YSL RICO Trial Day 7: Off-Duty Officer Reveals Damning Testimony Against Young Thug’s Brother

Young Thug

Infamous Sylvia is back on the scene, providing all the juicy details of Day 7 at the YSL RICO trial. With the trial reaching its peak, the proceedings took a dramatic turn as Officer Stephen McKesey’s testimony provided potentially damning evidence against Young Thug’s brother Quantavious Grier. 

Officer McKesey’s Testimony

As the trial continues at the Fulton County Courthouse, Officer Stephen McKesey took the stand, bringing forth a crucial incident from 2020 involving Quantavious Grier, the brother of rapper Young Thug. 

McKesey’s testimony began with a contentious atmosphere, as Judge Glanville exhibited a strict approach towards the defense attorneys. The judge’s sustained objections led to speculation about potential favoritism towards the prosecution. 

Nonetheless, the spotlight was firmly on Officer McKesey, who recounted an incident involving Grier from his off-duty hours in 2020 involving Grier. During his testimony, McKesey revealed that he had spotted Grier at the Fulton County Courthouse on the day of his appearance. 

Wrong Guy?

When defense attorney Huey questioned McKesey about Grier’s presence in the courtroom, the officer admitted to seeing him earlier in the morning but claimed not to see him at that moment. 

Interestingly, McKesey also pointed out a resemblance between Grier and one of the young Black men sitting in court, emphasizing their physical similarities, which brought upon a potentially racist and prejudice outlook to most viewers, leaving them to question whether or not these racist remarks are made on purpose for a “mistrial.”

What Happened At The Gas Station?

McKesey then proceeded to describe the incident that prompted his intervention. While off-duty, he observed an altercation involving Grier and another individual at a gas station. Concerned, McKesey stepped in as he noticed blood on one of the individuals’ shirts and assumed a scuffle had taken place. 

Additionally, he noted that Grier was wearing a red sweatshirt and saw a gun in Grier’s car. Surprisingly, these crucial details were absent from McKesey’s original police report. The officer also failed to mention any gang activity or affiliation in his report. As the trial unfolded, Grier found himself arrested that night on charges of possessing a stolen firearm.

What To Expect This Evening On Day 7 

Meanwhile, Young Thug made a stylish appearance in the courtroom, dressed in an all-cream ensemble. His girlfriend, Mariah The Scientist, was absent during the morning session but is expected to attend the evening phase, where four more witnesses are anticipated to testify.

Updated By: Kynedei Iman Hobbs (12/6/23 at 3:50 pm)

YSL RICO Trial Day 6: 4 New Witnesses Take The Stand

Day 6 of the YSL RICO trial was marked by the testimonies of four new witnesses at the Fulton County Courthouse in Atlanta. Assistant Prosecutor Simone Hilton stepped in for Prosecutor Adriane Love, while Young Thug demonstrated affection towards his loved ones in the courtroom. As the state tries to build its case, questions about its preparedness linger. Here is a recap of the day’s events.

The 4 New Testimonies 

The day began with the presence of Infamous Sylvia, covering the trial that has captivated the attention of many. 

Hilton, the assistant to Prosecutor Love, wielded her expertise to conduct witness examinations in Love’s absence. Throughout the day, four witnesses,  including three officers and a representative from the forensics department, took the stand to share their testimonies.

One of the officers provided insights into the K9 unit, highlighting the dog’s certification and its role at the crime scene. Meanwhile, Sylvia recalled the involvement of an ex-defendant, BB, who was initially one of the defendants in the case before taking a plea deal due to complications with his attorney. 

Currently serving time in jail for a separate crime, BB hopes to receive a positive review from the parole board after serving at least 85% of his sentence. Another significant case that involved the ex-defendant was surveilled with marijuana in a 2015 case. 

Young Thug Has A Soft Side 

This incident coincided with the involvement of the K9 unit, and the evidence was even captured on Instagram Live. A locked car containing 17 ounces of marijuana, drugs, and paraphernalia was discovered during the surveillance.

As the trial progressed, Young Thug, or Jeffery Williams, was seen in court interacting with his loved ones. Despite his mother’s absence on this particular day, his father and Mariah The Scientist were by his side. 

Williams and Mariah complemented each other’s attire, with Mariah donning a vested pinstripe suit and clear heels. Affectionate gestures, including eyewinks, whispers of “I love you,” and air kisses, were exchanged between Williams, his mother, and Mariah.

Upcoming Evening Updates

The upcoming evening sessions are expected to display footage of the body camera footage from the night Williams was arrested, adding to the intrigue surrounding the trial. While the state continues to face questions about its level of preparedness, the case moves forward with more witness statements expected from additional officers.

Updated by Kynedi Hobbs on August 5th 2023

YSL RICO Trial Day 5: Young Thug’s Fashion Statement Takes Center Stage

On Day 5 of the YSL RICO trial, the defense scored a win as they crushed the prosecution’s witnesses in cross-examination. However, it was Young Thug’s fashion choice that stole the spotlight.

Head Wolf In Charge 

Young Thug, real name Jeffery Williams, appeared in good spirits on Monday, Dec. 5, as he sat with his legal team on Day 5 of the YSL RICO trial. 

The incarcerated rapper, who revealed a new acronym for his name in Week 1, wore a luxurious $1,200 chocolate brown Dior sweater with a wolf image on the front. Fans speculated that he was subtly trolling the State Prosecutor, who had referred to him as the “leader of the wolf pack” in her opening statements.  

Mariah Sits Pretty In An Ugly Situation 

Mariah the Scientist, Young Thug’s girlfriend, again sat for the courtroom hearing.  Always giving fashion looks, she wore a $2,000 pair of brown leather D2Squared Skate Moss shoes with her hair pulled back into a ponytail and a black velvet bow.  

The To Be Eaten Alive artist told SOHH reporter Infamous Sylvia exclusively that she picks out the court looks for Young Thug and that the brown wolf sweater, though a subliminal shot, was purely coincidental.

Defense Crushes Police Witnesses

Three police officers and a crime scene tech were called to testify, but it was Sgt Charles Ross who drew attention with his “cocky” demeanor and eye-rolling as he left the stand. 

The state presented evidence of a 2013 carjacking crime committed by Trontavious Stephens, a separate defendant in the RICO case. Stephens was found with marijuana and a stolen car containing a gun and distribution paraphernalia, leading to felony charges.

While the jury seemed bored at times, the defense team was relentless in their cross-examination of the state’s witnesses.

Defense Doubles Down

In a calculated defense strategy, attorneys for the defense aggressively rebutted and questioned the police witnesses, exposing flaws in their testimonies and highlighting the absence of gang-related records for the 2013 crime. 

The defense’s tag team approach, featuring attorneys from multiple co-defendants, effectively crushed the state’s witnesses in cross-examination.

Court watchers have raised concerns about the leniency shown to the state prosecution by Judge Glanville. Despite multiple instances of unpreparedness, the judge has not reprimanded the state. As the trial progresses, five additional police officers are slated to testify the following day, which promises further drama and intense legal battles.

Week 1 Recap

The YSL RICO trial had a rough start last week with live testimony from the Fulton County Courthouse in Atlanta. Young Thug was seated in the courtroom with his lawyers, co-defendants, and supporters. 

A pic of his girlfriend, Mariah The Scientist, went viral as the songstress made fashionable appearances each day, including a twinning moment with her boo on Day 3.  Moreover, Judge Glanville deflected several mistrial motions as the prosecution struggled through opening statements and an eyebrow-raising “jungle” analogy. 

Defense attorneys captivated the mostly female jury with a poverty narrative explaining the rough life growing up for the six men on “Bleveland Avenue” in Atlanta. State witnesses included a “gang expert” who decoded hand symbols and a former strip club “house mother.”

Week 1 Recap: ‘Truly Humble Under God’

Contrary to popular belief, Steel announced that name was an acronym for “Truly Humble Under God,” showcasing a new perspective on his artist persona. Further testimonies shed light on the relationship between Young Thug and his co-defendants. 

Steel, who testified for almost two hours, sought to distinguish and sever the rappers’ connection to the crimes of his co-defendants. He explained that, though they all came from the same area, Thug didn’t “know” the defendants.

Casanova Swallows A Tough Pill

Other rappers in legal trouble for racketeering include Casanova who faced a setback in pursuing freedom as a federal court ruling rejected his plea for compassionate release. Despite expressing remorse and distancing himself from the gang, the Brooklyn rapper’s quest for an early prison release remains unsuccessful, prolonging his sentence.

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