Uber & Lyft Passengers & Drivers No Longer Required To Wear Masks In The U.S.

Uber and Lyft are the latest public transport services to update their COVID-19 policies, Bloomberg reports. On Monday, April 18th, a U.S. judge overturned a federal mandate requiring passengers and drivers to cover their faces during rides, following a similar decision from the country’s airlines.

In a statement, Uber reminded users that, while no longer mandatory, some people still prefer to wear masks. “Remember many people still feel safer wearing a mask because of personal or family health situations, so please be respectful of their preferences,” they wrote.

Sean Gallup/Getty Images

Both Lyft and Uber have also announced that they will again allow passengers to sit in the front seat. In a blog post, the former said, “While riders and drivers can always cancel any ride they don’t wish to take, health/safety reasons – like not wearing a mask – will no longer appear as cancellation options in the app.”

On Monday, the U.S. Transportation Security Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention addressed the update, saying that while companies can no longer “order” passengers to wear masks on public transportation, both agencies recommend their continued use.

Over in the U.K., where Uber has its other primary market, the company previously relaxed its regulations, following government advice.

It’s been noted that COVID-19 restrictions are easing after a reported decline in numbers following a peak back in January due to the Omicron variant. 

What are your thoughts on Uber and Lyft’s decision to ease their regulations? Sound off in the comment section below.
