Zack Snyder Says He Wants To Remake “The Wrestler” & Cast Amy Adams

Zack Snyder says he wants to make a “female version of The Wrestler” starring Amy Adams in the lead role. Adams previously worked with the Army of the Dead director when she starred as Lois Lane in Man of SteelBatman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, and Zack Snyder’s Justice League.

“It’s a kind of female version of The Wrestler, about a midwestern housewife who happens to have a pretty good body, and starts to do some bodybuilding competitions, and then falls down a rabbit hole of steroids and hormones,” Snyder told the Telegraph. “It becomes a contest between fitness and family, and she loses her family because she’s spending all her money on diet supplements and drugs and trainers.”

Zack Snyder, Amy Adams
Keith Tsuji / Getty Images

The Wrestler was released in 2008 and stars Mickey Rourke, Marisa Tomei, and Evan Rachel Wood. Rourke was nominated for an Oscar for his performance but lost to Sean Penn, who starred in Milk

“It would be such a hugely hard job just training to the point at which it was believable. And you need someone like Amy who loves the craft to do it,” Snyder said.

Later in the interview, Snyder mentions that he’d also be interested in making a pornographic film: “Appreciation of the human form is something I really warmed to. I’ve always wanted to make a religious film and a pornographic film, and I’ve never really yet had the chance to do either. Maybe if I could combine the two. Or maybe 300 is that film, in some sense, a little bit. Or at least a primer for what that film could be.”
