Ice Spice’s recent partnership with Dunkin Donuts has taken the internet by storm — particularly for its interesting ingredients. For those who are unfamiliar with the drink, the coffee chain blends a few of their pumpkin munchkins into their frozen coffee before topping it with whipped cream and caramel.
Some on social media have also dissected the drink’s nutritional facts, as it clearly contains a lot of sugar. Users were also shocked by the blending and creation process.
Here’s what to know before going to get it.
According to Dunkin Donuts, the calorie count for the various sizes of the Ice Spice drink are: 590 for a small size, 830 for a medium, and 1080 for a large. With each drink, they also adjust the ingredient level and how many munchkins are blended in.
While the exact nutrition facts haven’t been updated for the coffee chain in a few months, Popsugar was able to estimate some other stats. The publication points out that a small size would have around 44 grams of sugar, based on the previous information provided about how much the syrups and munchkins are.
This number would then obviously increase when adjusted for the larger sizes.
Continue scrolling for some internet reactions to the contents of the Ice Spice Dunkin Donuts drink.
i am beyond shocked and devastated to learn the Ice Spice x Dunkin Donuts frozen pumpkin spice coffee slushie is made with sugar and not with dark leafy greens, sea kelp, reishi powder, manuka honey, carob, wheat grass, bone broth, https://t.co/qbpVLUcizO
— badgalmal (@mallyxjean) September 13, 2023
when i pair my ice spice dunkin drink with the renee rapp sweetgreen bowl for lunch tomorrow it’s oveeerrr
— shawty (@HereComesShawty) September 12, 2023
going to dunkin for the 140 grams of sugar ice spice drink pic.twitter.com/vtRGBfWo7B
(@fagocene) September 13, 2023
do not get that Ice Spice drink from Dunkin’ donuts are u crazy your stomach is gonna sound like a gamecube falling down a marble staircase
— lea chin-sang BAILEY DAY! (@bigfatmoosepssy) September 12, 2023