Financial Literacy within Information Overload with ‘My Financial Home Enterprises’

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At times the financial conversation can be quite daunting for some. One must first dissect the root of where that financial anxiety stems from and then proceeds to educate.

A financial management firm helping entrepreneurs and organizations develop solutions that fuel business growth and transform products into accelerating profits can help educate those seeking.

A renowned tax and accounting strategist and strong advocate for financial literacy, Dr. Corzette White founded My Financial Home Enterprises as a resource for financial literacy.

“It starts with our mindset and accountability,” she says. “I help to eliminate a lot of the self-sabotaging and baggage that we carry from our past.”

Dr. White’s journey within the business began over 20 years ago.

She begins by advising businesses to have five accounts and establish good banking relationships. These accounts include income, operational, payroll, tax, and reserve accounts. 

As a business order, Dr. White advises that a reserve account is necessary in case of emergencies out of the business owner’s control. One example can be the coronavirus pandemic. 

In an age of information overload, Dr. White helps businesses from failing within the first five years of existence. 

This includes improper planning, mismanaging of cash flow, and not having an advisor on board for their company. 

In the words of Dr. White, “tax season is all year round.”  

In Q2, she teaches tax professionals how to scale and grow business and participates in several conferences and speaking engagements. 

Dr. Cozette White continues to passionately help small business owners understand the importance of financial literacy.

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