YSL RICO TRIAL: Young Thug’s Lawyer Petitions New Judge To Allow House Arrest for Embattled Rapper


Young Thug’s lawyer, Brian Steel, has filed a request for house arrest for the rapper following the assignment of a new judge in his YSL RICO case.

The YSL RICO trial has been marked by unusual events, including lawyers delivering wings from Atlanta’s Magic City strip club and Steel himself almost being jailed. The trial itself is already the longest in Georgia’s history and in an effort to maintain public trust in the judicial process, Steel requested a new judge, a motion that was granted.

Judge Paige Reese Whitaker has replaced Judge Ural Glanville in the case. With this change, Steel has renewed his efforts to secure a bond for Young Thug, who has been incarcerated since May 2022.

Some people are jailed for years while their trial’s move at a snail’s pace but this is obviously different for so many reasons. 

“The most fundamental premise of our criminal justice system is that the criminally accused cannot be punished for an offense until the prosecution proves guilt beyond a reasonable doubt,” Steel argued in his filing to the new judge, emphasizing that “liberty is the norm” in society.

What’s interesting is Young Thug has watched as more than half of his former co-defendants have been released. His previous bond request was denied due to concerns about witness tampering and intimidation. Steel hopes that the new judge will be more receptive to the motion, considering the protracted and tumultuous nature of the case over the past two years.

This will be interesting how this unfolds. You know the Free Young Thug crowd will be at the ready for this impending decision. 

The post YSL RICO TRIAL: Young Thug’s Lawyer Petitions New Judge To Allow House Arrest for Embattled Rapper first appeared on The Source.

The post YSL RICO TRIAL: Young Thug’s Lawyer Petitions New Judge To Allow House Arrest for Embattled Rapper appeared first on The Source.