Vince McMahon To Leave WWE Amid Misconduct Allegations

Just yesterday, we reported that Vince McMahon was accused of paying a former WWE paralegal $3 million following an affair with the woman. The paralegal has since left the company and according to an e-mail from her friend, she was scared during her time at WWE as she felt like McMahon and lawyer Jerry McDevitt were trying to make her go away. McDevitt has since denied the accusations, however, the WWE board is currently in the midst of investigating these claims.

As a result of the firestorm surrounding the WWE, Vince McMahon has decided to step down as CEO while the investigation gets underway. Now, the WWE will be led by his daughter Stephani McMahon, who used to be a wrestler within the company.

Vince McMahon

Ethan Miller/Getty Images

“I have pledged my complete cooperation to the investigation by the Special Committee, and I will do everything possible to support the investigation,” Vince McMahon said in a statement, according to Yahoo! Sports. “I have also pledged to accept the findings and outcome of the investigation, whatever they are.” Stephanie McMahon also contributed to the statement, saying “I love this company and am committed to working with the Independent Directors to strengthen our culture and our Company; it is extremely important to me that we have a safe and collaborative workplace.”

This remains a developing story, so stay tuned to HNHH for all of the latest news and updates from around the WWE world.

Vince McMahon

Michael N. Todaro/Getty Images
