Chris Brown Posts Photo With Pharrell

Chris Brown is showing off his friendship with Pharrell in a new photo posted on Instagram. Brown showed up for a surprise performance at Pharrell’s Something In The Water festival. The festival, which took place in Virginia Beach, had an impressive lineup of performers over three days. Brown was one of many surprise guests that showed up. Pharrell joined him on stage at one point while he performed some of his hit songs.

The iconic producer praised Brown for his many talents and artistic accomplishments over almost two decades. Pharrell introduced him as the “dancing-est, singing-est, craziest video-making singing dude in R&B and pop music until now.” He went on to say that Breezy needed to be shown more appreciation. “Make some noise for our brother. Came all the way over here to make this happen,” Pharrell said. “Make some noise for Virginia’s own, Chris Brown! Lil bro, listen, there’s only one you. There’s only one you. Give this man his flowers again, make some noise for Virginia’s own! “

Breezy Just Wants To Be Appreciated

During Chris Brown’s performance, he showed gratitude towards Pharrell and the audience for their love and support. Still, he still doesn’t have any plans to make regular appearances at these types of events. Brown stated recently that he is not interested in performing in the United States anymore. When a fan commented on his Instagram to ask when he would perform at the Super Bowl, Breezy said he does not want to perform for an audience that does not appreciate him. “Never shawty. American media AINT FA me,” he wrote. “Rather be where I’m welcomed.”

Of course, it’s really no question why Brown isn’t “welcomed” here. There is a long list of things that the singer has done, any single one of which would be enough to ruin most people’s careers. Some haven’t paid Breezy’s personal life much attention since he horrifically assaulted Rihanna. However, his more recent actions have shown that he hasn’t changed at all. “Stop acting like a 5-year restraining order isn’t a big deal, stop acting like being a colorist isn’t a big deal. Just say I know he has violent and problematic ways however, I still choose to support him,” one Twitter user said. “And in all honesty thats the issue. Y’all don’t want to say that because you know how it sounds so y’all rewrite history and lie about his ways in order to feel justified in your support of him. It’s ok.”