Jay Williams Hits Charles Barkley Where It Hurts

Jay Williams has been fantastic on ESPN as of late. Overall, he has proven himself as someone who is very pro-player. Moreover, he has no qualms about getting into it with guys like Stephen A. Smith. If he doesn’t like a take from someone, he is going to let them know about it, without any exceptions. At this point, Williams is valued by the company, and it has led to appearances on many of the top shows. This includes First Take where he sat across from JJ Redick today.

One of the many topics of conversation involved the current feud between Charles Barkley and Kevin Durant. Recently, Barkley stated that the current generation is too sensitive. Consequently, Durant came out and told Barkley to stop mentioning him. He also said that he will never respect what Barkley has to say as it just doesn’t matter all that much to him. It was a very interesting back-and-forth, and Jay Williams certainly had a unique perspective on it all.

Jay Williams From The Top Rope

As you can see in the clip above, Williams told Redick that there is one simple argument that can be made which derails what Barkley is saying. Michael Jordan used to be best friends with Barkley. However, he stopped talking to Chuck over some mild criticism. MJ is considered one of the toughest players in NBA history, yet was extremely sensitive to being told that he was doing a bad job. Simply put, you cannot boil down sensitivity to today’s generation. Everyone is guilty of it, one way or another.

Overall, this was a very solid point by Jay Williams. JJ Redick ultimately backed it up by saying that NBA players are some of the most sensitive in the entire world. Had Stephen A. Smith been there, it would have definitely been an interesting conversation. After all, Stephen A. likes to take up for and defend the older generation. Let us know what you thought of what Williams had to say, in the comments down below. Additionally, stay tuned to HNHH for the latest news and updates from the basketball world.

Barkley Vs. Durant

Kevin Durant Has Had It With Charles Barkley

Kevin Durant is someone who has caught a lot of flack from the old heads over the years. Overall, there is a contingent of people who believe that Durant is soft. Moreover, some people have even called him terms like “miserable.” Mostly, this criticism has come from Charles Barkley. Over the years, Barkley has called Durant a “bus rider” as opposed to a “bus driver.” Additionally, it has almost become clear that he does not like KD. In some cases, it has even felt personal, with Durant calling Chuck out on social media.

With each passing day, these two grow to dislike each other even more. For instance, in a recent interview, Barkley said: “He’s very sensitive. Great player. He’s part of that generation who think he can’t be criticized. He’s never looked in the mirror and says ‘Man, is that a fair criticism?’” Although this isn’t the first time someone has said this about KD, it does seem odd that Barkley keeps harping on this. In fact, Durant saw the comments and immediately decided that he had had enough.

Kevin Durant Speaks

On Twitter, Durant wrote, “This ain’t gettin tiring chuck? I’ll never respect the words that come out ya mouth fam just deal with it.” Furthermore, a fan noted that KD only dislikes it when people keep it personal. When it comes to basketball, KD takes his criticism with grace. Durant noticed this comment took the quote tweets, adding “This is where I’m at wit it…” Needless to say, Durant doesn’t mind being criticized for his play. However, the criticism better be from a pure basketball standpoint. Otherwise, he does not want to hear it.

Barkley has rubbed a lot of people the wrong way over the years. He is someone who does not hold back, and that is especially true when it comes to Durant. Although, the players are starting to clap back, and it has forced Chuck’s hand. Even a sitdown between these two probably wouldn’t square away their beef. That said, we’re not sure the fans would even want that. In the eyes of many, this feud just makes the league that much more entertaining.

Kevin Durant Claps Back At Charles Barkley For Questionable LeBron Quote

Kevin Durant is someone who has always been incredibly active on social media. He isn’t shy to speak out about various happenings throughout the NBA, especially when they involve himself. Although some find his social media use to be corny, he seems to love it. Overall, KD uses Twitter as a tool to connect with those who want to talk hoops. Moreover, it is a great way for him to dunk on haters who are constantly trying to bring him down. Ever since he got rid of the burners, he has certainly been on a roll.

One person he typically finds himself quarreling with is Charles Barkley. These two never go at each other directly, however, as they are sending their shots on different platforms. Today, Charles Barkley was on First Take, where he talked about how LeBron James and Kevin Durant needed other superstars to help them win. From there, he offered up a quote of sorts in which he claims that LeBron and KD said directly that they needed other players to help them win. “[LeBron] says, ‘I had to win a championship without D-Wade to get old heads’ respect.’ Kobe Bryant says, ‘I have to win a championship without Shaq to get these old heads off my back.’ I hold Kevin Durant to the same criteria,” Barkley said.

Kevin Durant Is Just Asking Questions

Kevin Durant saw this clip making the rounds on social media and was very skeptical. As he said on Twitter “I don’t remember bron saying this…somebody link me to the article.” Of course, no one was able to find any such article. This is because James never actually said something like this. James doesn’t really acknowledge the criticism he gets from oldheads. Instead, he does his own thing and plays the kind of basketball that fulfills him, just like KD does.

Barkley and KD are two people who will continue to be at odds for years to come. At this point, KD will have to lead a G-League team to a title in order to get his respect. For now, however, Durant is looking to play his first game with the Phoenix Suns, and fans around the league are excited about it. Hopefully, he can prove himself, once and for all.


Charles Barkley Gets Brutally Honest About Load Management

Charles Barkley is easily one of the most opinionated people out there in the basketball world. Overall, he is seen as one of those oldheads who will never respect the young generation. However, is a legend of the game of basketball, which means he has earned the right to have these sorts of opinions. Even if you don’t like him, you kind of have to admit that he is very entertaining. He and Shaq are a riot on TNT and we hope to hear their banter for years to come.

One of the topics that Barkley has been faced with as of late is none other than “Load Management.” Load Management is something that a lot of NBA critics have hated over the years. This is the process in which players take nights off as a way to save themselves for the playoffs. Although it is a fact of life in today’s game, a lot of people despise it. As you can imagine, the older generation is part of that hate train. Ultimately, they just want the players to give it their all for 82 games per season.

Charles Barkley Speaks

Today, Barkley made an appearance on First Take where he got to speak on this issue. This was part of a one-on-one conversation with Stephen A. Smith, and overall, it was quite interesting. Barkley got brutally honest about his thoughts on the matter and did not pull any punches. Overall, Chuck believes it is a matter of respect that players should have for the game and the fans. “You can’t make $30, $40, $50 million and then sit out games,” Barkley said. “I think it’s disrespectful to the game, I think it’s disrespectful to the fans.”

Load Management is one of those things that are absolutely not going to go away. Although commissioner Adam Silver has had to speak on it, we can still expect it to be a thing, moving forward. Whether you like that or not, simply does not matter to the league, its trainers, and its players. Give us your take on all of this, down below. Additionally, stay tuned to HNHH for more news and updates from around the sports world.


SOURCE SPORTS: Charles Barkley Says Kareem, Jordan, and Lebron Are All the Goats


NBA Hall of Famer and current NBA analyst Charles Barkley has the credentials to back up any statements in a GOAT debate. For him, it’s simple, the conversation for the Greatest of All Time should be broken down into segments.

Speaking on a recent NBA on TNT broadcast, Chuck believes we have three goats: Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Michael Jordan, and LeBron James. Each of them presided over the eras they played in because basketball and the league is an evolving game.

“Kareem was the greatest in his generation, MJ was the greatest in his generation, and LeBron’s been the greatest in his generation. You can’t compare eras. It’s impossible.”

Will that stop the debate? Of course, not. It will rage on across social media and sports debate shows for the rest of eternity.

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Charles Barkley Gives His Take On NBA GOAT Debate

Charles Barkley is one of the best players to ever step on an NBA court. Although he is not a top 10 player, most would put him solidly in their top 20. Had he won an NBA championship or gone to more NBA Finals, he probably would be higher. However, Barkley still had an amazing career that cannot be discounted. He had some pretty wild numbers throughout his reign in the league, and he will always be respected by real basketball fans. That said, Barkley is still a controversial figure thanks to his person on TNT.

Over the years Barkley has been forced to give his opinion on the dreaded GOAT debate that we know all too well at this point. Every single day, it feels like someone is asked who the best between LeBron and Michael Jordan is. Furthermore, this is especially true now that James officially has the record for most points in NBA history. Everyone wants to give their hot takes on this topic, while every analyst is being sought out for their opinion.

Charles Barkley Weighs In

When it comes to Barkley, he is taking a more measured approach than he used to take in the past. Instead of scoffing at the idea of LeBron being the GOAT, Barkley is acknowledging that James has led his entire generation. “Kareem was the greatest in his generation, MJ was the greatest in his generation, and LeBron’s been the greatest in his generation. You can’t compare eras. It’s impossible,” Barkley said. All things considered, this is actually quite a bit of growth from Barkley. Clearly, LeBron has taught him that anyone can become the GOAT, regardless of the era they played in.

Of course, the GOAT debate is one of those subjective conversations that doesn’t actually mean all that much. At the end of the day, fans just want to enjoy the games. All of that legacy talk just takes away from the sport that everyone loves. That said, let us know who you think is the GOAT, down in the comments below. Additionally, stay tuned to HNHH for more news and updates from around the sports world.


Shaq Hilariously Makes Fun Of Charles Barkley For Sounding Drunk

Shaq and Charles Barkley have always combined for some truly incredible banter on Inside The NBA. TNT has had the rights to the NBA for a very long time, and overall, fans are hoping that they keep it. This is largely thanks to the amazing job that Shaq and Charles are constantly doing. Although they may be oldheads who are stuck in their ways, they are always providing fans with some truly hilarious banter. Whenever you tune into their broadcast, you can be sure that something truly funny is going to be said by one of them.

This past weekend, Barkley and Shaq were huge parts of the All-Star coverage. TNT has always had the game, and on Sunday, they got to be part of the draft and the game in Salt Lake City, Utah. As we already reported, Chuck had some words for none other than Draymond Green. Additionally, however, during the draft portion, Shaq and Chuck had some hilarious banter. In the clip down below, you can see just how amazing it truly was.

Shaq Clowns Chuck

As you can hear, there was a weird delay on Barkley’s mic that made it sound as if he was slurring his words. Shaq caught onto this right away and decided to make fun of his co-host. The NBA legend asked Barkley if he was drunk and what exactly he had been sipping on all afternoon. Chuck immediately claimed it was the microphone, although Shaq was not buying it. Furthermore, the whole scene was made funnier thanks to LeBron and Giannis laughing it up on stage. Needless to say, Shaq knows how to turn moments into funny ones.

As for the game itself, Team Giannis won thanks to some amazing efforts from his teammates. However, there was no defense and for many of the fans at home, it was just a boring match. At the end of the day, the All-Star Game is simply a showcase, and nothing more. Hopefully, in future years, they are able to make the game a bit better. Until then, fans will be stuck with the current product which absolutely needs a bit of work.


Charles Barkley Tells Draymond Green The Warriors Are “Cooked”

Charles Barkley is one of the funniest members of Inside The NBA. That is a pretty hard title to get when you are also on the broadcast with Shaq. However, the two have amazing chemistry, and it leads to some phenomenal moments on the air. Although these two tend to fight at times, there is no doubt that they are secretly great friends. Without them, the TNT broadcasts would be a lot duller, so we thank them for their valuable service. We truly hope they never stop doing what they do best.

Yesterday, Chuck and Shaq, as well as EJ and Kenny Smith were at the NBA All-Star Game in Utah. Overall, it was a fairly standard All-Star Game as no defense was played. However, there was a new addition to the broadcast crew in the form of Draymond Green. In the past, Green and Barkley have traded shots, so you can imagine what kind of energy was brought to the broadcast last night. Down below, you can find perhaps the realest clip from the broadcast in which Barkley goes off on Draymond and the Warriors.

Charles Barkley Gets Honest

“The Golden State Warriors are cooked,” Barkley said matter-of-factly. This then led to a strong response from Green, who said “That’s crazy. You said that last year, but we all know you don’t know what you’re talking about.” Despite all of this, Barkley did not care for the response as he completely doubled down. “Y’all are cooked now… ya’ll are done… I’m telling you, y’all are done,” Chuck replied. Overall, it is hard to disagree with Barkley when you consider how Steph Curry is injured right now. At this point, the Warriors do not have much of a chance to advance this year.

Either way, Warriors fans are still going to hang on to their dynasty, and rightfully so. They won four NBA titles in the span of eight years, which is definitely impressive. However, it seems like better teams are starting to take over in the Western Conference. For many fans around the league who do not care for the Warriors, this is great news. Let us know what you thought of Barkley’s remarks, in the comments down below.


Charles Barkley Calls Out The Los Angeles Clippers

Charles Barkley is someone who is known for being harsh and realistic about the chances of other teams. He is what the youth would call an “oldhead” when it comes to the world of basketball. Overall, he believes that his era was the best, and there is nothing you can do to convince him otherwise. For many sports fans, this attitude can be quite tiresome. However, there is no doubt that Barkley is an entertaining guy, which is ultimately why TNT keeps him employed.

Over the course of the last few years, the TNT crew has been skeptical of the Los Angeles Clippers. This is mostly due to the fact that Kawhi Leonard and Paul George are rarely on the floor together. Consequently, their team has had inconsistent spells in the regular season and the postseason. Overall, it has not been a good look for a team that was supposed to win a title before the LeBron Lakers. In the most recent episode of Inside the NBA, Barkley made sure to let the Clippers know about just how inconsistent they truly are.

Charles Barkley Speaks

“I’ll tell you what’s going to be interesting: this Clippers team in the Playoffs,” Barkley said. “They can win it, or they could lose in the first round. They are talented. They’re deep. They play great defense. … I picked them to win the West but they are… they got different personalities. Dr. Phil would have a field day with this team.” As it stands, the Clippers are simply praying for the health of Kawhi Leonard. Additionally, they are currently in talks with Russell Westbrook, which can either be very good or very bad for that roster.

At this point, the Western Conference is wide open. There are six teams that could realistically make a deep run. For now, however, the Clippers will continue to elicit skepticism until they are fully healthy and continue to play at a consistently high level. As always, let us know what you think of Charles Barkley and his remarks, in the comments section below. Additionally, stay tuned to HNHH for more news from the sports world.


Charles Barkley Says He’s Betting $100k On The Eagles

Charles Barkley says that he’s planning on going to Las Vegas with a dozen of his friends and pulling an all-nighter for the Super Bowl. Additionally, he’s planning on dropping $100,000 on the Philidelphia Eagles to win the game. Barkley discussed his Super Bowl plans during an interview with the Steam Room podcast, earlier this week.

“Me and 12 of my friends go to Vegas every year for the Super Bowl,” Barkley said on the show. “There’s a good chance I’ma be pulling an all-nighter … Sunday into Monday, because we’re playing golf Saturday and Sunday, the Super Bowl starts around 3, 3:30 Pacific Time. So by the time the game ends, I’ll probably gamble all night Sunday and go straight to the airport.”

Charles Barkley’s Plans

From there, Barkley announced his bet and began a chant in support of his squad. “I’ll probably bet $100,000 on the game. Go Eagles,” Barkley exclaimed. “E. A. G. L. E. S. Eagles!” This Sunday won’t be the first time Barkley makes a major Eagles bet in the Super Bowl. When the team defeated the Patriots in 2018, he told Jimmy Kimmel of his winnings: “In Alabama, it’d buy a big condo. In L.A., a small guest house.”

For the game, Jalen Hurts and the Philidelphia Eagles will be taking on Patrick Mahomes and the Kansas City Chiefs. The game is scheduled to kick off at 6:30 PM, ET on Sunday. During halftime, Rihanna will be making her long-awaited return to performing, after not taking the stage since 2018. Ahead of the show, Coldplay lead singer, Chris Martin, labeled Rihanna the best singer of all time. “You have to be an idiot not to recognize that she’s the best singer of all time,” he told Apple Music’s Zane Lowe. “I don’t know Rihanna very well, I’m mainly just a fan. We performed with her a few times and it is rarer and rarer for her to just sing, which is what makes it even more special. In a strange way, it shows that she really, really wants to do it. No one can make Rihanna do anything at this point. I’m very biased because I’m such a big Rihanna fan. I mean, I think she could just walk out in sweatpants and sing, and that would be just great.”
