“White Lives Matter” Rallies Taking Place On Sunday Have Americans Nervous

Several White Lives Matter rallies are taking place across the nation today, and Americans are on edge. In some places, counter-protests are being planned as well. Some of these rallies are being pushed by the KKK, one example being in Southern California. In Huntington Beach, located in Orange County nearly 1 hour outside of Los Angeles, a rally will take place that was organized by the Loyal White Knights of the Klu Klux Klan. The city has officially planned a counter-protest and has released a statement condemning the KKK’s rally. 

“We unequivocally condemn white nationalism and the racist ideology promoted by the Ku Klux Klan. While we acknowledge the rights of all Americans — even the vilest racists out there — to express their opinions, we want to loudly and clearly state that the views expressed by the KKK and other white nationalist groups do not reflect the views of Orange County’s residents or elected officials,” reads a statement from Orange County Officials. 

“Our rich diversity makes Orange County and Huntington Beach stronger and better. We join the Huntington Beach City Council in condemning white supremacy and applaud it for planning a series of pro-diversity events to counter the disgusting message being promoted by the KKK and other organizers of the White Lives Matter rally this weekend.”

There are also White Lives Matter protests going down in Fargo, North Dakota, Raleigh and Asheville, North Carolina, Columbus, Ohio, and more. 
