and impact. We’re exploring the possibility of opening more locations and even launching a line of plant-based products inspired by our menu. Our goal is to continue bridging cultures through clean, plant-based cuisine and to keep spreading the message of health and wellness far and wide.

Yesenia Ramdass’s journey from a young vegetarian inspired by a book to the creator of a thriving plant-based lifestyle brand is nothing short of inspiring. Health As a Motha is more than just a restaurant—it’s a testament to the power of food in healing, nourishing, and connecting us all.

Watch below.

The post Bridging Health And Wellness Through Plant-Based Cuisine With Healthy As a Motha first appeared on The Source.

The post Bridging Health And Wellness Through Plant-Based Cuisine With Healthy As a Motha appeared first on The Source.