ZillaKami Accused Of Sleeping With Underage Girls & Emotional Abuse By Ex-Girlfriend

ZillaKami of City Morgue faced some harrowing accusations from his ex-girlfriend and from a woman who claimed to have slept with him when she was underage. Moreover, fashion designer Decki alleged that the “0%” rapper emotionally abused her, and included alleged screenshots of him reaching out to an underage fan. The alleged then-underage fan in question, Sleezy Skiz, shared her own version of the story and explained how he cut things off after he rejected his attempts to have more sexual relations. As for the New York MC, he denied all these accusations but was not very specific in his address. “@zillakami is a pedophile and one of the most evil ppl I’ve ever known and robbed me of everything in my life,” Decki wrote.

“Not to mention has a serious Asian fetish and traveled to Thailand with a sex tourist and ordered countless prostitutes,” she continued of the “LIFE SUCKS SO WE F**K” artist. “Please do me a favour and remove this ‘rapper’ who still lives with his mother and treats his whole family horrible from ur playlist. If he want to take it legally there I would love to. Zillakami is ur favorite rapper but he had sex with a 15 year old at 22. And yall wonder why I kept my silence about dating him for years. I have screenshots of Zillakami in his 20s linking sleezy Skiz when she was 15. Zillakami emotionally abused me for years landed me in the hospital. His entire camp countlessly has underaged girls back stage and done unthinkable I wouldn’t wish what he’s done to me on my worst enemy.”

Read More: City Morgue Comes Through For “Volume 3: Bottom Of The Barrel”

ZillaKami’s Ex-Girlfriend Speaks Out: See Full Thread For Alleged Evidence, Sleezy Skiz’s Statement & Rapper’s Response

“I was 14 when Zillakami first reached out to me,” Sleezy Skiz wrote of the My Bloody America spitter. “He was fully aware of my age as I was honest about it. When we hung out the first time he [gave] me shrooms… The second time we hung out, I was 15. This time we engaged in sexual intercourse. I had a lot of respect for him as an artist back then but after that time I didn’t see him the same way. When he messaged me again… he asked to hang out and I said we could but it wouldn’t be like last time because there was someone I was trying to be serious with (my ex.) After I told him that he stopped messaging me and we didn’t talk ever again. One day I realized my messages with Zillakami disappeared.”

“dealing with severe depression during and after the last tour ended me up the clinic where I was told by doctors I needed time to focus on myself,” ZillaKami of City Morgue responded. “Dealing with a person that was around me… they took advantage of me being blind to what they tried to sell me as love. But it was only ‘love’ until they no longer had access to me or the things that I could provide. Trying to isolate me from my loved ones and friends [with] harmful substances to alter my state of mind and keep me in the dark. When a person cannot get what they want from someone they obsessively try to victimize their self. But I will handle this professionally instead of taking it to the internet. My legal team will ensure any false defamation against me is taken care of.”

Read More: ZillaKami Delivers Experimental New Album “Dog Boy”

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