WWE & Vince McMahon Being Sued Over Racist Scripts

Vince McMahon and the WWE made massive waves recently. McMahon sold the WWE to Endeavor for billions of dollars. Endeavor will now be the home of the biggest professional wrestling show. As well as the biggest MMA show on the planet with the UFC. The sale of the WWE was somewhat of a shock to those who follow professional wrestling. Many around the industry felt that McMahon would never sell the company. However, recent accusations of McMahon’s misconduct allegations had forced the wrestling titan to retire. But now, McMahon is being accused of bringing racist storylines into the company.

According to a report from Bloomberg Law, former WWE writer Britnet Abrahams is suing the company for racist content in past scripts. An excerpt from the report states, “World Wrestling Entertainment Inc., McMahon, and other executives allegedly discriminated and retaliated against a Black female writer for objecting to offensively racist and stereotypical jargon used in the scripts of Black wrestlers including Bianca Belair and Apollo Crews, according to a new lawsuit. She was allegedly subject to a number of racist pitches after complaining. On a Slack thread that McMahon and his daughter Stephanie McMahon were included in, other writers suggested a Black male wrestler should dress in drag. Only when a White writer noted that doing so could perpetuate harmful stereotypes that would offend viewers.”

The WWE has long been known to push the boundaries of what is appropriate for television. The company’s most successful years, known as the Attitude Era, was a time when anything went for the show. Meanwhile, in a backstage segment in the early 00s, the McMahon character could be heard saying a racial slur to John Cena during a live broadcast. Included in the report is also the story of the WWE pitching a story that a Muslin superstar’s on-screen character would reveal he was being the 9/11 attacks.

The latest news can’t be exactly what the new owners of the WWE wanted to see. However, McMahon has returned to the WWE since the sale to Endeavor. In an interview discussing the sale, McMahon mentioned his return. However, the former owner claims that he will not be involved in the creative of the company as he previously was. However, the WWE has yet to comment on the report involving the company and Vince McMahon. For the latest updates on this story and other breaking news in sports, keep it right here with HNHH.