What Artist Iamchampelli Has To Say to Those on the Come-up Today

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Surrounded by music and inspired by the sounds of the 80s, artist Iamchampelli always had a deep love for the craft. Whenever he could get his hands on a spare piano or guitar, he was always putting together his own beats, and later tried out his talents on the turntables with the help of a close friend, Aris Voulkos. It wasn’t until he passed away that Iamchampelli really starting taking his craft seriously.

It wasn’t long before he started his own label, Champelli Entertainment, and he’s been a staple on the scene ever since. Always being involved in the independent music game, he made it a point for his label to support and develop independent musicians all along the West Coast and throughout the Bay Area.

Though much of his career has been spent on supporting other artists and propelling their careers to new levels, artists like San Quinn, 3Xkrazy, Mac Mall and others, he is now putting a strong focus on his own work and career as an artist. He notes that he is creative by nature, and has always been a rapper at heart even if he wasn’t always actively showcasing it.

Iamchampelli has many exciting things planned for his fans to enjoy coming up, including releasing 150 unreleased tracks from the original Champelli label vaults. To hear more from Iamchampelli and stay up-to-date on his latest projects, you can check him out at the following links:


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